why we the people have to get old ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why do we have to get old? Life is good but why do we have to get old? i mean life is fun when your young and still youthful but after a few years you start to get old and your in pain and the body starts to break down :no: its a sad thing..but you can still keep your mind youthful right?
why do we have to get old? Life is good but why do we have to get old? I mean life is fun when your young and still youthful but after a few years you start to get old and your in pain and the body starts to break down :no: Its a sad thing..but you can still keep your mind youthful right?

well that apaart of nature to make room for the new human beings coming in but if you believe in the after life you will have eternal life of youthfulness and good health
Everything living gets old. Some might have a longer lifespan, such as a tree or large turtles, but they still age. As far as how you age depends on how you live your life. Look at Keith Richards compared to Jack LaLanne. Keith is several decades younger than Jack, but looks older.
I don't know what to tell you besides giving you a Biblical point of view and I am not sure that is what you are looking for. But yes to grow old and die is not natural and it is sad. It is unfortunate.
I guess, thats just how it is...your born and then you die, its what you do inbetween that counts, and can make you live forever...
Because we're all destined to have saggy breasts by the age of 60.
I guess, thats just how it is...your born and then you die, its what you do inbetween that counts, and can make you live forever...

This post right here......this is what life and death are all about....:clapping::clapping: .....its the in between that counts. Thank you wonderful post!!!
All good things come to an end. If people didn't get old and die the earth would become over populated. Aging is sad and can be unpleasant but if you take care of your body and you have the right genes you can have a long healthy life and be youthful :)
That's just how life is, I'm guessing.
You're born and you age and then you also die as well.

Apparently this woman lived to 131 years old. Not sure if its true or not.

I allways find people who live past 100 so amazing. Especially the ones who lives to be over 110!
I hate getting older, I hate it so much though I'm not ''old'' yet I feel old I'm 19 now, turned 19 in March it was a horrible experience. I don't wanna get older than 25 I prefer dying young to getting old, honest truth
In my opinion there is nothing beautiful about getting old
I hate getting older, I hate it so much though I'm not ''old'' yet I feel old I'm 19 now, turned 19 in March it was a horrible experience. I don't wanna get older than 25 I prefer dying young to getting old, honest truth
In my opinion there is nothing beautiful about getting old

That is sad as hell. You want to die before the age of 26? *Runs into another room to cry uncontrollably* :( I think you need professional help... You shoukld go see a therapist... :(
That is sad as hell. You want to die before the age of 26? *Runs into another room to cry uncontrollably* :( I think you need professional help... You shoukld go see a therapist... :(
get a life , I never stated I want to die at 25, I said I don't wanna get older than 25, but obviously it's not possible. what I meant by dying young is that I don't wanna live up to 70/80 and be all old and wrinkled I'd prefer leaving this world between 40-60 rather than be all wrinkled up at 90
Apparently this woman lived to 131 years old. Not sure if its true or not.

I allways find people who live past 100 so amazing. Especially the ones who lives to be over 110!
Me too, apparently my grandfather lived to be 115 but there is no documented proof. I read about centenarians here and there, it's mazing to think some people lived through so many decades. Just imagine the stories they have to tell.

I am excited about getting older until i hit about 50 and things start going down hill lol but aging is different for everyone, i have seen people in their 20's and 30's who look awful and people in their 50's/60's who look amazing.
This is a good question. It's just part of life and not always a pleasant one. I'm with Michael about what he said about aging in that Shmuley book. It's sad to see the body break down. I don't like getting older either. But I can't do much to stop it. I can try to take care of myself to stay healthy (though I can do better) but I'm going to get wrinkles and at 46 I already feel some arthritis and every day there seems to be a different pain in my body to deal with. That's the worst thing...the physical pains. But with regular exercise and eating right they say one can ease the symptoms of aging and even slow it down. Trouble is, I hate exercise. But I try.

I watch my 76 year old mother getting older and although she is in pretty good shape I see her physical and mental condition declining and changing year by year. I know what's in the future for both of us and it scares me.

I myself do not want to live to an old age. I don't think I want to live to be 80.
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I hate getting older, I hate it so much though I'm not ''old'' yet I feel old I'm 19 now, turned 19 in March it was a horrible experience. I don't wanna get older than 25 I prefer dying young to getting old, honest truth
In my opinion there is nothing beautiful about getting old

At least hold out until the 30's. The 30's are the best years in my opinion. Not too old, not too young. Right there in the middle, lol.
I hate my 30's. It is like the beginning of the end. It is a time of doom.
At least hold out until the 30's. The 30's are the best years in my opinion. Not too old, not too young. Right there in the middle, lol.
Yep me too. Enough knowledge about life to get it right too. Hell I'm 31 and just now saving to go back to school. I feel I'm stronger, more confident and happier with myself than I ever was in my teens or twenties. I'm completely embracing my 30's :dancin:
At least hold out until the 30's. The 30's are the best years in my opinion. Not too old, not too young. Right there in the middle, lol.
Yeah i can't wait till my 30's. I feel those are the best years.
almost 30 and feeling getting gray and old . nah ...everything has to do with what's inside...