Why not Wembley Stadium?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Northern Virginia
This always bugged me by why was Michael performing at an Arena when he can clearly sell out a stadium. AEG probably has a contract with the O2 arena but it's the wrong type of venue for a Michael Jackson concert. Madonna recently had a concert there. Staging the TII concerts in Wembley would have allowed Michael to do 3 times less work by just packing a massive amount of people all at once. He could have done 20 shows instead of 50. He has sold out Wembley 15 times already. Doesn't make any sense for MJ to perform at an Arena unless he wanted his concerts to be more intimate. Can anyone clear this up for me?
The O2 arena is one of the most popular venues for artists now.

Plus AEG don't have a contract with the O2. They own the arena.
He could have played a few nights in Wembley and played to same no. of People. It's a shame. AEG just wanted him in their venue and helped in MJ's death I believe.
The thing is with Wembley it isnt really designed for concerts, its designed for football. With the o2 it is especially design for concerts from the seats, to the lighting and sound and every concert I have been has always been better in a arena than a stadium. Even if Michael had to do double of what he would had done at wembley it would be worth it, because Michael would want to give everyone the best show he could give.
yeah - if you are half way back in wembly you can't see shit, and the sound is terrible. whereas at the o2 everyone can see and it has decent acoustics. plus it isn't a nightmare to get to with crap transport links and pathetic hotels nearby.
Thanks for the answers. I wished Michael had a contract with Live Nation and not AEG. I know that the O2 is made for concerts but with an artist of Michael's calibur should have had stadiums catered to his liking. He could have made anything possible because he would have made a ridiculous amount of money for any concert promoter. Doesn't matter if the O2 is designed better for concerts, Michael could have had the same exact technology at Wembley. Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Tour at Wembley was great.

Michael didn't need to break his back doing a ridiculous 50 shows at a freaking arena when he could do way more at a stadium while making even more revenue and catering to more fans. The Arena is simply too small no wonder the concerts balloned to 50 shows. They acted like he's Britney Spears or something. He's freaking Michael Jackson of course he'll sell out 10 shows.
Michael said he can only do 10 shows but I guess greedy AEG wanted more money..They forced him into this ridiculous corner and he agreed. He said he will die if he does 50 shows..Well they own the Arena.they call the shots.what else is new?
Michael said he can only do 10 shows but I guess greedy AEG wanted more money..They forced him into this ridiculous corner and he agreed. He said he will die if he does 50 shows..Well they own the Arena.they call the shots.what else is new?

Check the AEG Contract Thread, 31 shows where agreed upon in the initial contract.
the 02 has the best state of the art lip sync equipment in the world.
i love stadium tours but arenas are way better when it comes to hearing the artist
I have been to the new Wembley and the sound is terrible. It seems far worse than the old Wembley.
I actally went to see Madonna at wembley during her sticky and sweet tour and we were right at the back and the sound was terrible, couldnt hear what she was saying! I went to see her again this year at the M.E.N arena and it was perfect
I actally went to see Madonna at wembley during her sticky and sweet tour and we were right at the back and the sound was terrible, couldnt hear what she was saying! I went to see her again this year at the M.E.N arena and it was perfect

MEN is an excellent venue, and when I have been there the crowd are so up for it and well behaved.

Cant stand it when slow songs come on and Tracey and Jane in front decide to discuss their love lives at full blast..........

When I went to Wembley we walked around the stadium and even though we were at the side, the sound was bad and then we went to the back and it was like hearing a badly tuned radio station.