Why MJ's new album must have 100% positive songs during these economic times

I love pizza

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Knowing MJ is student of the old school films, I can't imagine that he doesn't realize that the big hits of the depression-era films had a lot of fantasy; romance and overall positive feel to them (think Fred Astaire films). You'd never know a Fred Astair movie or song was directly in the heart of the depression because they were fun, romantic and pure class. Since there are many that believe we may come close to those same struggles experienced in the 1930’s, I believe in today's tough times of people losing jobs, losing retirement savings...etc. they will not want to hear negative songs. I think the hardcore rap will be dead because its not of a positive mindset. I don't think its wise for Michael to do any Dom Sheldon type of songs or political stuff. To be blunt, when people can’t find a job or are struggling to keep their home or buy food, they won’t want to hear Michael complain about his baggage (ie: court case song), they have their own problems, if you know what I mean. People want to get away from the negatives in the news and positive songs are a good avenue for escapism.

I'm not too worried, but ever since "Leave Me Alone" appeared on Bad, every album since has some sort of MJ vs. "fill in the blank enemy" type of song and I don't think with today's problems we want to hear that, because as times get tougher, our stuggles will be harder than his.
100% disagree. Whenever I was depressed and felt hopless HIStory was the first thing I went for. But maybe that's just me. I'm a "misery loves company type person."
hmmm double disagree...

Michaels songs are positive but he throws in a mix of what hes feeling and what everyone is scared to say. Whatever is on Mikes new album will be outstanding.
Knowing MJ is student of the old school films, I can't imagine that he doesn't realize that the big hits of the depression-era films had a lot of fantasy; romance and overall positive feel to them (think Fred Astaire films). You'd never know a Fred Astair movie or song was directly in the heart of the depression because they were fun, romantic and pure class. Since there are many that believe we may come close to those same struggles experienced in the 1930’s, I believe in today's tough times of people losing jobs, losing retirement savings...etc. they will not want to hear negative songs. I think the hardcore rap will be dead because its not of a positive mindset. I don't think its wise for Michael to do any Dom Sheldon type of songs or political stuff. To be blunt, when people can’t find a job or are struggling to keep their home or buy food, they won’t want to hear Michael complain about his baggage (ie: court case song), they have their own problems, if you know what I mean. People want to get away from the negatives in the news and positive songs are a good avenue for escapism.

I'm not too worried, but ever since "Leave Me Alone" appeared on Bad, every album since has some sort of MJ vs. "fill in the blank enemy" type of song and I don't think with today's problems we want to hear that, because as times get tougher, our stuggles will be harder than his.

Well against the Paps he has, Leave Me Alone, Tabloid Junkie & Privacy and I love all 3, and you say every album what about BOTDF?? that has no complaining, and I believe that Michael is trying tell us "His Fans" how he feels and if you don't let people express their feelings then you end up with an album of songs MJ would rather not to of sung all of (IE Invincible: Great album but if MJ had had his own way).

Privacy is a true MJ song right down the the part where he talks about Princess Diana's death.
What if he makes a 100% positive cd, and then the economic climate gets better? lol It doesn't work that way. Financial crisis = temporary, Michael's art = Timeless :)
I have a feeling Michael already knows what kind of music he wants to put out or what the world needs based on his latest quote. It pretty much sums up where he could be headed musically and I gotta say I'm excited. Sounds like he's going for hopeful and optimistic...maybe some pain...but overall uplifting and inspiring. You can never be too uplifted or inspired, imo. That's timeless as well...in good times and bad.
please don't ask MJ to be phony. you can't get a hit if you're not from the heart.

that's why MJ defies critics.

if MJ has a beef i'm buyin it.
if he doesn't, i'm buyin it.
I love his depressing songs, like Stranger in Moscow.
Yeah me too. That's one of his best IMO not because it's depressing but because it's personal. And that's what I really want on this next album. I don't care what the mood MJ is in as long as he puts his heart into his music and he does it so well. That's what was missing from Vince. Great album, but is wasn't very.... "Michaelish"... if that make any sense. I really didn't feel him in it the way I did in his other albums.
Mike needs to go where his emotions take him. He can't just sit down and say ''I'm gonna make a positive album''
I love HIStory too!

Stranger in moscow is a great song.
People need songs they can relate to, that's why these "pop champagne and throw money in the air" songs are played out.
I need something I can cry to when I hurt, and need something to motivate me when I feel like giving up.
At the end of the day, as long as Michael stay true to himself and do music that somehow is a reflection to the man behind the mask, then I'm good.

As some people said, History is great because it's so autobiographical. It's like anthem after anthem.
People need songs they can relate to, that's why these "pop champagne and throw money in the air" songs are played out.
I need something I can cry to when I hurt, and need something to motivate me when I feel like giving up.
At the end of the day, as long as Michael stay true to himself and do music that somehow is a reflection to the man behind the mask, then I'm good.

As some people said, History is great because it's so autobiographical. It's like anthem after anthem.



very true.

and as legendary label owner, Steve Beckett of Warp Records, recently stated - in tough times people go into a deeper level of artistic expression.

not just artists, but the public too. something in us sparks at darker times, so we tend to appreciate that type of work.

an enormous slice of great art was generated by depressed minds.
Songs may help to comfort people during these difficult times, for example during war many people listen to national songs to raise their spirits, and after 9/11 country songs were best selling (AFAIK), I believe yes his songs might pay attention to what’s happening in the world, maybe about him too, and I am also thinking he might release positive songs IMO
Knowing MJ is student of the old school films, I can't imagine that he doesn't realize that the big hits of the depression-era films had a lot of fantasy; romance and overall positive feel to them (think Fred Astaire films). You'd never know a Fred Astair movie or song was directly in the heart of the depression because they were fun, romantic and pure class. Since there are many that believe we may come close to those same struggles experienced in the 1930’s, I believe in today's tough times of people losing jobs, losing retirement savings...etc. they will not want to hear negative songs. I think the hardcore rap will be dead because its not of a positive mindset. I don't think its wise for Michael to do any Dom Sheldon type of songs or political stuff. To be blunt, when people can’t find a job or are struggling to keep their home or buy food, they won’t want to hear Michael complain about his baggage (ie: court case song), they have their own problems, if you know what I mean. People want to get away from the negatives in the news and positive songs are a good avenue for escapism.

I'm not too worried, but ever since "Leave Me Alone" appeared on Bad, every album since has some sort of MJ vs. "fill in the blank enemy" type of song and I don't think with today's problems we want to hear that, because as times get tougher, our stuggles will be harder than his.

I can never agree with that. I LOVE songs like We've had enough and They don't care about us. Deep and emotional songs, that's where Mike is amazing at.
You kiddin'? The way these shows sold, MJ might actually solve the economic crisis by HIMSELF.:cheeky::D
The last thing Michael is gonna do is think about how to match his songs with the economic situation at the moment. Gee.

Doomy and Gloomy, I love the HIStory album. The darker the better. It's the kick @ss album.