Why MJ fans worry so much over what the media say ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
we all know that in the last 20+ years the media have been trying to bring michael down with every possible way they can think of.
we all know that the media follow a specific agenda against michael because they know that by doing this way they earn billions.
michael has clearly stated many times that he doesnt give a rats ass about what the media say about him. u see how he never sues them, he never bothers to even pay the slightest attention to them. he completely ignores them. he knows that once this started it will go on forever. they put him on top and once he got up there and there was no more up to go they started bringing him down. by keeping him up there they would gain nothing. michael is a very very realistic and down to earth man, mature, bright and has a huge life experience. hes very strong and he knows who he is in his heart so he doesnt get bothered by the crap the media say about him cause he knows who he truly is and he knows that the media's michael jackson is nothing like the real one.
now the question is : why and i mean WHY do his fans care so much about what the media think and say about him ? why do they care so much if the media will ever turn in his favor or if they stay as they are now (against him) ? it doesnt matter AT ALL to me.
what matters to me is that i know who the real michael jackson is, that the PEOPLE love him deeply and go crazy about him wherever he goes, that the whole world loves and appreciates his music, legacy and everything hes done for the children and for the world in general. above all, what matters to me is that michael is perfectly healthy and happy, that he has a loving and supporting family, wonderful friends and fans all over the world that adore him and care so much about him.
as long as michael stays true to who he is in his heart and never changes, is healthy and happy and has fun with his kids i would never give a flying poop (excuse my lang lol) about what the stupid media say about him :D

also imo theres no such thing as bad press. they think they're hurting him but they're SO not. michael is somewhere laughing his butt off while reading their stupid comments/stories/ whatever

whos with me ?
yes, fans know the media agenda against him but non fans and the general public don't know..
majority of the public believe what the media says..
you wouldn't believe how stupid some people are..
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whoever is stupid enough to believe the media then so be it. why should we let that ruin our day ? thats the Q. whats the point ?
I remember Mike saying that atleast they writing someting, if they dont write anything at all he'l get worried. (Dont have the exact qoute)
yes bongani :D he said sth along these lines "at least they talk. if they ever stop talking thats when i'll start to worry"
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I wanted him to be treated fairly and i wanted the public to see the Michael Jackson i see not the distorted image the media painted.
alot of fans love michael so much that THEY feel offended when Michael is bagged by media. Its like if ur brother or ur father was being bagged by the media. There is a high high level of love for MJ from his fans and I guess they are more easily offended than even MJ himself. At least MJ is smart enough to not read it - unlike us.

I know I am personally offended when I hear things said about him. In a way I feel like the stab is at MJ PLUS his legacy, which includes the fans, which includes me.
alot of fans love michael so much that THEY feel offended when Michael is bagged by media. Its like if ur brother or ur father was being bagged by the media. There is a high high level of love for MJ from his fans and I guess they are more easily offended than even MJ himself. At least MJ is smart enough to not read it - unlike us.

I know I am personally offended when I hear things said about him. In a way I feel like the stab is at MJ PLUS his legacy, which includes the fans, which includes me.

Exactomundo. So very true.

Often I don't care- being a fan all my life- sometimes media stories are just water off a duck's back. However, when I hear degrading comments about him or something like a stab at Michael's health or children, I feel compelled to hit back by writing a formal complaint. For example, after negative stories came in about the Ebony cover, and then more recently an Australian presenter making an utterly low comment about MJ's skin, I wrote formal complaints. I felt personally offended and did what I felt was right. :yes:
i know what ur saying damien.u have no idea how many times i've cried, been extremely pissed and upset over the stupid medias stories till i realized that i dont wanna spend the rest of my life like this. so i fought those feelings and i tried my hardest to not get bothered anymore. u just cant be like this cuz every second day u'll hear some crap about him from here and there and u will always end up hurting urself. i love michael more than anything and yes i do take this sh!t very personally yet i do my best to ignore them and never hear/read them. its called self defense.
I do ignor it, and I dont show on the outside how much it hurts, but deep down inside it always cuts like a knife. The worst thing is there is nothing we can do. Media giants who continue to thrive off kicking MJ will continue to do so and no one can stand in their way unfortunately.
thats what im talking about. u need to work on the inside part :)

michael said once in an interview "i dont let it get to me. if u do u'll go crazy"

and thats 100% true.
I don't give the media that much attention regarding MJ any more. If they insist on treating the man like crap and ignoring the good things about him, I will do the same thing to them by ignoring their petty, jealous hatred and focus on the truth. Simple as that.
The main problem with he negative stories is that they are all picked up from across the globe and then concentrated on MJ fan board. The average Joe arenot aware of the attack that MJ gets from the media, cause they may only buy one newspaper or only watched regional news. however, when you have fans from all over the world posting and collecting stuff from everywhere ;from India to timbuktu, it becames comcentrated in one spot;ie, fanboard, and then it looks as if the whole world is against MJ, when it really is a distorted view that we, the fans see.
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thats what im talking about. u need to work on the inside part :)

michael said once in an interview "i dont let it get to me. if u do u'll go crazy"

and thats 100% true.

It doesnt get to me, it doesnt have any impact on my day to day life and i dont think about it, but hearing it or reading it, at the time u find out what someone has said, it still hurts, and u cant change urself emotionally to not feel for ones u love. Its the way people are. It hurts, but its easily brushed off. U move on, and wait 10mins for the next bit of abuse lol:lol:
I worry about what the media says because they have the power to change the publics opinion on Michael...a man who means the world to me.
The point is, I get angry at injustice. They're doing Michael wrong, and it pisses me off.

And just to add...especially since he has three children who are old enough to hear this bullsh*t being said about their father, and to understand what it means. People walking around calling their father a pedophile, bashing him, talking crap about his changed appearance, etc.

I just feel sorry for the kids because I know that they've either heard the bullcrap from somewhere/someone, or they will in the future.
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Today, we just live in a cruel world and our media is just full of it. I do not believe most people take the media serious; however, the few that do take the media serious are often the people the media puts through and put into polls, call ins, etc. I said it before Thriller 25 came out that fans should NOT let the voices of a FEW make you think EVERYONE is hating on Michael or anyone else. I look at the president elections now in the United States. Most of these talking heads from MSNBC, CNN, FOXNEWS, etc have their own agenda to push certain people and will degrade the other candidate, dig up people connected to these candidates, and make a mountain out of a mole hill or twist the truth or the message these candidates are trying to do. It is very clear nowadays. If Michael would have listen to people after 2005, according to these haters, Michael would have never brought out Thriller 25 or anything else. And of course, Thriller 25 is a SUCCESS. Look at Rf who called T25 a flop, now this idoit had to eat his words and admit it is a great success (even out selling Janet's new cd). As long as Michael has a core audience and one that can keep him selling at least ONE million, Michael will be fine. the media is nasty to everyone, the internet is nasty and degrading people because they can hide behind a font and pretend to be who they want and say what they want about people (even though many of these folks turn out to be cowards in person). I think some things needs to be address while other issues can pass. It all depends on the issue when I response. sometimes you need to talk in order to let the media know you will not take the unfairness to Michael.
The point is, I get angry at injustice. They're doing Michael wrong, and it pisses me off.

And just to add...especially since he has three children who are old enough to hear this bullsh*t being said about their father, and to understand what it means. People walking around calling their father a pedophile, bashing him, talking crap about his changed appearance, etc.

I just feel sorry for the kids because I know that they've either heard the bullcrap from somewhere/someone, or they will in the future.

:yes::yes::yes: I feel the same and I remember being soooo confused and hurt about the things I heard about MJ when I was a child. And he wasn't even my father for God's sake! So for me it's mostly just a question of right and wrong. The way the media goes about reporting on people and events is wrong and dangerous. The way Michael has been treated through the years has reached a point where people will believe just about anything about him and that is not a good situation to be in. I am not sufficiently informed about everything and everyone to be able to respond and officially complain about everything the media gets wrong or every person they mistreat, but when it comes to the subjects and people that I do know about, I will state my opinion and complain where necessary. I find that I am quite desensitized these days about a lot of things written or said about Michael, but sometimes I still become outraged and feel I need to do something. Apart from feeling that I should do something, I also sometimes enjoy arguing with these people (because I know I'm more informed and that I'm right lol), especially if I manage to convince them of my point of view.
its conveniant how they put out that BS documentary "michael jackson what really happened", around the time of T25 and when there was word of a MJ come back
its conveniant how they put out that BS documentary "michael jackson what really happened", around the time of T25 and when there was word of a MJ come back

Oh I know..are they seriously trying to ruin Michael??because its not going to happen!!!
many of us worry because it effects what people think..

sad to say but the MEDIA is where most people get there NEWS..

People will believe what they hear.. Especially when they don't hear another side of the story..

That's just the way it is..

that's with everything.. Even the war..
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Because they are very powerful...influential...and can be bullies...they can either make you or break you...be your friend or your foe...

They are worthy to no one...and sneaky like a snake...
this general public follows the media stuff is bogus to me because everywhere he goes, people go crazy over him.
I don't get so wound up now as I used to but yesterday I did get angry at the Daily Mail putting his children - unmasked on the front page with an article inside that had the stench of you know who all over it, the usual garbage.

I did fire back a comment along the lines of Leave his children alone, and they had just proved how right he was to protect them from having cameras shoved in their faces. I questioned how much they paid for the writter of the article to do her piece as any 10 year old in school could have written such a fairy story. Needless to say my comment was not added but I felt better for getting it off my chest. Attacks on Michael as many say should be ignored but when they start on his children it makes my blood boil.