Why Michael Why?

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Dangerous Incorporated

How could Michael do this to himself? After previous legends such as Janis Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, Elvis etc who died before there time due to drugs or alcohol. He was a smart man and new the dangers and knew that others before him had died this way. I always had another kind of appreciation for Michael for his longevity , being as famous as he was, more than any other figure in history IMO for as long as he was. He was always stayed clear of things like this until 1993 that we know of.

He always preached against drugs. He even knew he might go out like this according LMP. So why keep using this stuff, hurting himself like this. He risked his life and now he took himself away from his kids, his family and us his extended family. Why do this Michael? I dont get it. I know they guy had enourmous pressure onhim. Always worrying about who wanted a piece of him his whole life. But still like this? He must have been worried himself otherwise why hire a cardiologist? I dunno...Im just at a loss. He should have had another 30 - 40 years in him before this day came.

Im sorry we couldnt be here for you Michael as just friends and not fans. You didnt need to do this to yourself.

He knew us fans wanted so much from him and he tried to give it to us. How selfish of us.

We love you forever Michael. Thank you for your life long service to entertaining the world. What you gave will never be forgotten and will always be appreciated. We love you more. XXX OOOOO
Wait wait ....nothing is confirmed about this. Sure...deepack chopra and a few others have said things. But let's wait for the autopsy results..and who knows..if a second autopsy happens...what they'll find.
All evidence is pointing towards meds. And I can vent if I feel. We all have to deal with this in our own way.
Please don't be angry at one another, this is not how it should be.

I'm so sad that Michael is gone and that he has been sufferring and been in pain for so so long. I just wish that he never had to go through that or feel that way because he was so special.
He was always stayed clear of things like this until 1993 that we know of.

I think you have answered part of if not most of it. Like it or not, 1993 has changed the surface and every bit of his life.

And also remember he fell from the crane during Earth Song performance and also fell in the tub during the last trial, which he ended up in a hospital? Back pain anyone? And we still ask him to continue to perform for us.

However I am with Stafford, I will wait for the complete autopsy results.
What happened to Michael is my worst nightmare coming true. That's why I would be critical of Michael at times because it seems like he didn't surround himself with people who truly cared for him and didn't care to do so.

I hate the fact that he died alone with no loved ones to care for him. NONE! And it's was said that he had replaced all the people with brand new people.

Not only do I mourn, but I am very angry too.
Maybe this can go in the MJ Support section. :worried: In all fairness, we don't know if some sort of overdose was the culprit here...and whether it was accidental. Sometimes ppl have reactions to medications that are unexpected. We don't know if something different than what MJ was normally prescribed was given to him for whatever reason and he reacted. So many roads this could take. With all being said, it's easy to get brainwashed. Try to hold out for the medical truth. 4-6 weeks is a long way to go and I know between now and then a lot of stuff will more than likely be said or come out, true..false...and probably a mixture...but we have to give MJ the benefit of the doubt here and wait. So many times when we thought he'd done something destructive in his life we later found out we were wrong. This could be another case of that. If it's the truth, let's wait to get it confirmed. In the end, nobody's perfect and even the most smartest people have faults and weaknesses. It's what makes us human. Forgiveness and understanding is the key, I think...altho I know sometimes that can be difficult.
well grace needed a break. raymone was crappy. he had no manager (cuz she didn't count) so of course new people. his security detailwas becomming too recognizable

BUT this wasn't a cocaine and lsd party. these were drugs given to him by drs. an MD who swore to uphold MORAL standards and obviously did not.

it could be he wasn't so worried about these 'drugs' since they acme w/ a dr's gold seal. it is a completely different thing scoring for drugs and getting pills from a dude w/ a white coat on.

let's see what the tox report says before we make any definitive comments
I think you have answered part of if not most of it. Like it or not, 1993 has changed the surface and every bit of his life.

And also remember he fell from the crane during Earth Song performance and also fell in the tub during the last trial, which he ended up in a hospital? Back pain anyone? And we still ask him to continue to perform for us.

However I am with Stafford, I will wait for the complete autopsy results.

He actually fell from the crane? From how high? Damn..i never knew this.
Be kind to one another, ok? We don't know what happened and at the same time, we can't close our eyes to something that might be true. Until we know the truth, allow members to vent their frustrations and pain. Support one another please!
Where were the kids? I've been wondering this since he passed away! :boohoo: I'm not saying that the kids should be with him at the moment he was in bed and everything. I'm just wondering where they were! :(
Be kind to one another, ok? We don't know what happened and at the same time, we can't close our eyes to something that might be true. Until we know the truth, allow members to vent their frustrations and pain. Support one another please!
That is the truth! I agree!

Thank you!!
Whether it was Michael himself who took to much meds or if it was the Dr who accidently gave him too much or whatever, the fact that Michael had to take pills to run his day to day life obviously had some effect on his passing. He should never of had to of been on this.
As of this moment, we are not certain of the cause of death. I think an overdose is likely, though. I'm sure details will eventually come out. One thing I do believe is that Michael suffered from chronic and sometimes intense pain. I have had back pain before, and it can make a person unable to function. So my guess is that sometimes he tried NO medications, and was just hurting too much. And then with them, there was a risk.

We don't yet know exactly what happened, or who did what, or if Michael self-medicated, or if the doctor gave him an injection with too high a dosge, or what. It just sounds like a terrible, terrible mistake.
A lot of this need to know why he was taken from the world in order for us to heal ourselves and deal with this disaster.
How could Michael do this to himself? After previous legends such as Janis Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, Elvis etc who died before there time due to drugs or alcohol. He was a smart man and new the dangers and knew that others before him had died this way. I always had another kind of appreciation for Michael for his longevity , being as famous as he was, more than any other figure in history IMO for as long as he was. He was always stayed clear of things like this until 1993 that we know of.

He always preached against drugs. He even knew he might go out like this according LMP. So why keep using this stuff, hurting himself like this. He risked his life and now he took himself away from his kids, his family and us his extended family. Why do this Michael? I dont get it. I know they guy had enourmous pressure onhim. Always worrying about who wanted a piece of him his whole life. But still like this? He must have been worried himself otherwise why hire a cardiologist? I dunno...Im just at a loss. He should have had another 30 - 40 years in him before this day came.

Im sorry we couldnt be here for you Michael as just friends and not fans. You didnt need to do this to yourself.

He knew us fans wanted so much from him and he tried to give it to us. How selfish of us.

We love you forever Michael. Thank you for your life long service to entertaining the world. What you gave will never be forgotten and will always be appreciated. We love you more. XXX OOOOO

Be kind to one another, ok? We don't know what happened and at the same time, we can't close our eyes to something that might be true. Until we know the truth, allow members to vent their frustrations and pain. Support one another please!

I feel your pain...I feel your anger...I agree with your opinion as I do with others opinions to wait for the autopsy reports.:angel:
Where were the kids? I've been wondering this since he passed away! :boohoo: I'm not saying that the kids should be with him at the moment he was in bed and everything. I'm just wondering where they were! :(

apparently they were there in the house with him. Some report said Prince was in the room at the time but I dont know if this is true.
I'm in chronic pain everyday. I take alot of meds-pain meds included. It would be pretty easy to take too much or be given to much by accident. Let me just say I think the sleeping pill/injectiin thing has some crediability. If it is true Dr.Murray should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I BLAME THE DOCTORS on this one. These people are suppose to know a person's history with medicine and so forth. I do not believe that Michael wanted to die. I remember in his book Moonwalker that he did not want to end up like Elvis. Michael took take of himself. And now, it is looking like meds is what killed him. Michael was health nut and for him to die like this is hurtful and beyond words. If he was a smoker, overdrinker, and partied like Lindsey Lohan than I would could deal with this but I can not. I am sick of some media calling him an "addict". He came so far to come down to this being said about him.