WHY Michael of ALL people?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
I know this must be in some people's minds and was even discussed in some tv programs.

WHY of ALL people did it have to be Michael? I mean... he was a person whose death would terribly affect millions of people around the world. Why didn't that happen to i.e. a smaller artist whose death would not send such terrible shockwaves to his fanbase? Even in MJ's huge family, he was the younger I think to have passed away (I'm not saying that the others are less significant as people, nobody deserves that, just curious about the way God/Nature/Fate works...) :no:
We would have said why Michael no matter when. The timing makes it harder though, I understand. Some people are simply too great for this earth and god needed a special angel for something im sure.
Everyone must pass into the bliss of the unknown. Who's time to go when isn't normally in our means to decide. Some will say it's the will of God to bring his chosen son home others just a product of the life that has been lead and that has now been concluded regardless the result is the same. We are left empty, alone and abandoned.

Michael put forth his life, his hopes, his ambitions, his dreams and his love for the world for everyone to see. We, as fans, have learned from, gain strength from, found inspiration in and now comfort one another in the what shall forever more be known as Michael Jackson's legacy.

Michael gave his entire life to strangers but he did not leave this world amongst strangers. He showed us we are so much more. We are families, individuals, groups, fans, devoters, supporters and lovers of his vision. We came together on MJJC to honor a man we have spent our lives absorbing.

Michael Jackson is our idol, our inspiriation, our hobby, our dreams, our hopes and our past, present and future.

Michael did more then sing and dance for the worlds amusement. He was a teacher of life. He showed us about how we as humans could change the world for the better. He showed us how to express and expose our souls by coming together with strangers and sharing our lives. MJJC houses one of the largests MJ Communities and we are so different from one another and yet we are friends and family. Michael brought us to this. He made us see our differences are only superficial. And Michael Jackson's presence in this world has forever impacted and changed the Universe for the better.

We can't answer the why's or how comes that go without reason but we can accept and see that Michael's mark will be proudly displayed on every living person who he has touched with his hope and joy of song and heart.

Michael's light will forever shine.
I know it is not our place to question such. It is just so hard seeing how hard he was working to continue showing his passion for music and performance. He was ready and so was the world.

During all other things, I always said that no matter what Michael will be just fine and that things will work out. I tried so hard to hold on to that thought earlier today.

He so deserved happiness but now he does have peace. I want him to feel the love being expressed.
Even though this is the worst thing to say I can't help to think - Why not after the concerts? It's such a shame people didn't get the chance to see him perform again. He didn't get his chance to show people he still could do it. He deserved the opportunity to show the world why he is, and will forever be, the King of Pop and the greatest entertainer.

Can't believe it. Love you Mike.

Even though this is the worst thing to say I can't help to think - Why not after the concerts? It's such a shame people didn't get the chance to see him perform again. He didn't get his chance to show people he still could do it. He deserved the opportunity to show the world why he is, and will forever be, the King of Pop and the greatest entertainer.

Can't believe it. Love you Mike.

Yeah, you're not alone in thinking this. Why not AFTER indeed? He would go out with a bang at least. And of course, he and his fans would have one of their dreams and goals achieved. It might have made it easier to accept it afterwards...

Some comic relief: MJ must be REALLY pi$$sed right now for missing all those concerts!
It's ok we all know that MJ is the best he has proven that to us so many times we will all see him in heaven one day he's watching over us he's our guardian angel our beautiful angel. We love and miss you Michael! Keep those other angels on their feet dancing and singing their hearts out! We will love you forever!!!
Michael is closer to each and everyone of us now, more than we ever thought possible
We'll have to wait for the full autopsy results. If he really did have a drug addiction then it didnt just come out of no where, it was bound to happen.
what happened may be is god's way of saying to Michael: "Son, enough.. you've done so much great in this world and to them. they've done so much (either negative or positive) to you. i must take you now and be at peace with me.."
I've been reading about MJ's prescription drug addiction for years now. And i believed what i read because it made sense, and things added up. He already addmited to an addiction to demerol in 1993 and as a prescription pill taker myself , i know that you don't just stop taking them and stay off them. The addiction is there.
I'm actually surprised he didn't die or end up in the emergency room sooner. Staff members reported seeing him take as many as 10 xanax at once and injecting himself in the leg and then collapsing on his face.

His death did come as a shock to me, like everyone else, but after the initial shock I realised that it must have been the heavy drug use over the years that caused this.
Michael was an inteligent man in so many ways yet even he couldn't surcome to the addiction of Opiates and antianxiety pills.

So when you ask "Why Michael of all people"? ..there's your answer.
Instead of asking "Why Michael?", I'm asking myself, "Why now?"

Everybody must leave one day, but for Michael it was way too early. He was only 50 years young. He didn't really had the chance to reap what he sow. He couldn't enjoy life after music.

It was only 2 weeks to his concert. And I'm sure his new album was coming out soon. I, like many of you, believed that "This Is It" really was this is it. After his comeback concerts his life would have came full circle and he could finally enjoy life like never before. But no, God had to take his life now. The party hasn't even start and it's all over.

And because of the above reasons, his death came as a shock to many. He left us all of a sudden, I wasn't prepared. Now I don't know how I'm going to live my life without Michael. I don't know if I ever want to listen to his music anymore. I want to, but it's not the same without Michael. Something's missing.
Instead of asking "Why Michael?", I'm asking myself, "Why now?"

Everybody must leave one day, but for Michael it was way too early. He was only 50 years young. He didn't really had the chance to reap what he sow. He couldn't enjoy life after music.

It was only 2 weeks to his concert. And I'm sure his new album was coming out soon. I, like many of you, believed that "This Is It" really was this is it. After his comeback concerts his life would have came full circle and he could finally enjoy life like never before. But no, God had to take his life now. The party hasn't even start and it's all over.

And because of the above reasons, his death came as a shock to many. He left us all of a sudden, I wasn't prepared. Now I don't know how I'm going to live my life without Michael. I don't know if I ever want to listen to his music anymore. I want to, but it's not the same without Michael. Something's missing.
You are so right.

It hurts even more to not knowing what would have been coming in the next years. Everybody was so excited about the concerts, new album.. and now it's not going to happen. It feels wrong and so sad there's no words for it. But that's the way it is and we can't change it.

We have to try to keep ourselves positive.. Michael will now have the peace he maybe would have never got here on Earth. He's finally out of pain now.

We love you, Michael. And we will miss you for a long time.
Instead of asking "Why Michael?", I'm asking myself, "Why now?"

Everybody must leave one day, but for Michael it was way too early. He was only 50 years young. He didn't really had the chance to reap what he sow. He couldn't enjoy life after music.

It was only 2 weeks to his concert. And I'm sure his new album was coming out soon. I, like many of you, believed that "This Is It" really was this is it. After his comeback concerts his life would have came full circle and he could finally enjoy life like never before. But no, God had to take his life now. The party hasn't even start and it's all over.

And because of the above reasons, his death came as a shock to many. He left us all of a sudden, I wasn't prepared. Now I don't know how I'm going to live my life without Michael. I don't know if I ever want to listen to his music anymore. I want to, but it's not the same without Michael. Something's missing.

yes, and i thought Michael's music will heal my pain but :no: i cry even more. i couldnt bear to watch any of his videos, see any of his pictures and listen to any of his songs. i guess i have to stop interact with Michael's stuff for awhile..
Instead of asking "Why Michael?", I'm asking myself, "Why now?"

Everybody must leave one day, but for Michael it was way too early. He was only 50 years young. He didn't really had the chance to reap what he sow. He couldn't enjoy life after music.

It was only 2 weeks to his concert. And I'm sure his new album was coming out soon. I, like many of you, believed that "This Is It" really was this is it. After his comeback concerts his life would have came full circle and he could finally enjoy life like never before. But no, God had to take his life now. The party hasn't even start and it's all over.

And because of the above reasons, his death came as a shock to many. He left us all of a sudden, I wasn't prepared. Now I don't know how I'm going to live my life without Michael. I don't know if I ever want to listen to his music anymore. I want to, but it's not the same without Michael. Something's missing.

That is a great post.

I agree with it and especially with the last sentence:

Something is missing...:( Things will never be the same again. This world will never be the same again without Michael. I will never be the same again. He took a piece of my heart with him to heaven.

yes, and i thought Michael's music will heal my pain but :no: i cry even more. i couldnt bear to watch any of his videos, see any of his pictures and listen to any of his songs. i guess i have to stop interact with Michael's stuff for awhile..

same here...*cries*
Some genius people like Michael left this planet very early... It means that he has done everything, his mission in our world. We don't know what would happen if he started to perform again. We don't know how he REALLY felt - his health, I mean. During THis is it - everything could happen, and the worst thing too.... Yes, of course, like all fans I was sure 2 days ago that he will do his best, that his health was brilliant. But.... He has gone now. It means that all good things have happened to him, he gave to this world ALL he could..
Last monthes of his life he, I believe, was in a good mood, he was happy. That's the most important.
God took this Angel to Heaven... yes, it;s painful and even cruel - to Michael's children, family and millions of us - fans.
I don't know when this pain go away. But I believe that Michael is in peace now...And that was really his time...
God bless you, our King...
Even though this is the worst thing to say I can't help to think - Why not after the concerts? It's such a shame people didn't get the chance to see him perform again. He didn't get his chance to show people he still could do it. He deserved the opportunity to show the world why he is, and will forever be, the King of Pop and the greatest entertainer.

Can't believe it. Love you Mike.

Robbed yet once again. Why and how! I just don't know. Seeing his d.o.b to d.o.d just leave me so confused. whyn now. He was so happy and ready to go. And then robbed again...only unlike the time wasted with the trial. He's gonna forever. The breath from his body.
I don't think we'll ever know. God works in mysterious ways. I never understand why all the good people seem to die young, and the bad people live forever.
I don't think we'll ever know. God works in mysterious ways. I never understand why all the good people seem to die young, and the bad people live forever.
Yeah, it's strange but that's how it seems to go.. too many great artists have died so young..
My friend (a non-fan) called me yesterday ans she mentioned Michael, and when I told her "but he was so young!" she immediately said "then he was a good person"...
Everything went so quickly... It's like couple of days ago Michael was rehearsing for his "This Is It" tour and everybody were happy and today he's dead. I still can't believe this. Not yet. I was already planning to buy the ticket to his concert to celebrate the ending of my final exam and I couldn't wait to see him live. Suddenly, everything went upside down... :cry: :cry:
I have so many sad minds and feelings spinning in my head... and one part of my heart still hopes that I'm dreaming, that Michael is playing happily with his kids, having his sweet afternoon tea and that I am going to wake up from this nightmare tomorrow. :cry:
I used to listen to his music, his voice all the time when I needed to cheer myself up, but this time it's impossible to do so. I just can't cope with the fact that he is no longer alive. :cry: :cry:
I want to hug him so strongly... :cry:
I dunno...I didn't want Michael to die at all of course, but I think that if God exists, he took Michael's life at the right time...I mean think about it, Michael has done what he came here to do. I believe that Michael truly is an angel that was sent here to the earth by the heavens and he did what he was supposed to do. And his legacy and effect on the entire world is set in stone.

He doesn't need anymore scrutiny and hatred and bashing from the media. He needs to rest now, and that is exactly what he is doing. His soul is at rest...but his music and spirit lives on forever!!! I love Michael! :D
^ omg, I totally agree with what you said.
It's gonna sound pretty harsh, but i think al good people leave the world faster then anyone else. Although I believe they killed him, it's INPOSSIBLE that he did what they're saying. It aint true.
I dunno...I didn't want Michael to die at all of course, but I think that if God exists, he took Michael's life at the right time...I mean think about it, Michael has done what he came here to do. I believe that Michael truly is an angel that was sent here to the earth by the heavens and he did what he was supposed to do. And his legacy and effect on the entire world is set in stone.

He doesn't need anymore scrutiny and hatred and bashing from the media. He needs to rest now, and that is exactly what he is doing. His soul is at rest...but his music and spirit lives on forever!!! I love Michael! :D
Would be grate, but how about his kids? He has really gone too soon... :no:
^That's true, that's all I've been thinking about...how his kids must feel. I mean people on this board are crying and I can understand that, but you think YOU have it bad...what about his KIDS?!

It's a shame he couldn't have died when they were older, but I honestly don't know what more the "fans" wanted from Michael. He is at rest now. And I feel horribly for his kids but I think their father's strength and spirit lives in them, and that they will get through this.
This is killing me. It really, really, really,really is.

He wanted to live on, to see his children grow.

He put everything into these shows, this hard work went all down for nothing. Michael was so young. Life is short. It is sooooo damn short. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Maybe this was God deciding that he's had enough pain, tears and fears for one lifetime. Maybe it was his way of protecting him.