Why Michael means so much to me


Proud Member
Apr 28, 2012
I can't really put into words what MJ means to me but I'm going to try.
He's like having a brother that I've never met (I know that sounds stupid :rofl:) Because when I need someone to pick me up, him and his music are always there.
Yesterday my dad was rushed to hospital. I was so worried and scared. When I got home I couldn't rest at all, so I put Will You Be There on and for 7 minutes I forgot my all troubles. It was escapism as he always spoke about and I so grateful. It was the same when my mum died, watching his magic in concert and the short films took me out of it for a bit. I will always feel I owe him for that (as crazy that sounds) that's why I'll always stand up for him, and also the reason I feel for me personally he is the greatest singer and entertainer that's ever lived because I don't feel moved by anyone else like that.

Sorry to go on a bit. I just thought I'd tell fellow fans who might understand.
I totally agree with you! I cannot express in words what Michael means to me. He's my neighbor,my cousin,my brother,my friend,my husband,my teacher,my mentor,my everything. There are just too little words on planet Earth to really describe how he makes me feel,what he means to me,how he's changed my life,and how my life has been affected post-June 25th and beyond. Plus,where I've gone impersonating him. I auditioned for America's Got Talent almost three years ago doing Smooth Criminal. I didn't make it on the show,but I think that's the biggest milestone of my life,and Michael helped me get there. I owe Michael so much of my life,even though he didn't know my name or knew of my existence.
I totally get you ;)

Michael is like a bro' to me too and I'm an only child :D He's my mentor, my friend in need. The one 'constant' in my life while others hurt you, abandon you. Be sure, you can always turn to Michael for support and love and I know its tough to explain cause people just don't understand the healing power Michael has. :angel:

Besides, Michael's music keeps my brain happy, entertained and above all focused :cheeky:

I love Michael beyond words cause he is the ONLY one that can make it feel okay when you go through a rough time. :blush:

I hope your dad is better now, Smooth Criminal ;) I'm sowwy you lost your mum but know she watches you from heaven and I'm glad that Michael too gives you the TLC we all need :blush:
I understand too and he was like the family I never had
It doesn't sound crazy or stupid at all. He said himself he wanted to give a form of escapism to people, to inspire us, to make us feel a small part of what he pored into his songs as he was working on them. Many, many (read millions) people all over the world feel the way you do. To quote a wise man "You Are Not Alone".
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Wish your father a quick recovery, Smooth! Hope he is doing better today.
I love Michael. He is like the big brother I never had.
It makes me so angry when people make fun of him for being different because I can relate so much to that. Starting in the 3rd grade,I was bullied because I wasn't like the other girls. I was a bit of a tomboy, I enjoyed videogames,didn't obsess over boys,watched anime (especially Dragonball z) and liked reading books. I was also kinda shy .Because of that I was considered weird.
I was bullied and harassed by the other kids constantly. I got a bad case of acne in grade 4 which made the bullying even worse. People used to blame me for things I didn't do and nobody believed me when I proclaimed my innocence. Even the teachers treated me like crap. It was so bad I used to cry everyday and pray to god :angel: to take me to heaven. I even tried to kill myself once. my mom used to play lots of mj's music at home , which always made me feel better and the fact that news of the 2003-2005 accusations were constantly on TV, I began to become curious about mj and wanted to know more about him. As I learned more about him, I thought "this man is kinda like me". I could relate to him. I knew what it was like to be treated terribly for the sin of being different. I knew what it was liked to be falsely accused. I knew what it was like to haven people call you ugly. I could to relate to his loneliness (i had no friends at the tim) As I started to watch more videos of him I started to develop a deep love for him. I realized that he just wanted to spread love and to be loved. I began to see what he was trying to say.

Just seeing him makes me feel all good inside.

Btw. I hope your dad is doing better smooth.
To me Michael is very important!
At first he is a real human to me and in second the superstar.
That's why it hurts me so deeply if anyone tells shit about him. I have no problem if someone says he don't like Michaels music. That's ok to me, absolutely. But I don't like people who tells shit about him in front of me knowing that I love him so much.

I deseased on rheumatism when I was 17 years old and no doctor did believe me. I went from one doc to another and no one wanted to help me. So I was think about suicide. I was so badly in pain I cried sometimes the whole night - and no doctor believed me. I stood in my bathroom with some pills in my hand and I was ready to do it. Then I was thinking about Michael: "Look what he have to deal with. What people are doing to him, how much pain he got with his scalp. The vitiligo. The lupus. I wanna kill myself because of ONE problem?" So I didn't do it, went in to the living room and listend to his music. He saved my life and I'm so grateful for this. I wish I had have saved his life, too...

Michael is so perfect to me. And he is perfectly imperfect - something I love so so much on him.
He's really special and I love him really. Not because of being a superstar. Just for being Michael.
Thank you Michael for everything.
He did nothing but so much to me... maybe it sounds crazy but it's the truth...
Well...waaay back around 1983ish, I remember being deeply impressed with his unfailing goodness, especially when watching him during the '84 Grammys. I was very much attracted to his gentleness and humor, how humble and gracious he was beneath that glorious smile of his. And each time I would watch something, like the making of Thriller, or hear an interview, like the Entertainment Tonight one in '83, I liked him more and more. I've never wanted to dress like him or dance like him or be him as far as the 'superstar' goes. I've always wanted to know him personally, to experience what musicians who have worked closely with him have known... to enjoy him as any of us would enjoy a lovely relationship with someone beautiful.

His music and messages are universal. I like to believe that he would've turned my head even without being famous. His innate goodness is what I have always seen. No other musician or celebrity comes close to Michael for me. He remains a treasure.
I've loved Michael ever since I was a very young girl. I began to dance at a young age, eventually competing and training for many hours a week, and he definitely played a role in my motivation to move forward with my passion. Jackson 5, Thriller cassettes, etc were some of the first albums that I ever owned that were given to me by my parents--what an amazing gift that would influence me from years on! Once I got older, my love for Michael really grew as I got to know more about him as not only an entertainer, but as the loving, compassionate, gentle, incredibly beautiful soul that he was. I can relate to him on personal levels as well based on things that he has gone through and personality traits that he had. Michael was a courageous person and by seeing how he has gotten through hard times has helped me during my darkest hour. He inspires me creatively, emotionally, spiritually, and always reminds me to keep helping others (I work at a non-profit helping children and families). We are all capable of making a difference in carrying out his mission to heal the world, and I love to look at all the good that he has done for this world. None of it will ever be in vain!