Why media still says BAD THINGS about Michael..? JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE..!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brunei Darussalam
I really fade up with all the media.. even after Michael dead they still says something bad about him.. why can't they leave him alone..?! Let he rest in peace..! why they have to called him ***** *****? He's already gone..!! don't they feel satisfy about it..? aren't they happy for it..? Still media wanted to talked about his nose, his skin.. bla bla bla bla...

F.U.C.K media Michael you're the BEST..!!
Well...most of the media has been good to MJ the last cuple of days I think.
There will always be idiots that sey bad stuff. there is no need to fight them because they don´t care at all. the best we can do is to ignore them
In terms of the media coverage of the whole thing, fox news channel in its coverage of the whole thing disgusts me. Glen beck needs to be castrated, and the media is looking for... i cant even put into terms of what I want to say
Yeah.. just for couple of days ago.. its just only after his death.. I read some articles in some megazine, they still called him some bad and stupid words to explain Michael.. :( that was really sad..
Media in the Uk have mostly been kind to MJ, I dont find them calling him ***** ***** offense to be honest, it annoys me more when they say his music went bad after Thriller, which is big time BS
In terms of the media coverage of the whole thing, fox news channel in its coverage of the whole thing disgusts me. Glen beck needs to be castrated, and the media is looking for... i cant even put into terms of what I want to say

ugh yes fox news disgusts me.
i wont even watch that channel now
I know I hate it! The only good thing about Michael's passing is that he doesn't have to hear these damn media lies about him anymore!!
I don't know. I really hoped that they'd leave him alone after his death or respect him.. they're almost worst!

JUST SHUT THE F*CK UP! Let the man rest in peace.
Did you guys know that, some said Michael Jackson death was a murder case..? That is why his family want to do it second autopsy with outside or private forensik. His cases same as Princess Diana.