Why is there not a MJ live album?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I still dont understand why there is no Michael Jackson live album??? there are so many artists with live albums like;

Bee gees
Katy perry
Kylie manogue
Robbie williams

I really really hope some kind of live album is released, maybe one for this is it as this year is the this is it year. Plus the arrangments for this is it seemed alot more funkier!

Does anyone agree with me?
I'd like to hear a Acoustic Album!

No idea though, I know Michael didn't sing live all the time but I'm sure there was shows he did perform live, The Jacksons have a Live album..
Seriously. I love listening to concerts even more so than the studio versions. I have one for each tour and actually just yesterday made a 2 Disk "BAD" Tour cd. It has every single song he performed on the tour in order (I did the same with History, already had Dangerous). I took most of the songs from the Yokohoma concerts but some songs like Smooth Criminal, Dirty Diana etc. I had to to find as clear of versions as possible which really aren't that great.

But anyway to the point, I completely agree. If there was ever a "perfect time" for one it was for "This Is It". I was really disappointed that they did not do that and honestly, much like an official dvd for the Bad and or History tour...I simply do not see it ever happening.
No idea - a Victory/Bad one would be perfect.

I'd love a HIStory Live Album! :lol: I joke, I joke, of course!
I would love a live album, maybe one day. I wish Michael did more stripped down acoustic stuff as the acoustic demo of SOOML was just amazing. I would quite happily pay to see Michael sitting on a stool for two hours!
I'd love a HIStory Live Album! :lol:


I wish we would give up on the stupid bad tour 2nd leg and release an awsome blu ray with remastered video and audio from HIStory tour.
Prefferably the Munich 97 concert.

yeah I looove the Jacksons live album, I know there are fan made ones of Michaels tours around...but they should definately release one
There's loads out there we all have, I like all them (including HIStory!) for the live elements (if any :p ) and for the noise of the crowd!
Simples. He didn't do enough live vocals. A Bad or Victory tour would be worth doing. I have a Bootleg Dangerous Tour which is great but for half of it I may as well listen to the CDs.

HIStory Live would bascially be a greatest hits album.

I agree a million perect with those that say Mike on a stool for 2 hours just singing his little heart out would have been sublime.
In 1993 my brother's friend lent him a rare MJ cd. It was the Jokohama Concert, I don't quite remember the cd cover, but I think it was Michael and a full stadium, what I remember is the sound, and it seemed original.

a few years later when i first saw the Yokohama concert i remembered that album. I thought it was original, maybe was some special Japanese edition.

I'm so sorry I didn't tape it, i have no idea why, i was a stupid kid back then haha!
my friend has that cd. u can just download the concert off the net if u want the audio now. its very well known
mj was to much of a perfectionist to release a live album imo and it would only be worth while releasing say the bad tour as the others werent fully live
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I love it! Imagine a cd official Bad Tour or Victory Tour? I know there are the audios of all tours for download there, but nothing comes close to an official album. But my big dream is that all these tours were released on dvd's sometime. I would love.

I know it's not official, but this one I downloaded is amazing quality!
Wouldnt no one want a This is it Live album? I thought it sounded alot more funky compared to the mastered songs on his albums...
im disaponied with SONYBMG person
a short version of anther day(with lenny) leaked on the net about 7 weeks ago
but then lenny says he hates this song and SONYBMG take of the net
speaking of live albums i would like to hear live album of THIS IS IT and few new unheard songs
and live album of thriller all songs on thriller a good
(in australia) the only DVD i know of is dangerous short movies
there are few live songs on there(im not sure where the tour was)
this DVD come out in 1992/93 (its still in music shops)
the closests live music will have is THIS IS IT doc/movie on DVD or BLU RAY
Yes, but I remember reading that he would get a BIG, BIG cash bonus if he would allow it.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
:wild: :wild: :wild: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I want the link.

I got this as a torrent download, I'm sure it's still around if you look... Just remember this is the Italy recording, the others are all muffled and you can barely here Mike!

This one everything is perfect, especially WBBS, Bad and DD!
i just have ripped audio from each of his tours on my ipod
and fyi history live isnt that bad hahah, sometimes the arrangement is good and it has a good live feel to the songs
I got this as a torrent download, I'm sure it's still around if you look... Just remember this is the Italy recording, the others are all muffled and you can barely here Mike!

This one everything is perfect, especially WBBS, Bad and DD!
Thanks! :)

hmmmmmmmmm Then the torrent for download here in the forum in section 2000 Watts? :scratch:
i just have ripped audio from each of his tours on my ipod
and fyi history live isnt that bad hahah, sometimes the arrangement is good and it has a good live feel to the songs

Yeah I'm not exactly sure what the joke was about but History sounds great live as well. It definitely is not like listening to a "greatest hits" album. I just personally love to hear and feel the instruments like the bass in Billie Jean.