Why is rock music so popular?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm not talking about the top 40 chart here but whenever i go on other forums that are just about music in general there are thousands of threads and topics about rock music. What is it about rock music that makes so many people go ga-ga?
Because "Rock N Roll rules dude!" :D Seriously though, rock is what most music magazines are about. If you go to the library, there's more books about rock music and acts than other types of music. Classic rock radio stations are one of the most popular formats (even as they play Freebird, Stairway To Heaven and Layla for the billionth time, lol). Many teenage boys and some girls purchase guitars and pore over guitar mags and try to figure out tablatures from blues, hard rock, & metal songs. They debate the merits of different guitarists or drummers or whether a band they like "sold out". They can't do that with pop performers. That's why old rock never die, and the record companies constantly repackage groups like AC/DC, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, etc. Some people go to a bar or club to see a band perform, not a pop singer with a bunch of background dancers and lipsyncing.