Why is Joseph Jackson laughing?

Reminiscing about his great son perhaps? There are many Michael Jackson memories which would evoke that sort of expression.
Impossible to say why Joesph is laughing. Maybe it hasn't fully hit him that Michael is dead yet, because Michael was still alive and with us just a few days ago.
Site didn't load for me but it is probably his way of griveing. He's got to be in shock. Perhaps he's just putting on a front and if he thinks about it, it will hurt more. Or it hasn't sunk in. Maybe he's thinking of a memory.
I went into work the morning after it happened and was very sad and depressed, but someone knew what i was going through and told me a joke, and i laughed
Jesse Jackson was smiling at the moment wasn't he?? So maybe they remembered something. People react differently to death. Others cry, others laugh, others stay numb and indifferent...
I think people deal with things like this is different ways, Joe may even be trying to be positive as possible

I dont know if that pic is new, but yes its possible he is just trying to forget. Not Michael but his death. And Michael would like to be memorized happy way. I have to say I wasnt crying either, but just suddenly started to remember all the great things about Michael and how unique those memories are now.
you can "smile although your heart is aching". Perhaps he was touched by the support? Perhaps seeing the fans gave him a fond memory of Michael?
That picture is old. It was Paris' birthday if I remember right...