Why is it ok to now show MJ kids?

They only wore masks when they were out in public with Michael
becuase of being mobbed - he wanted to protect their sweet faces
from being expoited in the tabloids becuase of him and the speculation
that alway came up ... it was hateful the things they said ..
about his chilcren above and beyond thie paternity ..

They havent been out yet to see that nothing will happen
and they are no longer travling about with MJ _
they didnt constantly wear masks only while in public
with thier Dad he was very protective of them ..

they stopped wearing the mask before he died
I dont think They didnt stop wearing masks before MJ died
that last pics of them were taken when they thought no one was a round
once they found out left the building and had thie masks back on again ..
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qbee, they used to wear masks no matter what. there's always a chance that someone will see them, and they knew that. but later in life they still went out into public without masks so they did stop wearing masks before he died...besides....michael said the kids could stop wearing them whenever they wanted....AND lets not forget...debbie row herself said in an interview that the masks and scarves were HER idea becasue she was concerned...it wasn't michael.
It breaks my heart...Michael wouldn't have wanted this....I pray every day for these sweet angels...but I know their father watches over them now..
why wouldn't he want this?....he knew one day his kids would leave the masquarade. i don't think he was concerned enough anymore. he didn't file suit against the picutres that were released before. he could have. i'm sure he's proud of his young babies..and now the world can see that blanket looks JUST LIKE HIM!!! what a cute kid!! and he can dance too?!!
The media is still flying over the Jackson family compound snapping pictures of the kids outside in the patio area doing what "NORMAL" kids do.. (reason I said normal is because the media acts like MJ's kids are suppose to be different).
I wonder if the kids have ever met Lisa Marie? It seems to me she will be one of the only people on earth who Michael's kids can relate to in being the child of a ledgend who has passed.
The media is still flying over the Jackson family compound snapping pictures of the kids outside in the patio area doing what "NORMAL" kids do.. (reason I said normal is because the media acts like MJ's kids are suppose to be different).
I cannot believe this!!! They are KIDS for crying out loud! What the media is doing, stalking them, making segments on them about fabricated non factual information about their DNA, who gets custody etc is disgusting! It is obsessive and creepy and to me, its child abuse. The media should be CHARGED!

Its so sad and horrible because Michael isn't here to protect them and we know how much that meant to him.
i think Michael was right. the moment they took off their masks - speculations started. and the media is going crazy now with all these nasty articles about these boi or non bio fathers mothers etc... and there is a photo of them in every magazine.
would you want your child's photo in every magazine, with an article questionning you as a parent? it's a complete lack of respect towards a parent and a child. so he was 100% right.

i was to admit though that seeing and hearing Paris made me less lonely. as there is a part of Michael still left on the Earth. but i would sacrifice that if it would stop the tabloids.
yeah....when i said "how do you know he wouldn't want this" i just meant his kids being unmasked, i wasn't refering to the vast harrasment they now endure. it's a shame. :\
'damned if you do , damned if you dont'..sadly even when he protects them for whatever reasons...they were still splashed over newspapers...

Regardless of anything they would have been in tabloids as they were the father of the tabloids favourite victim
Uh Michael has been out before with his kids without the mask, so people who keep saying that he always made them wear it are wrong. I've seen MJ out with Blanket at the book store and with the other two kids, none of them had masks. He only made them wear it sometimes when they were out in public.
I don't like the idea of them not wearing the masks.
And of course sth can happen!
They can be kidnapped or sth! And now the paparazzi will not leave them alone! Because now everybody knows how they look like!
And that's so wrong.
Well he put masks on their faces because of what happened to Charles Lyndburg's little boy who was kidnapped and murdered awful, awful!!!

They had their masks taken off before he died and plus their getting older now 12, 11, and 7.

It's in the hands of the Jacksons now if they should have their faces covered or not.
Well, 2 billion people around the world saw their faces at the memorial.
I feel horrible for what these precious children are going through. I wish MJ was here to protect them again.
Michael is proud of his kids. I think he wanted to show up his kids but not for the media to make it up
I think the kids should be unmasked when they r more grow up, 'cause they can take care of themselves
Michael is proud of his kids. I think he wanted to show up his kids but not for the media to make it up
I think the kids should be unmasked when they r more grow up, 'cause they can take care of themselves
i agree.i know millions of people saw their faces during the memorial,but the way all the tabloids are printing every single unmasked picture of his children is so disrespectful to michael,i think if they are out and about in the future ,that the jackson family uphold michaels wishes and keep the children covered up.
thats why i have great respect for the management of this forum,before and after michaels death they have abided by michaels wishes,thankyou mjjc team,
Well he put masks on their faces because of what happened to Charles Lyndburg's little boy who was kidnapped and murdered awful, awful!!!

They had their masks taken off before he died and plus their getting older now 12, 11, and 7.

It's in the hands of the Jacksons now if they should have their faces covered or not.

actually in an interview with debbie rowe, she said something about it being her decission to mask the kids because "I read the letter, I was scared".....so i dont know if they got a threatening letter about their kids or something..? o_O .. i dunno.... i know walt disney sheilded his kids from the public just the the jackson kids were, due to charles lyndburg, but that was closer to the time that the lyndburg case happened so it wasn't so "strange"..maybe that's how media came up with the story for the jackson kids :\ who know. but Debbie made it sound (at least to me) like they have been threatened.

I don't like the idea of them not wearing the masks.
And of course sth can happen!
They can be kidnapped or sth! And now the paparazzi will not leave them alone! Because now everybody knows how they look like!
And that's so wrong.

err....anything can happen to ANY celebrity's kids.... there's so much hype about angelina and brad.....their kids are all over magazines...you get a crazy girl obsessed with brad pitt and anything can happen to THEIR kids too. tom cruise and k's daughter, brittany spears' kids...i mean there are crazy people that can attack ANYONE's kids....so i think many of you are slightly over reacting.... people wanted michael because he was different...but they have nothing on the kids...they were publicly unmasked for the first time a couple weeks ago so media will eat that up. they are going through a huge custody battle, so media will eat that up...but they aren't ATTACKING the kids anymore than they do any other celebrity. it's just a shame simply because they're kids not asking for this to happen, not to mention they are most likely still mourning....but just because they are MICHAEL'S kids does not automatically mean crap will happen to them...i doubt harm will come their way. relax everyone.
Well, from what I've read in recent interviews from friends, another big reason Michael had them wearing masks was so that they could go out in public with their friends - and his friends without masks and without being recognized. By covering them, he gave them freedom and a more normal life. All that is over now, sadly.
there are helicopters flying over the house every day taking pictures of the kids on their daily activities - that's not how it was supposed to be!
Michael is not here anymore to protect them from all this madness and I'm sure he never thought he'd die so soon
who cares about "oh the kids shouldn't wear the masks anymore" can't you see the big picture? their life is already compromised, it's turned into chaos
with michael they had some kind of normality, they could go out without him and pass unnoticed only us fans had some idea what they looked like but now...it's over!
Well, from what I've read in recent interviews from friends, another big reason Michael had them wearing masks was so that they could go out in public with their friends - and his friends without masks and without being recognized. By covering them, he gave them freedom and a more normal life. All that is over now, sadly.

That is the way I understood it too, as nice as it was of him to do that for the kids(let them go out with others in public unmasked as no one knew them) I always felt sad for him that he could not go too.