Why i dont take part in Poppy Day


Today marks the 90th annerversary of the end of World War One and all this week there have been rememberance servises and everyone wears a poppy as a mark of repect for the dead.

This is one event I can not take part in. Poppy Day and the wearing of the Poppy celebrates the honour and bravery of The British Army and that is something I cannot do.

The British Army occupied my country for approx 400 years and during the same time as World War 1, 1916 to 1921, my ancesters began a rebellion against British rule which lead to our country becoming a Republic.

On Easter Monday 1916, the rebellion began at The General Post Office on Dublins main street.18 to 20 thousand British soldiers crushed the rebellion and the leaders were caught and excuted. Then in 1918, The British army sent more soldiers to Ireland, who became know as The Black and Tans.The Black and Tans were mostly former soldiers brought into Ireland by the government in London after 1918 to assist the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) in their work.

In 1919, the British government advertised for men who were willing to "face a rough and dangerous task". Many former British army soldiers had come back from Western Europe and did not find a land fit for heroes. They came back to unemployment and few firms needed men whose primary skill was fighting in war. Therefore, there were plenty of ex-servicemen who were willing to reply to the government’s advert. For many the sole attraction was not political or national pride – it was simply money. The men got paid ten shillings a day. They got three months training before being sent to Ireland. The first unit arrived in Ireland in March 1920.

Once in Ireland it quickly became apparent that there were not enough uniforms for all those who had joined up. Therefore they wore a mixture of uniforms – some military, some RIC. This mixture gave them the appearance of being in khaki and dark police uniform. As a result, these men got the nickname "Black and Tans", and it stuck. Some say that the nickname came from a pack of hunting hounds known as the 'Black and Tans'.

The Black and Tans did not act as a supplement to the RIC. Though some men were experienced in trench warfare, they lacked the self-discipline that would have been found in the Western Front. Many Black and Tan units all but terrorised local communities. Community policing was the preserve of the RIC. For the Black and Tans, their primary task was to make Ireland "hell for the rebels to live in". Over 8000 Black and Tans went to Ireland and while they found it difficult to cope with men who used classic guerrilla tactics against them, those who lived in areas where the Black and Tans were based, paid the price.

The same soldiers who are honoured at Poppy day are the peers of the soldiers who were sent to my country to crush the rebellion and were responsible for the murder, and massacre of my ancesters

Yes this was all many years ago but what happened then is still relevent today.
but what about all the irish service men who died in ww1 and world war 2? who fought in british regiments. its about all the soliders from the commonwealth aswell. maybe wear a green one lol
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Rememberance day isn't just about WW1, and it's certainly not dedicated to the british armed forces.

Rememberance day is for those who have died in any wars from ww1 onwards.

I can understand your frustrations though to an extent, we lost many Australian's during WW1 where the British basically used us as cannon fodder in places like Gallipoli :no: (and not to mention some of the terrible choices in tactics that saw more deaths for Australians and New Zealanders).

I could be bitter about the loss of lives through the folly of others, but instead I'm just sad. Sad that young men and women lost their lives. I pause to remember those who were caught up in the call for war who went to fight for their loved ones. You see people rarely go to fight for their country, rather they go to fight for the ones they leave behind.
I pause and remember all those who died, no matter who they fought for because they were just people who were caught in that period of time.
I pause and give thanks, that in this day and age we can make an active decision not to join the war efforts if we so chose. I also pause to remember those who are at war right now, entering battle fields at the say so of their commanders.
I don't see Rememberance day as a commonwealth event, I see it as an international day of reflection.
But that's just me :flowers:
I understand LJ but my country is neutral and wasnt part of World War 1 or 2 or any war since then. I know other countries hold services on Poppy Day, but becuse we get British tv and newspapers in Ireland I have been more aware of the British services. The relationship between Britain and Ireland is very complex and even though I live in London and respect and live by the rules and regulations of Britain, at times like this my Irishness and patriotism surfaces.

Elusive, yes I know Irish men did fight in British regiments and they are the forgoten stories. Ireland was never part of the commonwealth though.

At times like this I mostly just keep my opinons to myslf and just stay aware from services and events. Sometimes though I have noticed people looking at me oddly cos I dont wear a Poppy.
I can understand your frustrations though to an extent, we lost many Australian's during WW1 where the British basically used us as cannon fodder in places like Gallipoli :no: (and not to mention some of the terrible choices in tactics that saw more deaths for Australians and New Zealanders).
yeah gallipoli was horrendous. but everyone was cannon fodder in that war. the over the top mentality is unbelievable when u look back. as normal pretty much poor working class guys being sent to their deaths.

Sometimes though I have noticed people looking at me oddly cos I dont wear a Poppy.
i can see that being true its not like everyone wears them at all.

Elusive, yes I know Irish men did fight in British regiments and they are the forgoten stories
well thats why the poppys arent just about the uk they are about the commenwealth and all others included irish who stood up agaisnt the nazis etc many irish shed their blood for democracy and freedom
i acknowledge the "bitterness" mentality one can have (you may say i'm "entitled" to feel bitter towards what Brits have done to "my" native country in history and present).. but i don't agree with the logic behind this notion that disregards other perspectives and which has no constructive bearing on present lives. it also has a lot to do with why i don't agree with patriotism, but that's another topic.

following on from that, put it into perspective and think about what would've otherwise happened to "your" history and its alternate future had all those men and women not participated in these defence wars. be it bitter-sweet or the 'lesser of two evils' mentality,,,,

but "your" island would have been invaded, as planned, by Nazi Germany.

and btw, i never wear any of these appreciation fads like the plastic poppy because i don't see it necessary to prove/show my appreciation and respect in this manner. and not by any means does everyone wear it nor is there a social requirement for it, so you're not getting those odd looks because of that.

i do however don awareness fads, because at times they do serve a practical and proper sentimental purpose when muppets are not wearing them just for the fashion statement.
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i tell u whats annoying is all the presenters on tv etc wearing them because they have to. it takes away from any true meaning it has. i know john smith of channel 4 news refuses to wear one because of this
you mean Jon Snow? that man is a gangster, lol. Channel 4 have the best news on British television.
yeah thats him. yeha i tend to watch channel 4 news but some of their reporting is just as crap as everyone else
yeah thats him. yeha i tend to watch channel 4 news but some of their reporting is just as crap as everyone else
that's probably directed at entertainment news? i don't usually follow those, but Channel 4 break out of the biased Western BS when it comes to reporting foreign disputes (Middle-East, Russia, N Korea etc.) unlike the BBC we pay for or the American brainwashing machines and their influence on UK TV news (ITV, Sky).

it's all Murdoch's fault. Australians, you owe us big time for spawning this demon.
that's probably directed at entertainment news?
not really the whole icesave/land fiasco comes to mind as im involved in that and their reporting was absoloute B.S at times in getting the facts wrong.also some of other current affairs stories they have run have been pretty one sided and seemed to show they have an agenda. trying to think of one story that they did a month or so ago oh yeah it was the simon mann? case. who was involved in the coup in an african country. as they got an interview with him they made him out to be some kind of victim poor little rich public school boy getting caught up in something he knew nothing about. and yeah they talk shit about mj but hey whats new there
i do find it strange though how ITN can produce channel 4 and for the most part its a respectable news programe but the same ppl ITN create the crappy 10 oclock news etc on ITV. it shows how they create news to fit a certain format and pander to the tabloid format becasue they know what sort of ppl watch itv news compaired to channel 4
oh right, well there we go. nothing reliable. interesting about ITN, i never noticed.