Why I am a Michael Jackson Fan


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Truly, as the greatest artist and performer of our time I have a Michael Jackson fan for almost the whole entirety of my life. Here is a man so misunderstood and misjudged. If only people would open their eyes and not let the biased tendencies of the tabloid trash infect their minds. The ability to allow the infection of constructed ideas is a habitually practised perversion of truth, especially when it comes to the bouc émissaire attitude towards Michael Jackson, and this is an issue which I feel very strongly about. As Michael Jackson has said before, “Do not judge a person, do not pass judgment, unless you have talked to them one on one,” and I really believe this. Remember: “Before you judge me, try hard to love me.”

From around four or five, I have always been enthralled and fascinated by the musical, creative and artistic genius of Michael Jackson. I clearly remember when I discovered Michael Jackson. Dusting off from the shelf a VHS of Dangerous – The Short Films I became hypnotised by the music video: appreciating the Egyptian themed dance choreographies to the point of obsessively imitating every step, every move. I was addicted, and I loved it like an alcoholic loves the taste of ethanol burning down their neck. Of course, my addiction was of a more dignified establishment, as I am sure Mr. Seth Green would agree, when I quote them, “There are two kinds of people in this world: Michael Jackson fans and losers.” Fortunately I find myself fitting into the position of the prior. As my years increased, I began to not only appreciate Michael as an artist, but also as a person with whom I shared many distinct attributes. Below I list three passages from Michael’s 1988 autobiography (Moon Walk). Both contain personality reflections applicable to my own and I provide personal commentary after each in bold:

1) “I think my image gets distorted in the public's mind. They don't get a clear or full picture of what I'm like, despite the press coverage I mentioned early. Mistruths are printed as fact, in some cases, and frequently only half of a story will be told. The part that doesn't get printed is often the part that would make the printed part less sensational by shedding light on the facts.” My own extreme shyness presents an outward image in, public which is very much misunderstood. People assume that because I am shy I must prefer being left alone, when I clearly don’t. This is in the same way that people have come to conclusions over their opinions of Michael without any substantial justification of their views.

2) “I've been accused of being obsessed with my privacy and it's true that I am. People stare at you when you're famous. They're observing you and that's understandable, but it's not always easy. If you were to ask me why I wear sunglasses in public as often as I do, I'd tell you it's because I simply don't like to have to constantly look everyone in the eye.” It’s true that I can be infuriatingly difficult when it comes to being totally stubborn to change, but this is what I have come to accept. Many people have often questioned why I don’t just stop worrying about what other people think. Well it’s easy enough to say it like that, but when you’re in the shoes of a shy person you’ll see how it’s not that easy.

3) “Everybody has many facets to them and I'm no different. When I'm in public, I often feel shy and reserved. Obviously, I feel differently away from the glare of cameras and staring people. My friends, my close associates, know there's another Michael that I find it difficult to present in the outlandish "public" situations I often find myself in.” This is also true. As an extremely shy person, I am very much misjudged and misunderstood in public, but if I really know you and you try to understand me, you will see me for who I really am.

Now, I’ve supported and believed in Michael Jackson since those early days of mine, and I will continue to do so forever. To Michael Jackson:

You’ve set records that were Off the Wall; you should us that you were a Thriller. You’ve been Bad, you’ve been Dangerous, and along the way you’ve even created HIStory. Many have let you down over the course of your career, from your early days touring the Midwest with The Jackson 5 to your (and I am jumping ahead here) upcoming series of performances, ‘This Is It’, you’ve remained unbreakable, and you’ve shown everyone just how Invincible you are.

Mr. Michael Jackson, I’m a fan, and I’m always going to be a fan. There will always be people out there trying to destroy you, but even you have said, “People write negative things because that’s what sells,” and “Ignorance is Prejudice.” God bless you, Keep the Faith, and always remember that there are a lot of people out there, just like me, who have always supported you. You have an allegiance of loyal supporters and we all can’t wait to see what you do next.

I end by providing two links that are worth looking into:
1. Steady-Laughing.com: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Fan Domain
2. YouTube - Try To Understand Him, Michael Jackson...

Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.
mmm lawd, i have told this i time or two :lol:

i met a person when i was very young. He loved Michael Jackson ... I fell in love with him and Michael came along for the ride. For years I was the boyfriend of a CRAZED Michael Jackson fan. Being dragged to concerts, standing in line fa hours for tickets/LPs etc... Standing outside hotels while he waited for a glimpse of his idol ... dodging limos that were trying to get away from screaming fans, all that ish.

Over the years, there were times that Michael was my least favorite person. I would never have admitted it then but I was jealous of his love for Mike. Regardless, our love endured ... in hindsight, his love for Michael probably allowed us to remain together. After I was finished with my schooling, my job took me to many places. Sometimes for extended periods of time. Without his infatuation with Mike to occupy him, those periods of separation may have been harder for him to take. The fact that I happened to be places that Michael was touring ... very conveniently I may add :lol: but that fact allowed him greater access to shows abroad. He got to see me and add to his concert tally ... at the same time, I was able to rid myself of some of my guilt for being away so much. It was a good situation all around.

My own personal emergence, as a Michael Jackson fan, came after the MSG Anniversary Concerts. I was living/working in the city and going home to visit him and the kids on the weekends...that week the family came to me, instead of me going home to them. It was a time to hold on to and cherish forever. How does that quote go ?? ... 'it was the best of times, it was the worst of times' something like that, anyway. I surprised him with tickets to the after party at the TOTG and he finally got to meet Michael. They stood back to back at first. Then he turned and saw Michael right there next to him ... talk about being worth all the money that I had spent !! Holy crap, the look on his face when it hit him full on ... priceless and precious, I night to remember.

Unfortunately that was the best and little did we know that the worst was coming. Then that clear morning of the eleventh of September. He and our youngest daughter were taken ... another memory that will last forever.

After that devastation, it was his friends that held me up. The friends that shared his love and obsession with Michael Jackson. *sigh* those people that, at times in the past had dreaded having to talk to on the phone. Or see at get togethers ... people that knew I didn't really like them for them but because they were important to him. Along with them, there was the online family of friends. People that I only knew as screen names that he would speak of. They did not know me ... but they were there for me regardless. It was through that compassion and acceptance, that I began to understand what made Michael so important to Jeff all those years. As I would listen to each song that I had listened to ridiculous amounts of times before ... it was like hearing them for the first time again. They all meant something completely different to me at that point. Not only were they a link to what I had lost but to what I could now gain. It was never clear to me the message that he was sending. He was a pop star. dude had made some nice tracks that lots of people liked ... sure his concerts were electrifying but I never understood the screaming, crazed adoration and idealic love that he possessed for Michael. Jeff had said, 'one day you will understand. until then, i love you anyway'
Like a bash in the face, it was all becoming clear to me... I finally got it!! If only it didn't take him being gone, for me to do so.

Michael, along with his music, it's message, his fans and the countless memories that intertwine our lives with Jeff, is something that I will cherish until it is my time to go.

Michael Jackson ... you have won my heart and my thanks. I thank you for always being there for my friend when I couldn't be and thank you for being here for me... now that he is no longer with me.

Now KICK some AZZ at these O2 dates !! We are all cheering you on from here and eager to cheer you on in person once again.

Aww, I'm so sorry for your tragic loss :-(. That was a really touching and inspiring story. That is wonderful though that your b/f got to meet Michael, i'm sure it meant a lot to him. If you ever meet MJ again, you should tell him of your story. I know he'd be very touched.