Why don't we ????


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Leeds UK, Sydney
:doh:Look, this might sound childish, immature or stupid but I gotta ask..

Getting presents to MJ seems obviously to be a challenge (Postmaster at Encino or to New York no-one knows for sure).
Reaching him via phone or email is almost impossible. (shout if any of you managed to achieve this in the last couple of months)

But we know he currently lives in or around of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Why don't we place a full page ad in Las Vegas' main Daily paper for the 29th August?

It would not be too late to raise the money and draft a letter you would like to see printed.

Those who live in LV could help us deciding which paper to choose (should be the one with the biggest circulation - everyone reads morning papers) and we can post the order either in person or via the web.

What do you think?:doh:
Great idea Vargak! ;)
Maybe if he even isnt there right now (rumoured to be in NY i think) someone from his friends/family member would show it to him anyway from Vegas:)
Nice :yes: :)

Owww I wonder if he is rumored to be in NY for that 50th b-day event for him??
oh, thanks guys..was getting worried I made a fool out of myself (oh well) but realized it is only the time zones.:)

Look, I think a paper in LV is the best option to go with, (Agnes you are right, even if MJ doesnt read the morning paper at this porridge trust me someone who can reach him is going to) to make this happen we would need to do this (sorry I am a project manager btw)

1. Agree on which LV or NY paper to choose
2. Get a qoute to understand what budget is necessary (we can do half page too)
3. Draft "Ad" consisting of
3.1: Letter
3.2: List of participants, name, email, country and mjjcommunity.com logo and address (so that he knows where to go to say thanks)
4. Format Ad
5. Submit AD prior to 27th August (papers usually need 48hrs)

Look I am in Sydney so my tools are limited in this, I can help with point 2 + 3..

Anyone wanna join?
We can make this happen it is not too late but we can only do it as a team..