Why does the media hype Michael Jackson NEW projects?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
We have been hearing since 2005 that Michael is doing this or MJ is doing that and we hear Michael Jackson is working on a new album..bla..i hate telling people that MJ will release a new album...we wait then then 3 or when ever years later they like You lier..he did release it..How do u feel about that?
We have been hearing since 2005 that Michael is doing this or MJ is doing that and we hear Michael Jackson is working on a new album..bla..i hate telling people that MJ will release a new album...we wait then then 3 or when ever years later they like You lier..he did release it..How do u feel about that?

It's up to you. :)

Just because you read it in a magazine
or see it on the TV screen
don't make it factual
thou everybody wants to read all about it...
The media always want to write about Michael as everyone has in interest in Michael Jackson, and his name makes the media a lot of money. It doesn't matter if the information they receive and report is true or not.
The media (and fans) hype up everything that's got to do with MJ and unfortunatley it's not always for the right reasons.
i think there are sadly enough still too many idiots in the media that want to see mj fail so they think the more noise they make the better it turns out for their terrible magazines if the album is not out by the time thesaid it would
brings more cash in then waiting till there s an official news to report so actually that means lot of so called normal magazines are using tabloid tricks these days
because MJ is a standard Artist and no matter what he does or doesn't do they still keeps a interest in him and what he is up to.
Yes i have to agree Michael will always be a interest to the media. They are hoping he falls or hoping he does good. the thing is he is America,s son and weather they want to addmit it or not he is a big story.
We have been hearing since 2005 that Michael is doing this or MJ is doing that and we hear Michael Jackson is working on a new album..bla..i hate telling people that MJ will release a new album...we wait then then 3 or when ever years later they like You lier..he did release it..How do u feel about that?

His situation isn't really unique. Dr. Dre, D'Angelo, Guns 'N' Roses and 'em also got albums they're willing to put out this year but never get a chance to, lol. Michael's part of that club. :)
Ok Maybe MJ is like IAM THE KING i have done it all...lol i just want to spend the rest of my life chilling..shamon!! Hey prince get me more ice cream...
I don't think media hype anything about new mj's music, I think his friends and collaborators are trying to get media attention by using MJ's name and telling half truth and half lies about everything.
anything mike does will be hyped..if he farts at church it will be hyped
I like to think its because.....deep down.....everyone wants to see him do something great again. So they hype up the first bit of info. they get. Whatever it be, I believe everyone wants to see him again. All the lovers and even the haters.

I think the media does too.

But, of course, this might be wishful thinking...LOL!