Why does the media always use old pics or old footage in the news?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
San Antonio Texas
Have you all notice that everytime they talk about MJ good or bad is always footage from 90s era or 2001-2002 era!! Why is that?
because there hasnt been much since interms of real public photos. and everyone knows its a case of lets find the crappiest looking picture possible and use that
yeah and the parallel question could be - why does the media always praise only the 80's work of Michael's ... :(
There's PLENTY enough footage/photographs from RECENT times, so there's no point in them doing that.

But they do like to use the worst pictures of him--which are uh...quite rare if you ask me--he doesn't have many pictures where he looks bad at all, but they make sure to use 'em!.

For instance when his nose was kind of weird looking because he probably recently had a procedure...they use that one all the time.

They want him to go down in history as a plastic surgery-addicted freak and convicted criminal (hence the trial footage).
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yeah and I really hate it when they try to make him as if he were a crazy person or something...
I don't know which ones they use but I noticed that even though there are thousands of great photos about Michael out there still the media likes to use those which are not the best to comment silly and disgusting things (plastic surgery, skin bleaching, bla bla). I don't know what are in their minds but he's a human too, so he can have bad photos about himself as well like any other regular people.
umm... when is the last time you've seen him promoting anything positive?

that in my opinion is not putting your all into promoting

Who said anything about 'putting your all' into promoting?

You said 'nothing, nada'. That NRJ promotion is something....

I was just being facetious though; I'll grant you that there were no new photos of MJ promoting T25.
did he really have to put his all into Thriller 25, honestly? I mean we are speaking of 'THRILLER'..that album is as sure as the sun coming out every morning..it would have been quite comical and not to mention a waste of time Michael actively involved in promotion of a remixed/remastered album. Just a little bit here and there was perfect. The promotion that way wasn't in your face nor off putting...see how well it did and continues to do so.

sorry back on topic...I alwasy thought that news channels need to further their agendas and strenghten their argument so what better way than to pick an unflattering picture of Michael Jackson..I think they feel this epitomises his alleged bizarre/ controversial personality etc.
the media loves when Michael looks bad...but we know the truth:)
Who said anything about 'putting your all' into promoting?

You said 'nothing, nada'. That NRJ promotion is something....

I was just being facetious though; I'll grant you that there were no new photos of MJ promoting T25.

Thank you!

It' pure jealousy and racism. They don't want the public to think of him in a positive way. They're afraid of his potential and capabilities. But the truth stands the test of time. As a matter of fact, we (the fans) are the only ones that pay attention to this garbage and this thread should be closed. What's the point in even paying attention to something we know is not true. MJ looks better than ever and that should be the end of the story.

Have you all notice that everytime they talk about MJ good or bad is always footage from 90s era or 2001-2002 era!! Why is that?

Two reasons, unlike other celebrities who are seen on the red carpet or out and about, Michael Jackson is rarely seen and getting footage of him going from point A to B is impossible. The second and main reason is that the media only has access to footage in the public domain, and unfortunately the only footage of MJ in the public domain are the trial footages. Anything else, they have to ask permission and pay for it.
It' pure jealousy and racism. They don't want the public to think of him in a positive way. They're afraid of his potential and capabilities. But the truth stands the test of time. As a matter of fact, we (the fans) are the only ones that pay attention to this garbage and this thread should be closed. What's the point in even paying attention to something we know is not true. MJ looks better than ever and that should be the end of the story.


Dear Takinnostuff,
Jealously yes...but I totally disagree that it has ANYTHING to do with racism...please don't even go there...

Black or White by Michael Jackson