Why do we need to sleep?

Sleep gives your body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day. It's like giving your body a mini-holiday. Sleep also gives your brain a chance to sort things out. Scientists aren't exactly sure what kinds of organizing your brain does while you sleep, but they think that sleep may be the time when the brain sorts and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems.

wish we didnt need to tho i wish i could stay up and be with special people forever and ever with out the need for sleep
Sleep gives your body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day. It's like giving your body a mini-holiday. Sleep also gives your brain a chance to sort things out. Scientists aren't exactly sure what kinds of organizing your brain does while you sleep, but they think that sleep may be the time when the brain sorts and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems.

Wow my answer sounds crap now lol :ph34r:
I don't really know but I like to sleep.


haha, I've been sleeping the days away this summer.. :p
Sleep gives your body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day. It's like giving your body a mini-holiday. Sleep also gives your brain a chance to sort things out. Scientists aren't exactly sure what kinds of organizing your brain does while you sleep, but they think that sleep may be the time when the brain sorts and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems.

wish we didnt need to tho i wish i could stay up and be with special people forever and ever with out the need for sleep

I wish we didn't need sleep either, but like someone else says, that's the way God wants it to be.
if we didnt sleep we would slowly go insane. sleep allows the body a chance to recouperate. plus when you sleep you dream and that gives the mind an outlet to process everything and allow you to wake up refreshed ready for a new day.

I'd say we need sleep for both physiological and psychological reasons. Af far as phsysiology is concerned, sleep allows us to give our bodies a rest so that we can rejouvenate ourselves. And as far as psychological is concerned, it allows our minds to processes everything that's happened that day. I also think we sleep because...hmm, well look at at like this: Say you had a really, really, really bad day, right? the fact that you can sleep and wake up to a new day is pretty cool in that each day you have a new beginning. The days don't drone on and one like they're fused together.

It's such a simple question, and yet it's so difficult to really answer. :)

i remember when i was depressed, sleep took away the pain for a few hours too. and i woke up maybe still shity, but my mind turned to other things to think about for the new day. everyday is a new day thanks to sleep.
and if you feel sick or have a headache, some pain..when you wake up in the morning the headache is gone.. you give your body time to reenergize.

we weren't made to be robots, living things need down time. we need to be charged up like a phone or we're dead.
but with life being so short its amazing how we spend half of it sleeping, but it is enjoyable as well, getting sleepy and relaxed. i think people who have issues with sleeping should get a cat, they make you want to fall asleep. :wink:
I always thought that another reason for sleep is that it let's your body focus on healing you when you're poorly etc That's why you sleep so much when you're ill.

While you're sleeping, your body can concentrate on healing you more quickly as it's not focusing on so many other processes.
Actually, yes!

I also read somewhere else that dreaming is a way of understanding/letting go all of the emotions/thoughts thaat have built up in the day; it's a release.

This is very interesting, hehe.
So that your friends have the opportunity to fart on you and draw disgusting things on your face, and possibly shave your eyebrows. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything.
Someone here said that they wished they didn't need to sleep, but for me, that would be so awful! I can't even think about life without sleeping. I wish I could sleep forever and to never wake up. Eternal sleep. Sounds weird but I love love looove sleeping.
i do like to sleep in this sad time...
so i think we need to sleep to recharge u batteries and place all things that happend that day in our mind....
but you know what i don,t like at sleeping in this period of greiving?

waking up........

it,s so hard and painfull to wake up and realise that michael is not here anymore.
it drived me to tears 39 times........... and in a few hours the 40th time will come......

waking up in a world wihtou michael, it,s so hard and painfull.