Why did MJ reharse so late at night?


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
I was wondering about this? This must have been very bad for his sleeping habits, comming home after 12 in the night most nights he did not have time to " come down" from the "high" he gets from performing or participating in creative ideas, so he needed strong medicin to make him sleep.

But why not reharse at day time so he can come home at in the evening and slow down and relax and say goodnight to the kids before going to bed.

I dont get it...
I was wondering about this? This must have been very bad for his sleeping habits, comming home after 12 in the night most nights he did not have time to " come down" from the "high" he gets from performing or participating in creative ideas, so he needed strong medicin to make him sleep.

But why not reharse at day time so he can come home at in the evening and slow down and relax and say goodnight to the kids before going to bed.

I dont get it...

a lot of that is speculation.
1.probably during the day he wanted to stay with his kids
2.Michael was used to work in the evening from childhood
with the concerts it would have been the same...those would have been also at nights
^^ I was thinking the same. Probably ties in with the time the concerts would have run to.

Also, I think he was probably a bit of a night owl.
He probably had other things to do during the day and wanted to be with his kids.
We all know how much Michael loved his children, I'm not that surprised that he'd rather rehearse at night when they are asleep, rather than during the day when he could be spending time with them.

Just the thought of how much he loved those kids :cry: He is so beautiful
Those aren't weird hours at all in the entertainment industry.
For an example, music producers usually work from the evening to the dawn.
If I would be rehearsing, I know I would do it in the evening to midnight. Some people are simply at their best during the night (because morning sucks, lol). In any case, the shows would've been in the evening, so maybe not so odd.
I agree with BruceWayne - all the concerts would have been in the evening, so he would have to get into the routine of working late anyway. He was probably getting into the routine early, although he would have to deal with the time change for going to London as well.
Does it really make a difference whether he rehearsed in the morning, at midday, late afternoon or in the evening? He still wouldn't have been able to go to sleep due to his insomnia regardless at what time he rehearsed.
The voice sounds better at night, vocal chords have had all day to warm up.
We all know how much Michael loved his children, I'm not that surprised that he'd rather rehearse at night when they are asleep, rather than during the day when he could be spending time with them.

Just the thought of how much he loved those kids :cry: He is so beautiful

I know :cry:
Yeah, I'm a Musical Theatre performer, so it's a little different, but for us, call is always after 5pm. The schedule for tech week (the last week of rehearsal) usually says something like "6pm - until", meaning "until we're done" =P. I remember, when I was little, bringing a pillow and blanket backstage so I could sleep during the scenes I wasn't it. There were times it wouldn't let out until 1 or 2am on a school night! Thankfully, as I moved on from community theatre, the child laws went into effect and they had to let me go, haha. :2cents:
Michael was a night person. if ur a night person your work best during night time. I also have experience working on production and call time usually starts 5/6pm til' midnight and sometimes til' early dawn.

and I'm one of those people who believes that creativity flows during 11pm-3am lol
Well I remember reading something about Michael saying that he felt that he was more creative at night and that dusk until dawn that the creative side of human consciousness is more vibrant during those hours. So perhaps maybe that had something to do with it, I'm just guessing.
There is so much business that went around the concerts too.. The two days I went to his hows in a row, I saw people in and out all day.. Just in one day before rehearsal Travis (choreographer) and Kenny Ortega showed up to his house at different times.. His security guards, and drivers would show up to the house about 10ish.. I would see his driver leave sometimes and come back with a fast food bag.. assumed for MJ but his chef on TV said he eats only organic in the week so IDK what was really in the bag.. Anyway! throughout the day, business men would drive up, stay for a couple hours if that, and leave.. then another would come.. etc!! Then keep in mind his kids etc.. Would you put all into consideration it was not that late.. Hew would leave the house 6-8 ish and rehears for about 6 hours.. He would leave rehearsals midnight or later depending on when he left the house... Fans out there do this like a ritual! stay outside all day, wait for him to leave.. some would give the driver stuff for him to sign! he would sign in the car on the way to rehearsal, and the way back and fans would collect autographs after everything at his house at like 1am ish!..

The day I went to rehearsal, his guard told us Michael is tired and will not be stoping tonight on his way home.. He did do waves etc. But unlike his way TO rehearsals, he speed off.. once inside the house guards came out gave autographs to those who had them signed, and his staff would leave!! I was there at his house when MJ left on june 18th, well technacly 19th since it was 1-2am.. and one thing maybe worth noting, OR NOT! No other cars came up to his house of "importance".. AKA, no DOCTORS ever showed up to his house at all.. unless he was all ready there waiting for Michael, or he came like 3 am.. Doubtful in my mind though Michael would have his dr on his property without Michael there.. IDK you make judgement!
he would rehearse all day and sometimes till late at night, working after 12 isnt that late really. Michael is a perfectionist and he wouldnt finish until he knew it was perfect.
I love working at night, its the best time, everything is more relaxed etc

I jog at night rather than the morning because I feel more relaxed
Michael was a workaholic, shooting video's in the day, visiting doctors, voice training, doing interviews, meetings etc. I imagine he had a tight schedule in the day time, plus spending time with his children. Must of been under extreme pressure during the time of rehearsals.
I'll have to agree with everyone that this is pretty normal.

I had the opportunity to work with a very famous music group in my home country. It allowed me to both travel with them and observe them.

In Europe most concerts start at 9 - 10 PM. The band will generally go the venue at 6-8 pm, have a little snack, perhaps a nap then will go on to perform. Generally they would be performing past midnight. After that they would go backstage to gather themselves (for an half hour or so), then there could be an after party or meet-greet type of thing. By this time everyone will be starving and we would go to get something to eat. They generally would not be able to go to bed until 4-5 AM.

Similarly they would have weight loss and sleep issues as well.

The reason many tours have legs is to give the performer a chance to rest and collect themselves in between. In my example the band will have 3 month performance schedule. By the end of the 3 months their pants would be falling off - they would become skin and bones. Then there would be a 1 month break at which they would rest to bulk back.

Also even though perhaps it might not be classified as insomnia but most performers will have lack of sleep issues. Generally with the tours there are interviews, apperances, travelling to the next city etc, so in some days performers would only be able to sleep for few hours. I have seen "lucky" people being able to sleep at any chance they get such as few hours at night, for half an hour on the car ride to the tv station etc etc. Some others would sleep for 3-4 hours a night and then crash and sleep for 16 hours on free days.
Michael has a history of staying up all night. Ever since he was super young. I remember Latoya saying that Michael would keep her up at night playing music and dancing in his room.

Alot of artistic like people seem to be this way, my self including.