Why care so much for animals?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have been selling things in the marketplace to get money to spay/neuter cats.Some people have asked me why the money went to the cats when there were so many children in the world who needed help.I asked them what they were doing for the children and they gave money...sometimes.. a few times a year..
I gave more even if my special interest is to help homeless cats.
I think if you care about animals you care about people too, but maybe you feel more comfortable together with animals.

Here are som dogstories.
A little pearl..
Alf got a chance to survive and then he got a chance to help people...
Big Sonny is gentle with little kittens and puppies..
Well done Mist, I've learned to ignore people who question why I give money for helping animals instead of people because 90% of the time they don't even give for people.
People who ask why you care for animals and not children or humans are being hypocritical. They probably haven't done half as much as the person they are asking.
I have been asked that question few times.
Like..." why are you helping that dog or a cat when there are hungry children in the world ?"
I help when I can..I am not in a good financial situation myself.If a hungry child would come to my door I would give him all I can. The same goes for animals.
Abandoned animals didn"t just fall from the sky. They were left by humans. They need help.
I was voluntearing once in a street sale for animal-shelter and we raised only about 50 $ for all day. :(
Most ppl don"t care. They would rather have 3 beers than buy food for hungry animals. Or children. :( :(
There were nice people too at the marketplace, some bought things just because they wanted to help.We used to get about 100 $ for a day.Then we sold many things for less than a dollar.
The money went to veterinarian fees, it was a days work to neuter one female cat.

We were selling things that were given to us and some of our own stuff that we didn´t need anymore.We couldn´t just give away things that people had given to us to help the cats but if it was our toys for children or if we hadn´t sold the toys in the end of the day we could give it to someone there who was helping children.

I don´t get why some people who has a cat that they love and treat like their baby,thinks that the best solution for homeless cats is to kill them.
If I say I love cats I love all cats.
We don´t have streetdogs here but I guess it´s the same,the owned dog are treated good
but the streetdogs are not wanted.

I read about a homeless boy who lived where they put garbage.He was struggling to get food for his own every day but he also cared for 20 dogs.IFAWor if it was ASPCA helped him.They neutered the dogs and I think they helped him with food.
The dogs were the only family the boy had.
The animals are helpless and can not speak for themselves to defend themselves. I help as I can dogs and cats abandoned in my country. I know people criticize and I also know that there are so many children in the world and people are starving, living on the streets and so many other problems. Only the government/authorities can solve and and wipe out these problems. People help as they can. The animals are helpless and need us. We can not forget them.

I think people should read these books:







Animals are very special beings. :wub:
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Some people have asked me why the money went to the cats when there were so many children in the world who needed help.I asked them what they were doing for the children and they gave money...sometimes.. a few times a year..
These are probably the same people who complain about welfare mothers and so-called illegal aliens having children in the US. There's a runaway shelter where I live and I don't see anybody going out of their way to help them. I also see teen prostitutes, nobody is talking about raising money for them. People say things like "Why are you helping cats?" probably to make themselves feel superior. Anybody can talk, but not anybody can do. It's also speciesism, like considering humans more superior than other animals.
If you learn to love animals you will learn to love people... They don't need all that attention and money as we humans do... Just give them love and food and they will be happy, and taking them to the vet like once a year... They also have life like us and they get hurt and they help us with a lot of things, a pet could give a lot of help to depressed people...