Why can't Google leave Youtube alone?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Google needs to stop changing youtube and forcing Google+. Youtube worked fine before and google keeps putting in all these unnecessary changes that's turning the site into a mess. Now you got to have an account on google+ to be able to reply to comments. Youtube and google+ don't need to be the same thing!

The worst part is that google just won't listen! Most people say that they prefer the older versions of youtube but google keep forcing all these stupid changes. And i'm not the kind of person who hates change. I just hate change when it makes things worse
I hate changes. Even changes ruins everything.
Google really needs to learn the saying: "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
Google needs to stop changing youtube and forcing Google+. Youtube worked fine before and google keeps putting in all these unnecessary changes that's turning the site into a mess. Now you got to have an account on google+ to be able to reply to comments. Youtube and google+ don't need to be the same thing!

The worst part is that google just won't listen! Most people say that they prefer the older versions of youtube but google keep forcing all these stupid changes. And i'm not the kind of person who hates change. I just hate change when it makes things worse

I can't for the life of my understand these new settings in youtube that i just stopped interacting/commenting all together. I agree with you
I really hate what Google did to you tube myself. I can't sign back in to you tube under my old username. And I can't sign up for another username. Since Google forces that stupid cell phone number thing in the registration section. That is so extremely stupid since not every one has a cell phone. I most certainly don't. Nor do I want to have one. Since I am not going to have any use for it. At least I can still watch videos on you tube. But I just so wish I could post a comment about that video. I so miss being able to do that. Especially when it comes to Bollywood related videos.