why bahrein??????


Proud Member
Jun 22, 2009
Why was michael living in bahrein??? I mean did he know what happens there? And that has message is something they dont honor at all..
Just on the news:
A studente 20 years old, wrote a poem and she read it out loud and then she was captures by autority who went in her parents home, and she is sentence to prison for a year!!!!!!!!
For reading a poem!!!
This poem was about freedom and about that she was not happy with the king..
also the autoritys threatened to kill her brother if she not give her self in..

Now in prison she is being tortured

SO why did michael live in a country who is that bad, who is that corrupted, who is killing people if they want too, no justice, why??
Its important to know if its a true claim or not and the Date .. Thanks
We dont want to use unfounded rumours to implicate MJ in any wrong doing.

My best guess would be
MJ was unaware of this happening.

What we do know and the best answer

Michael traveled all over the world becuase he loved the people and children of all nations
That didnt mean he always supported the governments actions in those countries or even
knew what actions many governements were taking. He was in each country to inspire
love peace and unity.. We know he didnt support injustice anywhere in the world.

I hope that helps :)

If you wont except that answer then this is your other option
Michael Jackson supported injustice and torture against innocent women in the countries he visted or lived in.
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Maybe that's why he left?

I really don't know why he lived there all I can do is guess. After the trail Michael needed to get away from America, Europe wouldn't be much better and Jermaine knew people in the middle east and I'm gussing he helped Michael and his children go there knowing they would be away from the public eye a little bit more than if they lived in America or Europe. Have to say it worked a little, he was a bit more private there but of course the media still made up the whole "michael converted to Islam lie" because he lived there but that one was proven false pretty fast even though some still think it's true (man there are a lot of clips on youtube about that lie!!), but other than that he was pretty private there I would say.

I'm sure he did not approve of the laws of the country.... he might not have known everythig either? And again, he did move out of there....

Again, alla guess from my side =)
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Bahrain was away from the spot light - that's what I think. Michael needed some space from America. He needed space from the corruption, the paparazzi/media, and public. Jermaine I believe also encouraged him because he was particulary concerned that the conspiracy against Michael was going to consume him. We all know what happened in the end :( :( :(

I was watching this interview with Jermaine about it yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGHWLI0491Y
Ya I also why Bahrein too. He could have moved away to Europe, Italy, Paris, France.. anywhere to move out of the spotlight...
Ok I just googled bahrain and read this just happened RECENT it is a crackdown
on the sheite rebellion. We dont have all the facts yet. I suppose you read that too_
So We know MJ was not there supporting any such thing.

I could understand questioning Bahrains RECENT actions but ..
Why would we question MICHAEL or his character over the actions of what the Bahrain
Government is doing today or any country Micheal lived in or visted for that matter.

knowing what we already know about Michael's character or should know if one has
studied his life, goals and purpose. we dont need to question MJ being anywhere on
the planet. we know whether personal or on tour his reasons are justified.

Also please read my reply a few posts above
This whole conspircy thing has gotten way out of hand because if there are so many videos out there that want to make the conspircy that Michael was killed because he converted to Islam - even though it's been proven that he never did. There are those "illuminati" (what ever that is??) that have done so much to try to fool others that that is the reasons. Finding things in Michael's music and videos that shows he was a good kind man, that he cared about everyone and wanted what's best for the world as if that can only a muslim man want and that that proves he was killed becuase of that. I don't really get it but it's out there and it makes me pretty mad that even when Michael is gone people still choose to believe the media over Michael's own words...
I agree with QBee and Indra. We are pretty certain of Michael's beliefs and should be able to make a somewhat clear judgement that Michael might not have known about things like this. I'm sure these situations that are coming into the spotlight now were probably better hidden 5-6 years ago. The whole Middle East wasn't in as much of a rebellion as it is in now. News stories like the first one above are being reported daily now in other countries around the area.

And yes, Mike needed to get away, and no, Europe would not have been a good option to go to. Too much media and too many fans. I think he wanted to get away from everyone, including our eyes, if only for a little while.

Our best guess is he knew nothing about these actions. And he wasn't there for longer than a few years anyways, correct? Maybe it was the reason he left. He starting seeing the corruption.
I don't think he was aware of the situation. He was a guest of the royal family, wasn't he? They certainly didn't tell him the other side of the story.
Michael had a tough time with the trial and I guess he just wanted to go away from everything.
I think it was enough to deal with things that happened to him and he didn´t know much about what the goverment did in Bahrain-if they did something good or bad
He won the trial but he had lost his safe home and he lost his beloved animals.
He didn´t know where he was going to live in the future.
ok let me clear this, i started this thread because it was on the NEWS so its not gossip its a fact..
Then you have my hero: michael who i thought is well written and he knows alot of the world, he wants to know. So why would he not no about bahrein?
Then there is what qbee said: thx for reacting: its happening now,yes true qbee but i believe that is something that happend to bahrein in 05 also.. Maybe the amnesty knows that the best..

Im not attacking michael, im attacking the idea of bahrein doing such evil things, and our hero lived in it..

I believe your right about getting away from the us to what they have done is also evil!! so i understand the movement. That is by jermaine is something isnt it?

maybe if jermaine recomended michael didnt invest in the country and what happend there.. Because he trusted jermaine, and maybe jermaine is not about knowing what countrys do to there people

That could be a good explanation :)

Also i know he lived ireland, but maybe he was haunted there as well.

I just have michael in a high spot and he is so good in history and things about planet earth and what happens to it, so i was so shocked to read in to what bahrein for country is..

I hope you understand it now
Do you really think American authorities is any better? There is injustice everywhere, and I don't think Michael picked his home based on governments around the world.
maybe not tehholyspir1t. I know it doesnt happen here in holland, so im glad i live here :)

its just alot we dont know about some countrys also the things that happen now the wars, i feel so sad about that i can be awake at night over it sometimes.
lol i have the habbit michael did, do not watch the news.
Didn't he only live in Bahrain for a year anyway? He moved there after the trial (June 05) and I know that he lived in Irland in Mid 2006.
Didn't he only live in Bahrain for a year anyway? He moved there after the trial (June 05) and I know that he lived in Irland in Mid 2006.

Michael moved to Bahrain July/Aug 2005 he lived there aprox 9/10 months
I think he had a short stay in london before moving on to Ireland in
June 2006 and then he returned to USA Dec 23, 2006
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ok thanks qbee

i found this also importend:
She also said recently that LA had "gotten dramatically worse in the last five or six years, even more shallow if that’s even possible."[46]

She is LMP. so its true he had to leave the us...

But although jermaine recommended it i would never move to bahrein ever! So there must be a good reason for michael to do so right?
Here is more info about MJ moving to Bahrain after the trial. I hope it helps

The Prince of Bahrain gave Michael Money after his trial to help him and also offered him a place to live.
To get away from the glare of the media and to recuperate gain back his health & rest from the ordeal of his trial.

He supported Michael while he lived there. He was wanting MJ to record and make an album there. MJ changed his
mind becuase he wanted to do his own work and he felt trapped there by that deal. So he left . Later in 2008 The
Prince sued Michael for the money and the loss of recording deal with him. They settled the civil suite on good terms.

They had been friends for years before becuase Michael Did 2 concerts in Bahrain in June 1996 for the Shaws Birthday and then His first HIStory tour in Jan 1997. There was not always all the difficulty in that country as it is mostly know as a peaceful nation. It has just been recent with the Sheite revolts that we here of any significant problems there. That I know of
We will never know why Michael chose to travel to Bahrain. And it may not have been the choice for some to travel to Bahrain. But it was for Michael, who was a human being who made decisions on the information he had, how he felt and what was going on around him.

Do we really need to dissect it? Does it really matter?

I think you need to ask yourself 'why this is important to me?' and you may find that it has more to do with your feelings of disappointment in Michael and wanting to make yourself feel better about a personal choice he made (and that he had every right to make, whether you agreed with it or not). Because it is not a personal choice that you would not have made, does mean you should be second-guessing Michael.

Michael said and did things that fans did not approve of. It is counter-productive to be second-guessing him, trying to make excuses and find explanations for things that we can never know the truth of. He made mistakes. He did things he should not have. Either we accept that or we will be forever looking for justification for things, so that we can say 'see I know I was right to believe in him'.
We will never know why Michael chose to travel to Bahrain. And it may not have been the choice for some to travel to Bahrain. But it was for Michael, who was a human being who made decisions on the information he had, how he felt and what was going on around him.

Do we really need to dissect it? Does it really matter?

I think you need to ask yourself 'why this is important to me?' and you may find that it has more to do with your feelings of disappointment in Michael and wanting to make yourself feel better about a personal choice he made (and that he had every right to make, whether you agreed with it or not). Because it is not a personal choice that you would not have made, does mean you should be second-guessing Michael.

Michael said and did things that fans did not approve of. It is counter-productive to be second-guessing him, trying to make excuses and find explanations for things that we can never know the truth of. He made mistakes. He did things he should not have. Either we accept that or we will be forever looking for justification for things, so that we can say 'see I know I was right to believe in him'.

dear chosenone, maybe i understand it wrong but i was a little hurt by what you said. I thought first of all that i can start a thread if its respectfull about a subject a want to start..

questions like there can be asked, and its for a discussion and not to make myself feel better, that hurt! Also i feel like you dont see or know how much michael meants to me and how big of a fan i am and how michael helps me these days in being sick

that said i thinks its ok to ask questions about bahrein and there method of justice and speak of freedom.

I think i am allowed to ask why michael choose the country because i didnt know. alot of fans here and by asking you get some answers...
In discovering michael every day and to learn stuff you need to ask things.. I did in a respectfull way and i explained myself twice here in this thread..
so why posting it like im some weird person with stupid questions?

Maybe you mean well but i have to tell you the way i understood it, it hurts

For others thanks of thinking with me on this and i hope people will react *no mather what the thread is* so people still are able to ask things..
Of course you can ask questions and your thread is perfectly respectful.

And it is great to want to know more about Michael. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But in your original post you expressed your disappointment in his decision and you later said getting answers as to why he did something to disappoint you would make you feel better.

All I am saying is that this is more about you than it is about Michael. And this applies to other fans as well.
Why Bahrain? I suppose only Michael could answer that, and he's no longer here. We can only guess.

Although it wouldn't be my first choice, that country was peaceful around the time Michael was there, and I'm betting he was unaware of what was going on behind closed doors even if he was friends with royalty. He was invited, he wanted out and decided to take them up on the offer. In a sense, it was the perfect hideout. No paparazzi, no tabloids, but it was short-lived. So it's possible he wasn't truly satisfied living there, or happy, with the expectations his host held out for him.

I think he was happier and more relaxed in Ireland. There were reports that he was looking to buy a house there. On the other hand, I never heard about him looking for property in Bahrain.
Actually, for once in his life, can we 'allow' Michael Jackson to simply do as he darn pleases without having to question the motive, the motivation or anything else in his life?

The man went through the torture of his life, the fire, you name it.

Just for once, is it possible to simply 'let him live his life' (in retrospective) without him owing ANYONE an explanation?

I'm sure that he was plenty occupied with just staying alive, mentally, physically, emotionally, while fulfilling his role as a father.
Just let him be, even in retrospect. I beg you.
now sorry but no if i want to ask questions with respect i can... i wanted to know not to feel better but to discuss it, its now more clear to me because some of you were nice enough to answer without attacking me of asking..
sorry chosenone but your wrong about michael disapointing me, then you didnt get my post at all!! I just wanted to know why because of the not nice way the country handles freedom of speech..
Michael is my angel so to read my post as a disapointment in michael is just utterly wrong!

Why is it that sometimes you ask questions about why michael did something its always tryed to shut does people up... like there is no touching the god by asking things! Sorry but thats just as wrong as not giving people freedom of speech!
@pace if you dont like the thread leave and go somewhere else!

Its a forum where we can discuss things also things that are sensetive if you do it with respect and i did that! I tryed to express myself in the best way i can in english which i found hard but i did it anyway!
its weird that most of the times a start a thread about asking something a always be attacked of asking, im disapointed in that
maybe its because some of the ones who do so dont normally ask the risky questions and are more comfortable being blind and do nothing.
michael was about the boundries and about the power of asking. asking for better care for children or something else when it was not cool to do so.. Most of the tabloids of america attacked him then also

So for those who read it, im just a person who wants to know stuff and is not affraid to ask politly! Like michael would say to haters: beat it!
He needed space, and I am sure that he also got a lot of money too. He wanted to relax and think about how he should go on with his life and stuff like that.
Actually, for once in his life, can we 'allow' Michael Jackson to simply do as he darn pleases without having to question the motive, the motivation or anything else in his life?

The man went through the torture of his life, the fire, you name it.

Just for once, is it possible to simply 'let him live his life' (in retrospective) without him owing ANYONE an explanation?

I'm sure that he was plenty occupied with just staying alive, mentally, physically, emotionally, while fulfilling his role as a father.
Just let him be, even in retrospect. I beg you.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, truly I am. But I am inclined to echo the sentiments of this post however I would never have put it so bluntly.

*sigh* I just feel like Michael could not do right for doing wrong. Poor guy. I think I miss the point of this thread entirely because my answer is who cares? He's no longer here, we can't ask him. It's like when fans ask how could Michael eat KFC??? Have you seen what happens to those chickens??? Nevermind that a billion other people on this earth have and will continue to do so. Because he's Michael Jackson he owes the world and its brother an explanation. Cut him a break. Lord knows he needs and needed it. Are we seriously questioning if Michael condone these outlandish laws/behaviours because he happened to stay there for a while a few years back? Do we know him at all?

Like I say, I must have missed the point entirely. So apologies, but I can understand these snappy responses.
We are just curious. Nothing intended but curiousity. Michael was even looking for homes in my homestate of VA & I often wonder what is here that he would have wanted?
I totally understand trying to see the world through his eyes. I totally do. I just get slightly apprehensive when people bring political issues into something when he was just trying to live anywhere on this planet, period. Not sure about the authenticity of it, but the lyrics of 'The Innocent' that are being accredited to him kind of speak their own language. "I'll die a man without a country". Well, in a way he did, despite coming back to the US.

I totally get wanting to understand his world. 'Give In To Me' rings through my head sometimes. "Don't try to understand me just simply do the things I say". I do think you have had to live and experience certain things to be able to write something like that.