Why are some people so ignorant?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It depresses me..how quick some people are to jump to conclusions about Michael without even doing research on him, his character, his heart. :(

I was talking to someone about Michael today. The conversation came round to Michael's skin colour. I adamantly said that Michael had vitiligo. He was a proud black man right to the day of his death. This other person refused to even read what I showed him..all the evidence in pictures of Michael's skin condition, and all the interviews with people who point blank say that Michael had vitiligo (even doctors who didn't know Michael). He had the cheek to say I was wearing MJ-tinted spectacles when I was the one with research on my side, and not a reliance on tabloid trash!

It's not just the vitiligo. It's the man Michael Jackson and what he stood for. Some people never ever stop to think of what an amazing man Michael was. He donated more money to charity than any other popstar, he visited as many orphanages and hospitals as he performed concerts, and he wanted to make the world a BETTER place. He would never harm a child, just as he would never harm ANY OTHER human being. His heart was too pure.

WHY do the newspapers never let the light shine on Michael? The light HE earned from all his tireless work for the less fortunate?

WHY are people so quick to judge? I can't understand it. It makes me sad and angry.

Sorry for the rant. I just felt that you guys would understand what I'm going through. =[
I was just thing the same thing.:( I finally got around to reading the articles in the MJ issue of rolling stone and it made me so so sad that they dedicated so much of that issue to the rumors, speculation and down right lies about Michael. An d hardly anything was said about what a good man he was. It's not fair.
Sadly this is the world we've come to live in, the more things change the more self-serving some become. For some people, it is hard to see the good in others, they'd rather feed on conflict and blow a person's flaws up and out of proportion even though none of us are without flaws. I hate you had to deal with that but some people can't see a bat even if you show it to them, they don't recognize it until you hit them in the face with it. It's not your fault, if you seek the truth you will find it, so just rely on the truth you've found and hope that those people who choose to believe what others tell them will develop some independence and learn to research and look for things themselves. There are still good people out there love, people who are not even MJ fans who can still see and recognize the truth so hold on to that.

It depresses me..how quick some people are to jump to conclusions about Michael without even doing research on him, his character, his heart. :(

you just noticed that now? welcome to the world of michael jackson
Sadly this is the world we've come to live in, the more things change the more self-serving some become. For some people, it is hard to see the good in others, they'd rather feed on conflict and blow a person's flaws up and out of proportion even though none of us are without flaws. I hate you had to deal with that but some people can't see a bat even if you show it to them, they don't recognize it until you hit them in the face with it. It's not your fault, if you seek the truth you will find it, so just rely on the truth you've found and hope that those people who choose to believe what others tell them will develop some independence and learn to research and look for things themselves. There are still good people out there love, people who are not even MJ fans who can still see and recognize the truth so hold on to that.


That was so uplifting! Thank you! =] I do feel so lucky that I feel the truth about Michael in my heart. And I will rely on it as you suggested. It gives me great peace. I just wish other people were more open to it.

you just noticed that now? welcome to the world of michael jackson
No, I didn't just notice it now. But I had an experience of it which clarified it in real terms for me.
As hard as it is for us to understand, some people will believe only what they want to believe. It doesn't matter how much evidence you have, how much you yell, scream and cry in order to make them see otherwise - once they have their mind set on something, nothing can change it.

I tried this as well with my friend on Saturday night. He would not listen to reasoning. He had his mind made up on Michael Jackson, and that was that. So when this situation happens, I just do my best to ignore it and block out their negative comments. Because trying to make your case, and seeing their complete disregard of your point of view, only makes the pain worse. :(
The problem is ignorant people don't listen. They would rather believe crap than the truth. It's cooler to believe that he is a child molester, and hates his race, becuase it makes him more eerie and a target to be made fun of. People forget that the media exaggerates for sensionalism, and eventually forget the true Michael Jackson, and what he is about. It reminds me of that movie "The Man with no face" with Mel Gibson, where they accussed this professor of molesting his student and called him a sick freak because his face was scarred in an accident.Truth was he was a goodhearted man who had become isolated and bitter because of a cruel society.
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Sadly people seem to take what the media says as 100% fact. Don’t really care about anything else. MJ said he suffered from vitaligo so I had no reason to think that he did not. In fact I think it’s kind of crazy as MJ said one time people don’t say anything about white and light people constantly wanting to tan (to be darker) year round. Even if he didn’t have vitaligo and just wanted to be lighter that was his business. I guess that rumors, made up lies are more interesting to most folk obviously it sales the rags .

There are many celebrities/public figures do things for the publicity but Michael did things because it was the right thing to do. He was blessed with a talent that earned him a good living that he was able to donate and help others. Michael was a good person probably one of the best this world has ever had and the fact that people can’t see that also upsets me as well. I just find it very very sad. Sometimes one just has to ignore those who are ignorant and there are a lot of them in this world.
I have told my friends a million time that Michael had vitiligo, but they still say he blenched his skin anyway. I don't understand why they always talk about his skin color over over and over again! I mean it doesn't matter whatever the skin color a person has. Michael is always proud of who he is. I hope people will realize most importantly the innate kindness of Michael.
Well, Michael Jackson is not as important to the average person as he is to people on this forum. That doesn't necessarily mean that they don't enjoy his music or think that he is a fine artist, but they are not interested enough to bother checking out the facts. And in the case of MJ there's so much fiction out there that it's hardly a miracle that there are so many misguided people out there when it comes to him.
Why are some people so ignorant? Every person chooses for himself, or herself what they are willing to accept. Some people are quick to judge, sometimes out of fear, sometimes because of the way they were raised. Others, even when confronted with the truth, dont want to know. I let the chips lay where they might.
We live in a tabloid nation where these rags have more say in things then the real people themselves. Its a sad sad place even more so now.
i think doing research is a fair point. Most of us have seen everything about him there is available to public. Positive and negative and have formed a positive conclusion. Others that only rely on tabloids and don't bother watching the pro-Michael evidence are not getting a balanced view of who Michael is.
i think doing research is a fair point. Most of us have seen everything about him there is available to public. Positive and negative and have formed a positive conclusion. Others that only rely on tabloids and don't bother watching the pro-Michael evidence are not getting a balanced view of who Michael is.

That's so very true. They think we are the people with the unbalanced and biased view, whereas in fact, we are the enlightened ones.
it's very dark and sad. The mass media and the newspaper will always misleading some readers who are didn't know what real of Michael. I want to say that is i had been misleading by them. i didn't know the real of Michael before, so i hate myself had been believe them. But now, i promise that i won't be believe them anymore, i will trust Michael forever. And i hope all of you can forgive me, forgive what i had done before, forgive i had believe the mass media~~Please forgive me...

RIP Michael
I'm not saying that everybody should be the great fan of Michael but... people who belive in all this shit aren't just worth to feel Michaels mind and love. Good person (as I said in some thread before) finds the truth in all of this crazy stories.

I'm proud of the fact that I am a fan of Michael, This proves us that we all are vulnerable and sensitive people. I am honored to have the oportunity to know Michaels music and understand what he wanted to tell us. I'm sorry for people who can't understand that... but I ceased to worry about this stupid comments about him becouse there are still people in this world who can appreciate him and we are the best evidence on it!!

If everyone loved Michael... being a fan of Michael wouldn't be so special !! ;)

(can someone tell me if I'm understandable?? English isn't my first language ;P)
I'm not saying that everybody should be the great fan of Michael but... people who belive in all this shit aren't just worth to feel Michaels mind and love. Good person (as I said in some thread before) finds the truth in all of this crazy stories.

I'm proud of the fact that I am a fan of Michael, This proves us that we all are vulnerable and sensitive people. I am honored to have the oportunity to know Michaels music and understand what he wanted to tell us. I'm sorry for people who can't understand that... but I ceased to worry about this stupid comments about him becouse there are still people in this world who can appreciate him and we are the best evidence on it!!

If everyone loved Michael... being a fan of Michael wouldn't be so special !! ;)

(can someone tell me if I'm understandable?? English isn't my first language ;P)

You are incredibly articulate and easy to understand! Thank you for your lovely thoughts! :)
Some people are just stupid and no matter what proof you show them, they still will not believe it.

I had a similar conversation with 2 co-workers. MJ had come on the MUSAK thing in the store. It was The Way You Make Me Feel. Me and my guy co-worker were singing, etc. She came up to say, oh, your dancing. Kids are in the aisles dancing. Then she went on saying how weird he was and about the charges that were brought up against him. First of all, he and I told her he was aquitted, and second, he loved and did lots of things for kids, so he would never hurt a child. She shut up then.