Whose done with Christmas Shopping already?

Michelle MC

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009

Well I've started shopping in September and spacing it out. I bought enough that on today, Black Friday, I only had three more to go. I was determined to get it done, and I did! :) I am done with my Christmas shopping, with the exception of picking the names of the less fortunate off trees in church, but other than that, I'm SOOO done! :)
Yep, I'm done! I went out yesterday and I am done with department stores until next year! And it really wasn't all that bad yesterday. My son had been asking for a remote control hummer for the past month, Target had them on sale for $12 but they were only given 3 per store! So I had to order it online,and still got it for the sale price. They also had the Doodle Pro's for sale so I picked a few up and dropped them off at the Toys for Tots bin. Now to put up the Christmas stuff lol
ha, nope. I haven't even started yet. My brother and I are supposed to go out today but I don't see that happening. Probably sometime this week or next, I'm hoping.
Kudos for those who go early. It's nice to get it out of the way early. :)
I've bought few but most are still waiting. I have to start searching next week, have no idea what I'm going to buy :D
I've only got a few things, I started saving christmas money in June so I'm happy about that. I don't go out on Black Friday really, I hate crowds..
I really wish I could say I've got all of my Christmas shopping. But I haven't even started yet. :lol:
i havent even started!! :O i normally have mine all done by now!! oh gosh!
I do a lot of Christmas shopping, so I am never really 'done' until right before Christmas. I have a teeny family, just my 2 parents and my boyfriend...so I buy quite a few presents for just 3 people. I started and have a majority done, but not done yet!
I have not started on my kids stuff. But I bought a bunch of Dangerous Short Films from Amazon for friends, co-workers, etc.
well no...my kids are done.....still got Hubby, mom and brother sister nephews niece and mother inlaw and sister inlaw......God its neverending..:).....also I still have to take a name off of the giving tree and buy a gift for a child.....well money will be very tight this year but God always provides so I am not worried..:)
no.....within these next two weeks i have to get it done. sheesh. i still need new lights, so the tree is getting put on hold.
I say to myself every year that I will have it done early. I don't know why I say it-it never happens. Its always a last minute dash to the stores on the 22nd or something!
I still need to do mine. Well, I just need to get a few more things!! lol!!!
Done a lil' bit. I'm doing everything tomorrow though. Start of December and I'm going Xmas shopping... that's going to be fun :mello:
I'm done, I'm wrapped, and about all my cards are filled out. Just have to send some pachages out and some cards out to friends.