Who's waiting 'til they have "Michael" CD in hand before listening?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Alright folks, make this the official support group thread for all of us who are trying to be strong enough not to listen to the leaked album or various streams, and are actually waiting for release date to buy the album, before listening to it for the first time.

I've had the leak on my computer for over 24 hours now, and was really excited for it, but than out of nowhere I told myself, that I'm not going to do it, gonna listen to this for the first time, the old fashioned way, get the damn thing on release date and only than spin it.

Anyone else brave enough/strong enough and waiting it out until next week?

Anyone was planning to wait, but just couldn't take it, broke down and listened to the leak?

To those waiting - More power to you, and keep the faith!
I'm trying to be strong. I've only heard the official releases...on MJ's site and on Ellen. I decided like you to try and wait until the official release. LOL, it feels good to know I'm not alone btw!
There is already a thread about people not listening until they have the album. Please do a search before starting a new thread.
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