Who's the Greatest; Elvis, Beatles or MJ?

i was just about to open a thread LOL
My ears don't lie. Michael's music is to my ears as honey is to my sense of taste. As far as I'm concerned, there is only 1 option in that poll.
You had me worried for a second there MJfan82.

lol, in all fairness. I don't know a whole bunch about Elvis but he was pretty big during his time. However, Michael accomplished more and I am going by numerical comparisons only. Let's not talk about the quality of the songs....lol. Michael wins hands down.

I was watching CNN yesterday and they already said that Michael is bigger than Elvis.
to me the question doesnt exist. i dont listen to Presley or Beathles though i admit they have good songs. but if you asked Michael the same question he would have probably told that it didnt make sense to compare. they're artists

Why is a poll being taken for this question isn't it obvious Michael is bigger, better and the best?

In 01 when Invincible did not "do well" according to the critics and Bill O'Reilley was quoted as saying Michael is finished, In my mind those were the most ridiculous words,statement I have ever

I remember in about around '93 being baffled at the level of fame Michael had. I remember literally getting a headache trying to comprehend it.
again same old question..I've said million times and once again im sayin Michael Jackson was,is and always will be the Greatest Entertainer of all time:agree:..Voted though..
For the 7,847th time...

Elvis: The Greatest American Superstar

Mike: The Greatest Global Superstar, phenom. (followed by Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr.)

Its like the American's wud wanna believe that NBA (basket ball) is the greatest sport in the world) well the fact is that its very much an American sport.

Mike is like the the FIFI world cup (soccer).

* sorry for the weird comparison.

Voted: Mike at 51%
The world knows that the greatest artist is Michael Jackson, no need a poll for that. I voted anyway, but it clearly says that the poll is not a scientific one, so is it really necessary?
I actually had an argument about this yesterday with the in-laws over who was the best Michael or Elvis. I've never really gotten on with either of them but it started (as what I thought) was a good discussion.
I said Michael was obviously best and excelled in everything Elvis didnt and gave reasons why, and they disagreed but didn't elaborate.
A few short words was said...I put together more positives why he was still and always will be the "King Of Pop"...but they said that the title belonged to Elvis and no one else.
I was fine that they aired their opinions but when they began insulting Michael I told them to leave before I said something I would regret.
They did go, but I was truly sickened by what they said.

Some people. :no:
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Elvis was good, no question. Still, Michael's J5 and Jacksons work alone put him in Elvis' league and his solo work lifts him into the stratosphere where no one will ever go.
I just don't get how Elvis even can be compared with Michael. First of all, Elvis didn't EVER produce or write any of his songs. Second, Elvis came through in a time when the white public more than anything wanted a white star who could sing almost like a black guy, cause it wasn't tolerated in many areas that the white people listened to black music. Third thing, if Elvis was this major talent, then why didn't he become a superstar earlier than he did? Michael was a superstar at the age of ten and he was black.

When it comes to singing, it's of course always hard to say that one singer is better than the other, because it's your own opinion, but I believe that Michael's voice was much more unique than Elvis' voice. And the dancing we shouldn't even talk about - Michael is in a class of his own.

I'd rather compare the Beatles to Michael, because they changed they way to produce music. Elvis never did that. But in the end, Michael will always be the greatest. I just hope the public realizes that sooner or later.
For the 7,847th time...

Elvis: The Greatest American Superstar

Mike: The Greatest Global Superstar, phenom. (followed by Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr.)

Its like the American's wud wanna believe that NBA (basket ball) is the greatest sport in the world) well the fact is that its very much an American sport.

Mike is like the the FIFI world cup (soccer).

* sorry for the weird comparison.

Voted: Mike at 51%
I'd say Cassius Clay would be ahead of Charlie Chaplin

I was watching CNN yesterday and they already said that Michael is bigger than Elvis.

:yes: They are correct. Also, Michael was more than a singer/performer. Sometimes people forget that. That's why we have to remind everyone.