Who's Talking About MJ Today~merged~

Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy also was showing pics of MJ with his kids at the beginning of the show (I guess, I had just been flipping through the channels and saw the pic and stopped for a moment) and it was one of the last pics of them taken while out shopping (The one with MJ dressed in green I believe), with them in those feathery masks and Jimmy made some crack about Mike dressed up as parrakeets with his kids. Jimmy has always rubbed me the wrong way, just like Leno so I didn't care for it. The audience laughed a bit but I quickly changed the channel.
Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

Michael Jackson is gonna continue to be a misunderstood man. People don't take the time out to learn about him besides what the media tries to portray him as. Jimmy was just showing pictures without knowing the information behind those photos. Jimmy sounds like a hypocrite. First, he insults MJ and then tries to criticize his dad like he cares about MJ. Jimmy just sounds like a person that just watches the news and believes what he hears without thinking for his self. I use to think Jimmy was ok. I like that Al was sticking up for MJ.
Marlon Jackson visits Nigeria (talks about Michael)

Marlon Jackson visits Nigeria

By Jayne Usen

July 24, 2009 01:26AMT

Michael Jackson's older brother Marlon was in Lagos, Nigeria, on Wednesday, July 22 and had an interactive session with journalists at the press centre of the International Airport. He was received by former Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN) presidents, Tee Mac Omatshola and Bolaji Rosiji.
The event began with a short musical performance by Debina Abraham, a Michael Jackson impersonator and up-and-coming artiste who performed a song he had specially composed for the late pop icon.
Jackson, who was visibly still mourning, dressed in a yellow track suit and black shades, briefly expressed gratitude for the kind words and condolences shown his family. While speaking on the Badagry Historical Project, which he was working on, he revealed that his late brother had a special interest in it.
"Michael was interested in the Badagry project because he had never been to Nigeria and looked forward to the completion of the project because he wanted to come and see things for himself".
He also added that it was imperative that the historical artefacts such as those in Badagry be preserved, so that the generation yet unborn will get an opportunity to appreciate the sufferings of our forefathers who were part of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
The Niger-Delta issue also came to the fore at the event and Jackson said he looked forward to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and was willing to meet with the Nigerian government and representatives of the Niger Delta militants, in order to reach an amicable understanding between both parties.
Tee Mac also intimated journalists of plans to stage a major charity concert which will be held on Michael Jackson's birthday, August 29.
"It is going to be one of a kind African affair; a gathering of major African and Nigerian artists. It is basically to celebrate the life and achievements of one of the world's greatest entertainers. Proceeds form the event will be channelled to major charities around the world as advised by Marlon."
Tee Mac also added that the celebration will be an annual event.
When asked if his late brother had converted to Islam before his death during the Q&A session, Marlon said he wasn't aware of that as all he knew was that his brother was a Christian until he died. He also hinted that the Jackson 5 had considered touring together once more before Michael's untimely death. He said that what was primary to the Jackson family was to provide a secure future for his late brother's children.
On circumstances surrounding Michael's death, he said the family was not going to comment on that since the case was still being investigated.
The lingering PMAN crisis seems to be far from over as not only was the body absent at the event but all attempts by this reporter to get either Bolaji Rosiji or Tee Mac's comment on why the body was not present at the gathering proved abortive.
Rosiji however said, "these are the kind of things PMAN should be doing but they are not here. When I was the PMAN president I used to organized a legends night, where we celebrated some of our late music icons like sunny okosuns and Oliver de Coque."
Marlon left after about 20 minutes saying he had another appointment to catch up with. However Tee Mac hinted that Marlon will brief the press one more time before he leaves Nigeria.

Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy also was showing pics of MJ with his kids at the beginning of the show (I guess, I had just been flipping through the channels and saw the pic and stopped for a moment) and it was one of the last pics of them taken while out shopping (The one with MJ dressed in green I believe), with them in those feathery masks and Jimmy made some crack about Mike dressed up as parrakeets with his kids. Jimmy has always rubbed me the wrong way, just like Leno so I didn't care for it. The audience laughed a bit but I quickly changed the channel.

Hon it ended up real good because the Rev Al Sharpton, set him straight...and then EVERYONE clapped...they just play devil's advocate...
Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

^ Even though I'm not a big fan of Al's I will say that everything he's said (especially 'There was nothing strange about your daddy...') in regards to Michael has been nothing but gracious and nothing but the truth, and the fact that he has stood up for MJ through all the BS is very honorable. So, I give the guy props.
Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

Hon it ended up real good because the Rev Al Sharpton, set him straight...and then EVERYONE clapped...they just play devil's advocate...

Well like I said I just cannot stand to see jokes made like that, didn't like it before Mike passed and DEFINITELY do not care for it now. But I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for the info. Seems like AL's been working over time to set people straight, which is what I like to see.
Re: Marlon Jackson visits Nigeria (talks about Michael)

I've always wanted to know what this was about, because Jay Leno (before he left the Tonight Show) was making a joke that Marlon was trying to start a "slavery amusement park" which was in poor taste (the joke that is).
Re: Rev. Al Sharpton Talks about MJ on Jimmy Kimmel

Michael Jackson is gonna continue to be a misunderstood man. People don't take the time out to learn about him besides what the media tries to portray him as. Jimmy was just showing pictures without knowing the information behind those photos. Jimmy sounds like a hypocrite. First, he insults MJ and then tries to criticize his dad like he cares about MJ. Jimmy just sounds like a person that just watches the news and believes what he hears without thinking for his self. I use to think Jimmy was ok. I like that Al was sticking up for MJ.

I agree Michael will always be misunderstood - in fact I played 'Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood' by The Animals the other day(I've always liked it as I mean well and often people take me the wrong way which is so blo*dy frustrating :( ) and this time I was thinking about Michael with this part of the lyrics 'I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood'

Jimmy was just aiming his jokes at his audience, in that way it is without compassion to Michael and I didn't like it but it is his job to make jokes about things and comment on them. If only it wasn't like that about Michael I know.

I'm glad Al went on there, I like what he said at the memorial a lot. How he brought it round and made Jimmy look silly :)
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NEW YORK, New York -- Sean "Diddy" Combs shared a dance floor memory of Michael Jackson on "The Late Show With David Letterman" on Thursday - one with a former "Single Lady."

After David showed the hip-hop mogul a photo of himself with Michael Jackson, Diddy explained that the King of Pop had shown up at his door in search of another star.

"That was taken like six years ago, he came to one of my parties," Diddy said. "I didn't even invite Mike to the party and he just showed up to the party. And guess what he was looking for?"

"Dip?" David responded. "That's what I would be looking for."

"No," Diddy laughed before telling his story. "So I'm in the party, I'm hosting, and the security came up to me and they were like, 'Mr. Combs, Mr. Michael Jackson is here to see you.' I'm like, 'Get out of here!' So I find Mike and... right after the shot was taken, he whispers in my ear and says 'Where's Beyonce?'"

Beyonce's now married to Jay-Z - but Diddy said the party was during her single days.

"This is before Jay-Z," Diddy clarified. "He came to the party to holler at Beyonce, finds her and dances with Beyonce in the party! Mike was smooth, Jack."
