Who's Going To Be The 2010's Artist Of The Decade


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
who do u think going to be awarded Billboard's artists of the decade for the 2010's

previous artists of the decade


Elvis Presley


The Beatles


Elton John


Michael Jackson


Mariah Carey



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Lady Gaga or Beyonce, I'm afraid.

Btw I don't agree with the last one. Eminem is of course very popular but internationally, he is nowhere near as big as e.g. Britney Spears. I'm pretty sure most people in my country wouldn't be able to mention more than 5 songs of Eminem whereas with Britney, that would be easy. She is much more mainstream, not just in Europe but also in Asia I reckon.

Edit: oops, I see that Billboard awarded these people, I thought it was just your own opinion. Still, I think Britney would have deserved it more from a global perspective... but Billboard only focuses on the American market I think? In that case, it's understandable.
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Isn't it a bit eary to tell? We've still got 9 more years ahead of us, and the people one thought were big in 2000...some of them you can't even remember now. If the world was a beautiful place, people would acquire a taste for actual music and forget about people like Bieber and Gaga. So, in my ideal world, the artist(s) of the decade would be:


These women are so talented and amazing. They sing, dance, play the violin, and other such instruments. They're most certainly a force to be reckoned with, and they deserve far more publicity than they have been granted over the years. I absolutely despise the world for letting true talent take a backseat to things like "Baby," "Poker Face," or "Boom Boom Pow." What a disgrace.

Alternately, it would be great if the greatly talented group Blackmore's Night made it as artist of the year in 2010. They've been around since 1997, but are still more-or-less obscure, at least in the U.S. They do great medieval songs, and some contemporary songs, but all in all they are absolutely amazing and one of my favourite groups ever. I've been listening to them since I was 15, and I still love them just as much:


But, sadly, it seems as though LindavG is right. It'll probably end up being someone unworthy like Beyonce or Gaga, or perhaps someone even worse... :bugeyed

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I don't know :no: there is a lot of good music out this year :yes:
as long as the young generation keeps demanding these dance or electro pop songs the artists is gonna be here awhile who know the might last a decade in the business plus itunes is their best friend kids buy the songs up

so many artists that dominating the radio and itunes so it will be interesting to see who will it be in 9 more yrs











its based on sales? or charts statistics?

Michael´s positions especially in 2007/08/2009-2011 were very strong and he has sold millions of records since 2000....
No offense but this is way to early to ask.
It's only just 2011. Who knows what will happen in the next 9 years.
Let me put it this way, think back to who were the most popular in 2001 for instance. (Most people have forgotten that Nsync still hold the record for most first week sales in America yet that didn't prevent them from not being around now. That also teaches a lesson that sale records don't always predict longevity)
Then take a look at the music industry right now.

Trust me the music landscape will always change at some point in the decade.
It always has and always will. Usually it takes a complete opposite kind of stance.
For instance remember the early 90's? Grunge music was all the rage, bands like Nirvana were ruling the airwaves. But what did the decade end with? Teen pop.
Complete opposite.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing is going to happen sooner or later now.
I think it will probably become a "less is so much more" kind of change since everything and everybody is so over the top and loud nowadays. It might even be starting already. (Look at the succes of someone like Adele.)

Look what happened to Disco. People in the midst of it never thought it would end and then all of a sudden it was over. Not to mention the top singers/entertainers of that era were pretty much considered over because they represented that era to the public.
General music taste changes in waves almost.
No offense but this is way to early to ask.
It's only just 2011. Who knows what will happen in the next 9 years.
Let me put it this way, think back to who were the most popular in 2001 for instance. (Most people have forgotten that Nsync still hold the record for most first week sales in America yet that didn't prevent them from not being around now. That also teaches a lesson that sale records don't always predict longevity)
Then take a look at the music industry right now.

Trust me the music landscape will always change at some point in the decade.
It always has and always will. Usually it takes a complete opposite kind of stance.
For instance remember the early 90's? Grunge music was all the rage, bands like Nirvana were ruling the airwaves. But what did the decade end with? Teen pop.
Complete opposite.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing is going to happen sooner or later now.
I think it will probably become a "less is so much more" kind of change since everything and everybody is so over the top and loud nowadays. It might even be starting already. (Look at the succes of someone like Adele.)

Look what happened to Disco. People in the midst of it never thought it would end and then all of a sudden it was over. Not to mention the top singers/entertainers of that era were pretty much considered over because they represented that era to the public.
General music taste changes in waves almost.

Well, I hope you're right! :D
Well, I hope you're right! :D

Well I would think it's either that or it will be another opposite more on the alternative side of music perhaps. But maybe I'm totally wrong who knows. lol I don't think so though since like I said the music industry seems to keep moving in the same type of waves.
It has been happening since the 50's/60's as far as I can tell.

Honestly at this point I can't wait for the change of pace.
Who knows? Lady Gaga was arguably the biggest artist of the 2000s yet only appeared in late 2008.
^No way in Hell. I would have to agree with Eminem's placement as the biggest artist of the 00's. Just because someone like Gaga is popular now doesn't mean that she was the biggest artist of the 2000s. That argument is as ridiculous as saying Justin Bieber was the biggest artist of the 00's, because he's popular right now.

You ought to look at longevity--Eminem was immensely popular throughout the 00's. Bieber and Gaga are still pretty new. They exploded on the scene and don't even have a history of albums yet--they've still got time to (hopefully) disappear.
Someone like Janelle Monae would be nice. At least she's not completely unknown.

(Just getting my bet in early in case this thread's still around in 2020... It won't be her, though.)
Well that's if the music industry still exists in 10 years time.........

Remember, sales figures of music still continue to fall............

How long will it be before everything crashes!!!!!!
^The mainstream (mediocre) music industry has gone on too long for my taste. If it keeps going the way it presently is, all I've got to say is: Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash! :devil:

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^No way in Hell. I would have to agree with Eminem's placement as the biggest artist of the 00's. Just because someone like Gaga is popular now doesn't mean that she was the biggest artist of the 2000s. That argument is as ridiculous as saying Justin Bieber was the biggest artist of the 00's, because he's popular right now.

You ought to look at longevity--Eminem was immensely popular throughout the 00's. Bieber and Gaga are still pretty new. They exploded on the scene and don't even have a history of albums yet--they've still got time to (hopefully) disappear.

I agree with you.