Whos going as michael for halloween.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I want to, but sadly getting a costume is a real pain. I've seen some "official" ones on website, but they're all too expensive and quite frankly bad. Not to mention only come in medium and large (which is odd considering Michael was quite the slender guy like myself).

I've been trying to buy a beat-it style jacket for YEARS now but never had any luck... who knows maybe i'll get lucky in the next few weeks but i doubt it.

if there was ever a year i so desperately wanted to go as MJ, THIS IS IT (no pun intended).
i went as thriller mj last year, i have a good quality thriller jacket. It was great. Random groups on the street started singin thriller at me and a couple of guys in the club asked to take photos of me. lol felt kinda famous a bit, its scary...all these randomers, but also fun, i felt the love for michael that night!
i went as thriller michael last year too! as i was walking down a street, this police car turned the siren on and the cop started singing Billie Jean over the loudspeaker!

the force, it's got a lot of power...
I have to work Halloween but I did dress up as him a few years ago.. it was alot of fun! :)
i went as thriller michael last year too! as i was walking down a street, this police car turned the siren on and the cop started singing Billie Jean over the loudspeaker!

the force, it's got a lot of power...

Bahaha!! That sounds AWESOME!

We dont have a Halloween culture here in Aus but if we did I'd so rock it like MJ.

Please all post pics when you've got your outfits together! :)
Just get a marching band military-style jacket and some sunglasses, white socks and loafers. ;)
People will get it.

No fancy costume required.
I'd want to be a Smooth Criminal for Halloween. :cool: Just to give me an excuse to have the outfit and the fedora, so when I do my dancing at night I can look even cooler doing it.
I'm going as Michael on this Halloween! But I will go with the Bad-outfit.
I.Just.Freakin'.Love.It. !!!
I'm not buying the "official one", instead I'll have to figure out something. Ideas, anyone? :)
I'm going as a Guardian Angel~~~

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
i would definetly go as Mj this year but i every costume ive seen is way too expensive! so i have no clue what im dressing up as this year. they do however have some good ones at Johnny Brocks Dungeun although they are REALLY expensive but you can also try Hot Topic. they have some mj costumes on their website you can look at and get at their store. im not sure how much they are there but im pretty sure they are cheaper then they are at Johnny Brocks.
I saw some 10 year old buy an "official" MJ Wig, "official" glove (which was awful by the way), fedora and glasses at a costume shop the other day...

I'm waiting until AFTER halloween and then im going to try and finally find a beat it jacket. People will be re-selling their trendy halloween costumes for SUPER cheap.

damn those non-fans.
Wow, thank you for the tip mjlovergurl003! The Hot Topic is a really cool store, just wish I had realized it earlier! They have some excellent pair of gloves and also some really cool buckelts and belts... But I'm afraid I'm a little bit too late now, I guess it will take more than four days to get that stuff here in Finland by mail :) But I will certainly order something for the Halloween next year! This year I guess I have to make something myself, luckily I just bought a sewing machine...
your welcome OceanBorn! they have a bunch of cool mj stuff there. ive seen just tshirts designed to look like the beat it jacket there as well which is really cool. good luck getting one or making a mj costume! if you try to get a mj costume through there you can see if they have a delivery option that can get your order to you by halloween. you never know. worth a shot! if not good luck withever you come up with! :)
Thanks! :)
That's a good point, maybe they would have some kind of quick delivery...? Well, I was hasty and bought already a bunch of zipper-like ribbon, some sparkly chains and tons of bucklets in my hometown sewing shop today... So I guess I'm gonna sew something "Bad" myself this year :D We'll see what can I make all of it!
You know I can just imagine how many people are going to be going as MJ and I think it would be awesome that the day after Halloween tons of youtube videos being uploaded of random groups of people dressed as MJ dancing, or even things coming on the news about masses and masses of people dressed as MJ and masses of people dancing to his music...I know I'm dreaming, but that would be awesome!
I was thinking of going to my friends 19th/Halloween party this weekend as Michael.. but I think people would presume because Michael's supposably 'weird' it suits the fact that I'm dressing as him for Halloween.

So I'm not gonna go as Mikey :( Sorry!

I am dressing up a tiny bit for TII though! Gonna wear the tape on my fingers like Michael did. Went out and bought it today.
My 9 year old daughter is going as MJ. She's got black jeans, a black leather jacket, her new This Is It t-shirt, a fedora, black loafers, glittery socks, and her "rhinestone" glove.

She's got blondish hair so we're gonna use that spray-on stuff and spray it temporarily black and curl it the night before.

She's so excited. It's all she talks about. We're gonna get her ready and then I'm taking her to see This Is It at 4:30pm and then after that we're going trick or treating. :)
Yes! I'm going for the Jam look: if anyone's looking for a pretty straightforward MJ look, I think this is a good one. Red/orange shirt, white armband, white tshirt, the pants, shoes, socks, hat, bandages on the fingers..... :)
awesome!! cant wait to see pics or videos! Im seeing the movie tommrow and im planning in wearing my I heart Mj hat, my new mj shirt, and my r.i.p mj button. cant wait to finally be around other Mj fans who feel the same as i do.