Who will play Michael in a movie?


Proud Member
Aug 26, 2011
I know it already happen with that jackson's tv movie but what about a major motion picture about him only, who would play MJ?

I think that with nowadays CGI technology, one can create anything he or she desires.. Take a look at Beowulf.. That movie was animated almost like the real thing! In that way they can create MJ of any era..
OH well when we had this discussion on the official MJ site forum when it used to be up and running everyone agreed johnny depp could be the only actor to play him
no one. :D
I admit sometimes I'm interested with the idea of movie, but man, its still too early, and no actor could do MJ justice. MJ is too complex of a man. (and I don't just mean physical, but every aspect)
And Johnny Depp is an interesting choice, but seriously it would kind of be a joke if he had to put on prosthetics to play as the younger MJ...
So...no, I dont know...I don't really think they should make a movie, not now anyways. maybe 20 years later. lol
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I hope it's 30 or 40 years until such a film is made. Like the Edith Piaf film.
They'd have to get someone quite young to play him obviously. Skinny, delicate features. They rest they'll have to create.
Hopefully NO ONE. His life shouldn't try and be understood. Besides, I can't see ANYONE replicating his voice without it coming off as a mockery. He was just too much of an individual and unique character for anyone to touch his legacy with a 10-foot pole.
Personally, no one should play MJ. All these people coming up with the idea of playing MJ in some movie, how can we trust what they will portray him as. All the allegations, speculations and lies that were told about Michael made him very sad. I remember reading them and thinking to myself that if words could kill someone, those were enough. MJ endured that because of his children and his beloved fans like you and me. Michael then decided to tell people the truth through Bashir, the man he trusted but once again, he let him down. Why aren't these people telling the truth of him by simply writing to all those newspapers, tabloids, tv commercials, etc telling them the truth about him rather than make a movie which obviously people will pay money to go and see i.e money making. Why don't they work overtime to tell the truth about him rather than this movie making idea. I don't think that Michael would want to be played by anyone simply because they don't know him, they don't understand him. Michael's lyrics, songs and emotions came from deep within and from what he went through. You and I probably know and believe in him more than any actor no matter how good they are ( including Jonny Depp). NO ONE SHOULD PLAY MICHAEL JACKSON.
who knows....anyone but Flex Alexander from "Man in the Mirror." I watched that on youtube today...AWFUL...terrible job...Diana Ross' son Evan Ross could play him...there is somewhat of a resemblance and his can move
who knows....anyone but Flex Alexander from "Man in the Mirror." I watched that on youtube today...AWFUL...terrible job...Diana Ross' son Evan Ross could play him...there is somewhat of a resemblance and his can move


He could play Michael
Johnny Depp??? er bad choice
Evan Ross, perhaps for the looks
Man, only if Wylie Draper was still with us (r.i.p.)
Yep!!! Johnny Depp the later years and Evan Ross the earlier years.... I never thought about Evan Ross, good choice to whoever thought of it first...... But Johnny Depp was always my choice to play Michael in the later years...
Blanket in about 20 years?

lol yeah!!

johny depp???ummm.....no. i dont like it. his look is too rough for Michael's delicate and beautiful look.
johny depp look is too dirty...too umm...casual while Michael is very elegant,graceful and besides.....johny depp can't dance

i think animation will be good,they can make it as similar as possible. besides....there will be no interview from the actor so...there will be no shitty talk about him
and they can make the moonwalk by re-creating michael's video into animation

i cant imagine if some actor play him and when they moonwalk....we all know that will be ridiculous....why would we watch movie about Michael and when it come to dance it become like an impersonator dance?
what about e casanova???? that mj impersonator id love to see him play mj in a movie bio!!!
Yeh i agree maybe Johnny Depp.. otherwise it will be someone unknown im sure.. someone who looks like and can dance like him.. like the did in The Jacksons: An American Dream.
I say get an unknown actor to do it. Someone that looks, dance, and can somewhat sing. I personally don't like the idea of a MJ movie. If they do it, I hope family and close friends get involved and not someone asking anyone to give them info on MJ to make a movie on MJ.
I've said this before and I'll say it again I hope he has a clause in his will similar to what Fred Astaire had, which simply instructed that he would not be portrayed in a film.

I don't think the film would ever be able to do his life story justice... plus like Fred said with his will request: "It is there because I have no particular desire to have my life misinterpreted, which it would be."