Who will be Time's Person of the Year?

Bob George

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
EDIT: It's Barack Obama. http://www.time.com/time/specials/2008/personoftheyear

Who will it be?

Barack Obama - President-elect of the United States
He came from being the underdog in the Democratic primaries to becoming the first black Democratic nominee for President. He then ran one of the most successful campaigns in history to become the first black President of the United States. His election was met with world-wide celebration.

John McCain - United States Senator (Arizona)
This former POW unsuccessfully ran for President as the Republican Party nominee. Like Obama, he was not the front-runner to begin with. He secured the nomination of his party early on in the primaries but was unsuccessful in the general election. Many attribute this to his poor judgement in picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, his negative campaigning against Barack Obama, or simply the immense popularity likeability and of Barack Obama that could not be beat.

Sarah Palin - Governor of Alaska
2008 Republican nominee for President, Senator John McCain, put this little-known Governor from Alaska into the international limelight by nominating her as his candidate for Vice-President. She was the first woman to be nominated by the Republican party. You either loved or hated Sarah Palin. The Christian-right praised her as the new face of the Republican party. While the left, and as it turned out, the majority of mainstream America, saw her as a know-nothing politician who wasn't even qualified to run her own state let-alone the free world.

Hillary Clinton - United States Secretary of State-designate
She unsuccessfully contended for the nomination of the Democratic party for President in 2008. Her run for Presidency garnered much intrigue. She ended up accepting the position of Secretary of State for the guy who thwarted her chances of becoming President.

Ron Paul - United States Congressmen
He entered into the 2008 President race as a Republican candidate with basically no chance of getting anywhere. But although his bid for the Presidency was unsuccessful, he managed to excite and engage the young, internet community probably better than any other Presidential candidate. Even Barack Obama. He revitalised the Libertarian movement in America with his Presidential campaign as his best-selling book "The Revolution: A Manifesto".

George W. Bush - President of the United States
In his final year of office Bush failed to redeem himself. Even if it wasn't entirely his fault, the leader of the free world copped the criticism for running it into a financial crisis. This overshadowed his efforts to turn things around in Iraq, which he did do to some extent. With his approval rating down in the 20s, he wont be leaving the White House on a good note.

Henry Paulson - United States Secretary of Treasury
Being responsible for handling the economic crisis, there are those who agree with what he's done and those who don't. But either way his influence in 2008 has been undeniable.

Gordon Brown - Prime Minister of Great Britain
In 2008 he led the worldwide effort to re-capitalise the struggling banks with Europe and the US following his blueprint. In doing so he also rejuvenated his political career which was in shambles with many MPs calling for his resignations.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - President of Iran
His ranting and raving about the US and Israel garnered some infamy for Ahmadinejad this year. He also became a central focus of the United States Presidential Election after Barack Obama was criticised for saying he would engage in diplomatic efforts with Iran without pre-conditions.

Robert Mugabe - President of Zimbabwe
This infamous tyrant stole the 2008 Zimbabwe election by suppressing the opposition and threatening violence against those who opposed him.

Michael Phelps - United States Olympian (swimming)
In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Phelps won eight gold medals, the most won in a single Olympic Games.

Usain Bolt - Jamaican Olympian (track)
He competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and broke the 100-meter track record literally without trying. He even started celebrating before he crossed the finish line.

Tina Fey - Comedian, actress, writer, entertainer
Fey launched herself into the US election first by her comment that "bitch is the new black" in support for Hillary Clinton, and later with her dead-on impersonation of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live.

Steve Jobs - Founder and CEO of Apple
2008 was a great year for Apple. Their new faster, sleeker, cheaper iPhone sold like hot cakes and their market-share surged by roughly 30% since last year. Also, the new "I'm a PC" ads put out by Microsoft which aim to counter Apple's "Get a Mac" ad show that Microsoft once again consider Apple a major competitor. And with Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows Vista, which is widely considered both a technological and commercial flop, Apple has an opportunity to further increase their market-share if they open up Mac OS X to all OEMs and make it compatible with all PCs.

Google - Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt and Larry Page
Google continued to dominate the Internet in 2008. They also spread their wings, bringing out their own phone, web browser, and operating system for pocket devices.

Click here for a full list of possible candidates.

Can you think of anyone who's not included in either my list or Time's list of 25 people who could be person of the year?

I'm thinking it will be Barack Obama. Of course it will.
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if they fail to notice the impact that has occurred since the election of Obama, then shame on Time magazine imo
Barrack Obama, :agree: down!

But I give a special shoutout to the Palinster :cool: hailing from da A, whut WHUT! :lol:
You saw it coming from a mile away. Time's Person of the Year 2008 is the President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama.


Henry Paulson (United States Treasury Secretary-incumbent)
Nicolas Sarkozy (President of the French Republic)
Sarah Palin (Governor of Alaska, 2008 Republican nominee for Vice-President of the United States)
Zhang Yimou (Chinese filmmaker, Director of the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremonies)
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Obama deserved it rightfully so. The man made history. Congrates to President Elect Barack Obama.....my president elect Obama. :)