Who took the last Michael Jackson photo on 6/25/09

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone know who took or leak the last Michael Jackson photo? Who knows the history? Let's talk about it. Do you think there more on the way into the ER?
ARe you serious? That photo was something that should not have been leaked or taken. To talk about it only brings more attention to it and its not something that needs attantion.
i think most people in here will not want to talk about this. The picture is banned so i think talking about it should be too
there is a whole article about the photographer
who snapped that picture_ just google it _
It was the one and only photo if that helps.
I think we should talk about the picture. In fact, I have many questions about it that has went unanswered.
the whole thing should have NOT happened.

Michael should be performing right now and not lying in Forest Lawn.
What more 'information' do you need?
Would you really want to See more pictures like that if they were out there?

The very first feeling that hit me, seeing that photograph, was anger.
I felt sick to my stomach cause they wouldn't even allow him DIE "in peace".
They had to put a camera in his face one Last time.

They stripped him of his dignity as he left this world.

My heart was broken.
Not only because Michael was dead but because I lost faith in humanity that day.
Since then, the actions of some of his "friends" have only made that feeling stronger.

I know we have to carry on fighting for a better day.
Michael would want that. No matter what has happened.

That day a photographer took a picture.
He made A Lot of money.
He showed us what "we" have become.

Michael deserved better

Does it matter, who took the picture?
The picture makes me more sick because he is dead there. :cry: And there are paps that are that desperate to do that to any celebrity sadly, because it will garner more money.
There were an interview with they guy who took it..

Btw, I think the pic is fake anyway..
if you think that picture makes you sick think about the autopsy that they made for nothing!if the police doesn't arrest the doctor then why they didn't let Michael alone and had to humiliate him?
anyway it doesn't matter,even in that picture Michael was dead for several hours...
*shakes head*.......another thread attacking the O/poster. Can someone point me to a thread please where everyone is free to discuss any issue on Michael that they feel is important to them, Nobody is attacked and Nobody is threatening suicide??...........anybody?

On the note of this thread, I agree Pentum I think its fake.
For me.....it's really sickening all these MJ's death media coverage and attentions. It doesn't solve anything.....it still doesn't give any justice or closure to MJ's death....There are still a lot of questions unanswered..........was he killed? Then how come no one is being sued for it......where is the man who called up the 911.........why is Dr. Murray still free....why why...why......so many whys....left unanswered....

These are all so unfair for MJ.......come to think of it....it's almost half a year had past since he passed away....and still no lead or definite conclusion or what to his death........
*shakes head*.......another thread attacking the O/poster. Can someone point me to a thread please where everyone is free to discuss any issue on Michael that they feel is important to them, Nobody is attacked and Nobody is threatening suicide??...........anybody?

On the note of this thread, I agree Pentum I think its fake.

I dont think anyone is attacking the op people are just stating there opinion on the fact they dont want to talk about think about see this picture ever again and i think that is understandable! What did u expect people to say Yes lets discuss the picture of our idol passing away right before our eyes!!! I dont think so!
I can only speak for myself:

My post was not meant as a an "attack". If that is how it is perceived; I apologize.
I got swept away thinking, about that picture, more than I did the poster's questions.

I don't understand the curiosity about the story behind the picture, but I would like to listen, if you want to tell me.

Personally, I have not been able to distance myself enough from the reality of his death to be able to discuss the picture. It's simply too painful.
OK Guys i'm gonna close this one as some people are already getting upset about it. I know this thread wasn't opened to to do that, so don't worry about it. :)
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