Who Likes Final Fantasy

Double H

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What's your Favorite Final Fantasy Game in the series ??
Mine is FFVIII just because it has one of my favorite characters in it "Squall Leonhart"
Really neither have I. Only because I can't seem to get past the second or third main monster in FF 10. Which is why I no longer play it. I rather play with my other FF games. Even though I have yet to beat 7, 8, and 9. In FF 9 I had almost beaten it. I had gotten to the final monster until it killed me. I probably should had gotten my characters levels up more. I have been kind of wanting to go back and play my FF 8 game. But my Sims 2 game is what is stopping me of going back and playing the game. I am very addicted to my Sims 2 game.
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I love Final Fantasy. I have FFI and FFII on Playstation. I have FFX FFX-2 and FFXII on Playstation 2.

Great games.
the latest final fantasy was such a let down, all that potential was wasted, I mean they forgot to include the most basic of things.... CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! the characters were soooo effing dulll it was horrible.....

7,8,9 and 10 are classics though

Cloud, Auron and Zidane were some of my favourate characters, sephiroth is the most evil villian ever!!!!!

poor aeiris :cry:
Yeah I know I really liked Aeris in FF 7. Just like I like Selphie in my FF 8. And as much as I love my FF 8 game. The only thing I have ever really hated about it is trying to beat Diablos. OMG did they ever make him so hard to beat. Especially when the characters can't draw and cast demi on him all the time. It just the matter of knowing the secret way of beating him. And even that way is hard sometimes.
FFX is my favourite. Its easily the best game on the PS2 :D

FF8 is a close second though. I love them both.
the last one was such a let down though, I mean you cant spend 40 hours with characters you dont care for, they were so bleeding bland and ugh....