Who Killed Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everybody! I am not an exceptional English speaker. Therefore, please forgive me if I did some mistakes here - I'm sure there are a lots.

Newspapers say he died from a dose of propofol, the abuse of drugs, painkillers and antidepressants. But how did the most successful man in music history, most beloved idol, the one which has been invented the term "Megastar", the one who makes the whole stadium to vibrate only taking off his eye glasses - to take pills, to be addicted to painkillers and antidepressants? Did not have he everything that someone might want?

It seems he didn't? Behind of shining and fascinating star was hiding a shy and sensitive man - maybe too sensitive for this world - a man dedicated body and soul to the public. And it seems that the world was not satisfied to listen his unique voice, to admire his original and energizing dance moves, to have fun within his concerts. All these gifts that he gave them with such love and dedication were not enough. Never! Public wanted more, wanted to know, to seek and find dirt, seek more juicy and scandalous details which appease them hunger for gossip.

When "Thriller" album broke all records and became the best-selling album in history, when he won eight Grammys in one night, they began to call him "*****", they begun to say he's a "girl" or a "gay", they began to say he's everything.... everything could be sold. When he got sick of vitiligo, when full of spots he started to hide under layers of makeup in order to appear in the world with a picture worthy of an artist, when tormented he saw how his skin looks worse every day, they began to say he intentionally whiten his skin, he denies its roots, he is a frustrated which is ashamed of his color.

Suffering for a childhood which he could not enjoy, as an adult, Michael always tried to return and relive the little joys of childhood. He created his own world at "Neverland Valley", where he lived life in a way that no one dreamed that it is possible. He loved children and animals more than anything, and preferred their company in lieu of all other. Their appreciations
mean for Michael more than anything. It started to become aware of their suffering and invest time and money (lot of money) to charity foundations. Much of the proceeds of his tours were intended for philanthropic actions. He visited sick children in hospitals, bringing them one last joy and, if it was possible, a bit of hope. I have to tell you that almost entirely proceeds of his first concert in Romania [1992 - Dangerous] remained in our orphanages.

Then came the jackals which prowl him continually to see what they can get on his back. A crook by profession (as was later learned), who accused Michael that he would molested his 13-year-old son. It was all the newspapers expected to fill whole pages of invented stories, one more odious as other. Falsely accused, satirized by press, humiliated by police investigations, left by 'friends', naive child into the adult body who has devoted much of his life and energy to help the sick and poor children, lived probably the biggest disappointment and drama of his life. We can only imagine what he went through, without even closer to reality. But we all saw his transformation and suffering that was read on his face. All these combined with stress and pressure which was submitted as public person, all these broke him. Having to repeat and to train daily for tours and recordings he had overcome his muscle pain specific to this kind of activities, with painkillers. Stress and fatigue have caused him insomnia. He became addicted to painkillers that have been prescribed for pain caused by scalp surgery recovery. But they don't let him rest and calm down, because he had to make money. His presence in public brought carts of money for many, therefore he should continue to be currently active. And they found the easiest solution: more drugs. Sedatives, analgesics, antidepressants.

But here is not the end. Disappointed, humiliated and hurt, Michael stood still and went further. But his smile full of life and warmth faded under mask of bitterness. His eyes became increasingly unhappy, and traces of suffering, fatigue, stress and disease have begun to invade his gentle and cheerful face. He never was that Michael in whose face you read the joy and hope, innocence and purity of child of his.

Then, came what we may call probably the biggest misery it could ever make to him. He was tempted to expose what he values so much - his privacy. And this happened under the pretext of showing the world confused by the many scandals around him, the real Michael Jackson, the man behind the Megastar. Yet confident in the goodness, kindness and understanding others, although he received many blows, Michael accepted Martin Bashir' proposal to do an interview to see everything, do not hide anything, to be exactly like him. How terrible he was wrong! And how that reporter knew - under the mask of compassion and understanding - to rummage in his heart and soul and then, to compile a set of misleading sequences to feed the appetite for news and cheap gossip of devourers. This can be seen in the entire "Living with Michael Jackson" documentary. But who wants to see yet in that interview, will see how Michael, opening his soul, responded honestly to all questions. He revealed us his little hidden joy - like the tree that he liked to climb to meditate - and we can see how sarcastic and quizzically Bashir treated him. He didn't even listen to the answers that mattered to Michael and for us who loved him, but he annoying insisted only what could have been misinterpreted so as to generate sensational gossip and news even while they were fake. And to remain on the tree example - do you remember? - when Michael told him how much he likes to climb trees, Bashir asks him "This is what you like most? For example, don't you prefer to make love instead to climb trees?" What is the connection between the two? And why would have to replace one another? Was much more interesting to interpret all that Michael would be parallel to what means a sexual relationship, than to see that Michael Jackson - the man, had as simple pleasures as we all. I think Bashir asked him for 100 times about how many plastic surgery he made and why his skin was so white, but didn't stop even one minute of MJ's response which said that he suffers from vitiligo. He presented only bits that Michael said " I am a black American and I am proud!" or "it was God's desire". What could sound more bizarre than that? But it was not strange if he had stopped to explain why he came here and especially how much suffering he caused. It was much more "commercial" to allow the public to perceive it as the most bizarre extravaganza. Not to add how twisted were presented relationships between Michael Jackson and children who came to visit him and his own children. But after the humiliating and outrageous documentary made by Martin Bachir, Michael has shown his own footage - "Take Two - The Footage You Were Never Meant To See". Here we saw Bashir who complimented Michael for what awesome dad he is and what incredible relationship has with his children, for the wonderful things he does for children who come to visit him, for spiritual quality of Neverland Ranch. Do you remember what Bashir said in his own documentary? He introduced Michael as an irresponsible father, as a strange figure who sit perched in a tree instead of sex, as someone who gather whole hordes of children to scare and traumatize them in a dangerous park only for his own amusement. Michael's former manager, Dieter Wiesner said: "Documentary by Martin Bashir in 2003 destroyed him. It killed him, it took a long time to die, but all it started that night. Previously, analgesics were a simple support, but afterwards it became a necessity. It helped him overcome each and every day and struggle with insomnia which bothering him at night."

After this new blow Michael was dragged into court again by the new crooks looking for money and fame. But this time, who lived a terrible nightmare was Michael weakest and more destroyed. It happened in one day, Michael Jackson asked to be accept the lack of court room due to medical care received for some terrible back pain. Judge not agreed and ordered him to appear within an hour. Then the whole world saw him brought to court directly from hospital in pajamas and slippers barely crawling his legs. So much rigor of the media to destroy Michael, not think I've ever seen up to this trial. A destroyed titan, Michael Jackson a pedophile, thrown in jail - this was everything they hungry expected. He was declared innocent on all ten counts, but what was the price? ...

[extract from "Michael Jackson Conspiracy" by Aphrodite Jones]

Why did they do that to a man who all his life he played only about love, about peace, about tolerance and reconciliation, about removing racial barriers, about beauty and purity, about how to heal the world, about how we can change something, about all that is beautiful in this world? Why did they do that to a man who gave himself to us, to our delight, for us to taste that we never ever tasted ... incredible performances, magic, unimaginable until then? All he asked in return when he got to the black despair, everything he wanted was privacy and the right to presumption of innocence, rights that we benefit by default without even asking them.

So, we could say that Michael Jackson was killed. And this did not a doctor or a pill administered elsewhere. And in any case was not self-destruct. Could not do that a man who loved life so much, who thought that he still had to give so much to the world and more than that, he had three minor children whom he adored. Michael was not killed by pills, he was first poisoned mentally. "Poisoning" him started long ago, it was slowly, ground and safe. He was poisoned in a world that was too small and too sneaky for him, a world where scandal is one that draws masses, a world where war is still a solution that brings money, a world where people are most useful if they are sick. But a world which he loved and thought he can save through his music, a world which he thought he can change through his dance. You will ask yourself maybe, why can be weeks, months after his physical disappearance and fans still cry when listening one of his songs? Why we still suffer? Why we wholeheartedly want to be a lie and he can return one day, so gentle smile again, and make the most incredible show that we ever can imagine? Do you know why? Because he entered deeply in our souls, because he gave us everything, because he exploited himself until to exhaustion, because he was not spared and worked until he dropped to give us new magic shows, master pieces or timeless songs, because he was not turn back when we offended him and we doubted, because he always returned more fascinating and more amazing for our delight, because he simply loved us with all his heart!

If you want to understand who was Michael Jackson and why we lost much more than an artist, just open your hearts and listen to his songs. Really listen to them! He said so many - I don't think there was another singer or songwriter who has so much love in his lyrics and who send us messages so deep. .... And then watch him performing. His body will speak to you for itself.... just listen ..........

“I like creating magic … when I say magic I mean wonderment, excitement, the unexpected, escapeism. Creating something that’s so incredible, an illusion. To put people in a situation, no matter what it may be, and give them totally the opposite or the unexpected, so much more then they thought would happen. I mean … just blow their mind” (Michael Jackson - 1983 Interview).