Who is this man?


Proud Member
Oct 15, 2009
I've seen him with MJ in quite a few videos, so does anyone know who he is?


I think that is Bill Bray.

Security guy since like the Jackson Five days..? He was with him a long time, I know that.. and MJ really cared for him. You know in PHM when MJ is saying 'Salvation Army tomorrow Bill' I think he's talking to him. He isn't alive anymore.


I think that is Bill Bray.

Security guy since like the Jackson Five days..? He was with him a long time, I know that.. and MJ really cared for him. You know in PHM when MJ is saying 'Salvation Army tomorrow Bill' I think he's talking to him. He isn't alive anymore.


I just got the chills when you said he isn't alive anymore. Seeing that picture just... wow...May the both rest in peace :(

I think that is Bill Bray.

Security guy since like the Jackson Five days..? He was with him a long time, I know that.. and MJ really cared for him. You know in PHM when MJ is saying 'Salvation Army tomorrow Bill' I think he's talking to him. He isn't alive anymore.

That's him. Great man and Michael liked it a lot.
So, he was his chief of security. He began working for the Jackson's in the 70's and retired in the mid-late 1990s. Though apparently he was still on Michael's payroll right until he died aged 80 in 2005.

Bill Bray, a former Los Angeles police officer who served as Michael Jackson’s longtime security chief and became a father figure to the onetime child star, has died at the age of 80.

Bray, who began working for the Jackson 5 in the early 1970s and was one of Jackson’s closest confidants until his retirement in the mid-1990s, died on Tuesday, the entertainer’s publicist, Raymone Bain, told Reuters.

“Michael is very, very, very saddened to learn of the passing of Bill Bray, who was a longtime friend and mentor to him and very trusted adviser to him,” Bain said.

She said Jackson, who has been living in Bahrain since winning an acquittal on child molestation charges in June, had spoken to members of Bray’s family by telephone.
Michael Jackson releases the following statement regarding the passing, this week, of his longtime friend, Mr. Bill Bray:

“ I am deeply saddened by the passing of my dear and longtime friend, Mr. Bill Bray.”
“ As I traveled throughout the world, Mr. Bray was there by my side. Bill Bray will forever have a special place in my heart.”
“ I send my love and heartfelt sympathy to the Bray family.”

Some reports say they hadn't seen each other for quite some years prior to Bill's death and as Bill had been sick before he died, MJ felt really guilty about it.
If thats true I don't know.

He was actually on the credits of the This Is It film as a 'thank you'.

Michael Jackson wanted to acknowledge the following individuals for their love, support and service over the years

MJJ Productions Family

  • Bill Bray
  • Gary Hearne
  • Wayne Nagin
  • Lee Tucker
  • Bob Alexander
  • Bruce Richards
  • Barbara McCart
  • Mike LaPerruque
  • Joe Wilcots
  • Dave Dave
  • Narcisse Neely
More pictures -


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I seem to remember a thread a while ago where a lot of members were discussing him. From what I hear he wasn't just a security guard, he was a true friend to Michael and very loyal over the years.
I seem to remember a thread a while ago where a lot of members were discussing him. From what I hear he wasn't just a security guard, he was a true friend to Michael and very loyal over the years.
Yes he was. All persons in the life of Michael should have followed the great example of loyalty Bill to Michael.

I never saw (I do not remember) anything about Bill exposing/say things about Michael's life.
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I seem to remember a thread a while ago where a lot of members were discussing him. From what I hear he wasn't just a security guard, he was a true friend to Michael and very loyal over the years.

Yeh he's been referred to as MJ's surrogate dad.
I have a great deal of respect towards him. He never betrayed Michael for money or anything.

that says a lot, in a good way. especially since i don't know who else easily comes to mind who is like that, for Michael.
It warms my heart to think that Michael had such wonderful people in his life.
Bill's an amazing guy. Was with Michael ever since he was a child and not once sold Michael out for money. I know Michael's performing pranks on him now like he always did!
Bill Bray loves Michael like his own son. He cared for him and he was with Michael for many years. He was good person. And Michael loved Bill.
RIP Bill.

The gentleman is Bill Bray who portray a second father to Michael and Head of Security. Bill was very loyal to Michael and took every secret except one to grave with him. Bill's body has been invade by cancer and strokes, lost his independency and remains in bed watching television. Bill did not have any compensation from working for Michael and he made due living in the best conditions Medicare and SSI could pay. Gail the wife of Bill, tried to contact Michael several of times and was unsuccessful. Michael did not have any correspondence for five years with Bill. Bill never complained or spoken an ill-word about Michael. Bill did reveal prior to passing that Michael did not have a grown child. Rest in peace Bill Bray.....

Here is the source of Bill Bray's Story.

I have never heard Michael or his family's side about Mr. Bray. At this point, it is what it is and nothing can change what had happen. The lesson I have learned I will never forget my true friends regardless of the crap or success in my life. The success and failures in my life can come & go, friends & people who leave this earth will not return. I am not going to miss my time with them. I will assist them as much as I can without putting myself in harm way (then I will not be good for her or him and me). I will always be true to who I am and to my friend.


The link for an article I had post in my previous post mentioned Michael had written about Bill Bray in MoonWalker. Michael had wrote eight sentences on the bottom of p. 245 & top p. 246. Four sentences on each page that is odd for a man who "I cannot imagine life without Bill..."

Michael wrote countless pages on the close relationship with John Blanco.

The first edition of MoonWalker did not say this...its funny how the same book can be written two different ways; Earlier by the Late Michael Jackson and Present - AfterWord by Shaye Areheart & Introduction Barry Gordy and the Late Michael Jackson

Bless, Mr. Bill Bray for protecting one of the intellectual, loving, respectful, talent, shy, eccentric, cute, etc, and thank you!