Who is this guy with MJ ( I'm wondering for over 4 years now )

It's Bill Bray...he was a close family friend and handled matters of security for them for years. He died right around the time of trial. I believe he worked in LAPD before that.


Michael did issue a public statement when Bray died in 2005 saying that he was saddened by the death and that Bill would always have a special place in his heart. Sources behind the scenes said that when told of Bray's death, Michael became "hysterical". This seems a bit strange since Bray was in declining health for years and Michael MUST have known about it. Maybe the guilt that he never tried to contact Bray just overwhelmed Michael in that moment?
With both Bill Bray AND Michael now gone, it's possible that someone in the know will put out the real story of what happened between them. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I doubt that Bill was forgotten by Michael at that time. -_-


...Michael did issue a public statement when Bray died in 2005 saying that he was saddened by the death and that Bill would always have a special place in his heart. Sources behind the scenes said that when told of Bray's death, Michael became "hysterical". This seems a bit strange since Bray was in declining health for years and Michael MUST have known about it. Maybe the guilt that he never tried to contact Bray just overwhelmed Michael in that moment?
With both Bill Bray AND Michael now gone, it's possible that someone in the know will put out the real story of what happened between them. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Well, if he knew him since he was 11 or 12- death does interesting things to people.
Regardless the circumstances, Michael wasn't a machine- why wouldn't he show a reaction to the death of somebody who once kept him safe? In a way it requires a minimum of trust into your guards- or you'll go insane.

When such person dies- something inside of Michael probably died right with Bill Bray, it's a part of your life.

How many of us were close to being hysterical (and still are walking through the world like on glass, that's about to slice us open all the way- because Michael died- who was and is a part of some many of us?
Yes, Bill was like a father figure he had been with MJ when he was a kid in J5. He used to carry Michael over his shoulder through crowds of screaming fans. Bill was also the one who tried comforting a young crying and scared MJ on a first flight on a plane. Poor Bill I remember seeing Bill with MJ over the years and wondered what happened. I heard they had a falling out, and Bill then retired. Im not sure if it was over MJ not wanting him to go or what. Im not sure about the REAL story. So much mystery when it comes to Michael. I know not too long after that MJ was accused etc...it's all just sad now looking back.

RIP Bill Bray