Who is the doctor that tried to resuscitate Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
We seem to put all our focus on Dr Conrad Murray and other management people around Michael but there has not been one word from the UCLA medical doctors who tried to resuscitate Michael. There have been no testimonies from nurses and the team of doctors who tried saving his life. They worked on trying to bring him back for over an hour, shouldnt they hold some information on what could have happened that day or what went on?

We've basically heard from everybody exept for them. Are they not allowed to speak about patients or in this case Michael Jackson? Its been so quiet and I havent heard a single word from them or who these doctors were. Why cant they come forward and tell us what happened that day?

I think they made an official statement on the day, but after that I don't think they speak.. for privacy. Obviously they will cooperate and give all their information to the police investigating, but I don't think they share it publicly because of privacy.

There are rumours about what went on but I don't know whats true or not and I don't think it'd be good for me to know details :(
They wouldn't know much. From what I've heard, he was already gone upon arrival. When patients are brought in at that point, it's the coroner who figures out what happened. My best friend died of an accidental prescription drug overdose, and it took weeks to find out the cause in that case too--in these types of cases there's no way for the doctor to even speculate on what went wrong. That's why all the initial reports simply said it was cardiac arrest.
I think they made an official statement on the day, but after that I don't think they speak.. for privacy. Obviously they will cooperate and give all their information to the police investigating, but I don't think they share it publicly because of privacy.

There are rumours about what went on but I don't know whats true or not and I don't think it'd be good for me to know details :(
as far as i am aware no doctor from the hospital gave an official statement,it was jermaine that gave the statement,and i sat up all night watching sky news.
they wont say anything publically. info is given to the police thats about it
these doctors are professionals and they won't share details about Michael with public because they respect a patient's privacy. thank god there are still people like that in the world. Klein should learn from them.

We've basically heard from everybody exept for them. Are they not allowed to speak about patients or in this case Michael Jackson? Its been so quiet and I havent heard a single word from them or who these doctors were. Why cant they come forward and tell us what happened that day?


Patient confidently laws prevent those for sharing that information, the info is given to the police for a investigation.
it is mentioned in the search warrant:

The paramedics began caringfor JACKSON and transported both MURRAY and JACKSON to UCLA Medical Center. Upon arrival,MURRAY met with Dr. R. COOPER, the physician in charge of the emergency department. MURRAYtold COOPER he had given JACKSON two separate 2mg doses of LORAZEPAM (ATIVAN), during thecourse of the night. COOPER and her team attempted to revive JACKSON with negative results.COOPER pronounced JACKSON's death at 1426 hours. MURRAY refused to sign the death certificate,and the Los Angeles Coroner's Office was summoned to the hospital.
It's not just out of respect for the Jacksons privacy.
The doctors and nurses just aren't allowed to say anything about a patiënt in public.
When you graduate as a nurse or doctor you have to sign a statement for that.

They aren't even allowed to give info to the police of the family doesn't want to.

I'm a nurse myself that's how I know that.
Klein needs to learn from these docs.

Melania, I'm so sorry for your loss :(
Thank you, indranee. You guys are so sweet. She loved MJ too and I hope she was able to connect with him wherever they are now. :)