Who is someone in the dark?


Proud Member
May 25, 2006
i feel like there already existed a thread about it, but i couldnt find it and dont remember the content lol
so who is someone in the dark?
god? stars? the moon? maybe a girl?
i hope you guys can help me :)
All alone, wishing on stars, waiting for you, to find me.

I think it's a "friend" or it could be a lover that he is referring to. It sounds as though he's trying to say that everyone has a life partner out there. I think he's also implying that a stranger can be your friend.

He wrote this song himself, didn't he? It's very well written. Love you Michael x
All alone, wishing on stars, waiting for you, to find me.

I think it's a "friend" or it could be a lover that he is referring to. It sounds as though he's trying to say that everyone has a life partner out there. I think he's also implying that a stranger can be your friend.

He wrote this song himself, didn't he? It's very well written. Love you Michael x

yes he did.
when i was younger i found this song a bit upsetting lol because i always misheard the lyrics and the part i understood was a stranger who.d be my friend. that was weird for me :p
He's singing about E.T., from Elliot's perspective. The song was written for the E.T. storybook album (which is great by the way).

Any of you who've never seen this, you really should check this out...MJTunes.com took video clips from the movie and overlayed the audio of the E.T. Storybook (MJ narrating it) It's called "E.T. : The Short Film":


Mods: If it's against the rules to post a link like that, please feel free to delete it. :)