who is it? what is it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey everyone. I love the video for "who is it" I want to more about the stroy behind this. Any quotes from MJ himself on the song would be awesome. I really want to more about this story and video. Thanks!!!!!
I always thought it was about falling in love with a prostitute. To her, he is just another "client" but to him she is true love, forbidden one because she is owned by pimps etc.

Not kidding ,btw.
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yeah...there is def. sex and exchange of money...but it must a really upscale prostitute...she changes here appearance and etc. What do you make of the cards..I know they are her alter-egos but what else could they mean?

we certainly see a simliar notion with "you rock my world" the HOT girl is forbidden because she is with those tough looking guys.

it also seems really organized for prostitution.

OHHHH OOOOOO and when he cruising around in the car he is looking for HER! ?>???
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I always thought it was about falling in love with a prostitute. To her, he is just another "client" but to him she is true love, forbidden one because she is owned by pimps etc.

Not kidding ,btw.
Thought the same.. :yes:
In the end she tried to get back to him, but couldn't, since MJ and his friend found out, and then his friend spills all these cards (her aliases and other names since being a prostitue) and so she couldn't get to mj since he went to the helicopter.. etc. Then she goes back to her bosses, one of them slaps her, and then there is her lying down upside down, everybody wiping her tears.. and Michael at the end of the video is seen there standing at another place just thinking & tries to move on.

So yea.. its' a kinna deep story. :mello: but there's is more to it though than what I typed..


EDIT: You can get a brief description about the video here. :lol:
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I don't understand either the that MJ's assitand throw out the cards to the woman. I :wub: the video I'd like to know how sincere the lyrics are
^ no, she's a working girl and she has all these different names for when she is with different clients. When Michael finds the card in the beginning, it says Alex so he thinks that she is cheating on him with someone named Alex. When he finds out about all the business cards and that Alex is actually one of her alias he leaves and then assistant tells her that he is gone and the business cards are how he found out about the business she was in. You understand what I am saying?
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i thought, the prostitute fells in love with him, too. Her bosses find out and send the cards to him because they want to end it and by that, keep her under control. That's why she is so sad and cries for him while the people she has to work for change her appearance for the next customer. She is a victim here... that's what the story tells me.
Somebody REALLY needs to ask Michael about revealing the years long mystery of this video...
okay, after seeing it again, i wonder whether she is in love... he found out about her multiple identities, he certainly thought she is just a lovely woman.

well, lets see what is in Wikipedia... anything clever?
shes a skank (lol) and considers mj another one of her "guys" he loves her but finds ut shes cheatin so hes demandin who it is..the ccards were all pf her fake names to clients im guessing..but what was with the lil milky face lol