Who is interested in organizing something big in NYC centre the day of the funeral..?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi everybody -these are just my humble thoughts, only asking for your own feedback and ideas on that:

Throughout the last days America has been shaken by a wave of unprecedented grief that can be felt everywhere. Still though we haven't seen this pain outpooring in public, -as for instance it happened in other cased of famous people dying over the last years. It's been mostly private and expressed through the web -because people have so far been in disbelief.
My hope was from the very beginning that we will see this expression of pain becoming public in a massive way, one of these days.. Not with music tributes necessarily, but with candles and prayer, -starting from my own New York city centre. Something like the outpooring of people in the streets there when Lenon died.

Is it possible to still arrange that? I thought the day of the funeral would be the most appropriate to take the step and come together expressing our grief in public. All of us -fans and simple sympathizers, older and younger. This is a man who left his mark in the lives of all.
Anyone interested to join in such an effort for the day of the funeral..? Let's all go to the center downtown (Time Square, Madisson Square Garden, or you name it), to watch, silently pray and accompany our man in his last trip.. Let's spread the word -through the web, to blogs, sites and friends about that. How's that?

If the streets close for a few hours by a crowd of all those that want to silently pray or pay tribute that day, it will be comforting for everyone, and -I think- the most powerful scene and strongest message in memory of Michael that we can leave to the generations to come..