Who is excited..

How can any fan not be? This is the biggest thing we've had since the release of Invincible...
What does it matter now.... I wanna be excited by the conecerts now, and then the release of the cocert in DVD...

It is better than nothign though. But this is the only thing that is left, what will happen after this is scary. It will be empty.
What does it matter now.... I wanna be excited by the conecerts now, and then the release of the cocert in DVD...

It is better than nothign though. But this is the only thing that is left, what will happen after this is scary. It will be empty.

I feel the same.I can"t wait to see this amazing movie(eventhough I will cry).So many mixed emotions.
OMG! Excited is not the right word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEP!! I can't ever remember being this excited about anything to be on the big screen.
I don't think I'm going to see it the first time with friends. I expect to be sniffling at points as I do now with the trailer, and I don't want any friends looking at me like the nut they already think I am for MJ.

I'll go with them on my 4th or 5th time seeing it!
I wouldd rather ask HOW CAN ANYONE BE EXCITED, especially fans???? I won't say anything more here, will keep it to myself...
I wouldd rather ask HOW CAN ANYONE BE EXCITED, especially fans???? I won't say anything more here, will keep it to myself...

Well I would rather be excited right now because I know that after I see the movie I'm going to be thinking for months "what is left." I'm trying to take a positive view on it for now because I don't think I can handle another depressive rampage in my life anymore.
im so excited! im nervous bout tix though i have nooo idea why. probs just b4 concert tix nervous u know. but im going to cryyy
Well I would rather be excited right now because I know that after I see the movie I'm going to be thinking for months "what is left." I'm trying to take a positive view on it for now because I don't think I can handle another depressive rampage in my life anymore.

i agree im going to cry either way, im excited to see what mj was creating and it'll make me excited seein him doing what he loved,but im still going to end up in tears
Who's excited? Me, me, me!

However I also know that I'm going to cry and then come Christmas, after watching the DVD I'll probably get quite bummed thinking this is it. The last truly new thing we'll ever see. Sure there will be previously unreleased things coming out over the years, but they'll all be from the past, from years past. Never from the same year again. Sorry, did I just depress everyone? It's just something I realized yesterday. :cry:
I know I am going to bawl like a little baby but I'm so excited to get that sneak peek of his amazing concert...that trailer was epic...I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I think Michael would want us all to be excited about this too - rather than sulk. It's still tough, and the situation is so heartbreaking - but damnit I'm gonna try my best to enjoy all that he left us.
Excited? More like devastated. I can barely listen to his songs let alone watch a 90 minute film about his last days on earth... :no:
I'm pretty sure they'll extend the film's exhibition in theaters for more than "two weeks only". I'll watch it more than once.
Hell yes, I'm excited to see it! This is the closest I'll EVER get to seeing him in concert. :(
very excited. I wish I can go to sleep and wake up and it would be already October 28th
I am very excited and hyped up about it. However, I think after I see it I will be depressed because there won't be much to look forward to after that, except the dvd release and maybe some unreleased songs. "This is It." :(
After the trailer and teasers I am very very excited!

Can't wait!
For me this is bigger than the premiere of Black Or White or something. This is really big! And also his amazing dancing puts it in the special category. I knew he can still dance but like THAT I really had no idea!