Who gets their 5 a day


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
2301 Jackson street , i know your jealous
:p Im thinking of having a salad wit Lettuce, Tomato, Mushroom, Sweetcorn and Pineapple andthat alone is my 5 a day but other than that innocent smoothies has 2 of your 5 a day

So im wondering do u guys have your 5 ;)
Haha good question! I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but over here the campaign is two fruits and five veg...
I try but don't succeed :lol: 2 fruits is totally fine, it just happens without looking for it because I like to eat them in between meals.
On the other hand, 5 vegetables is pretty hard for me lol I usually have 1 serve for lunch and 2 serves for dinner... therefore I'm 2 serves short! :bugeyed Hmm I could add one more into my lunch, but that's pushing it lol I like a protein-rich lunch to power through the day!
er not really. not much point in the uk. fruit and veg is about as healthy as a big mac over here
er not really. not much point in the uk. fruit and veg is about as healthy as a big mac over here

Lol, how is that possible? :scratch: You have so healthy big macs there? ;) :D

I could certainly do better with eating fruit and veg :smilerolleyes:
I have ok days, I have really good days, but I also have 0 days occasionally :bugeyed which kind of ruins the big picture for me :ermm:
As I have to take care of my son's health I must give him the right example, I very often have my 5 per day, so he also has - I must confess that if it wasn't for him, perhaps ... :blush: french food is so rich ... but it's so good :lol:
I get at least 5 a day, probably more, but I was brought up on a super healthy diet so it's been easy to stick to as an adult. I don't eat any meat apart from fish either :)