Who feels like I do that a Biography movie about MJ should be done by Big Movie Directors ?

Rachael Coles

Proud Member
Apr 12, 2012
East New York, Brooklyn
;D I know Spike Lee is did a Documentary on MJ's Bad 25th and He probabaly have back footage of TDCAU but who do you think out of all of the Big Hollywood Directors should do a True and Honest Biography Movie on him with all that happened in the beginning to his untimely death,Who would these directors get to tell the Honest truth about Michael and who would they get to want to make you throw tomatoes at the Movie Screen.What would be the Most memorable Statements by Michael and The People who loved him.Will This Movie included Unheard songs and Altered takes and Some concert footage we've never seen before ? Who was really important in his life ? Who did he admire,What did he ever wanted to be if he wasn't this big Pop star ? How was he coping with his illness.Who were the bad guys that he had trusted so much that he got burned several times ? Ect.. The reason I'm asking is because as you know Our Dear Marty(Who did The BAD VIDEO) has a couple of Emmy nods for His George Harrison Bio( HBO's Living in the material world,It's also on DVD,It's a Good DVD) and Oliver Stone has an Oscar for Kennedy and Others. I just want to know who would you all trust with this Special job because the real truth must be told the right way and not be Speculation or Lies or a Hoax that he is alive, if so the truth will comeout and He'll have a goodreason why he faked his death.Otherwise he's doing shows with others who passed before him for his God in heaven :yes:
I dont think there is any director that can do his life story with Justice and truth. I would choose Spike but he also would have to reply on 3rd party information. I dont think he would even want that resposibility. I dont believe accuracy is even possible becuase everyone has there own truth and story to tell. How would a director decide. If it ever is done I hope it is with the upmost respect - regardless if it is 100% accurate or not.
The thing about choosing a "Big Name" director, is that anything with huge stars attached would also need to make a huge profit to cover costs. What that usually means in MJ's case is that the movie would most likely have to rely on controversy and tabloid fodder. When you add to this the fact that MJ was very personally guarded as to who he was and in turn showed different sides to different people (with those knowing him the most intimately being deceased) it would be difficult to produce an accurate portrayal with all of its complexities. I think it will be a long time, when the man is separated from the myth, before an objective movie could be created. Therefore, the appropriate director is probably not even born yet. :)
I don't feel biography movie about Michaels life is needed at all.
I don't want a movie about him. Thing is biopics are usually not accurate portrayals of someone's life. Things can be sugarcoated or sensationalized in a movie - and usually are. In case of a dead person script writers and directors rely on third parties who may have their own agendas - and usually do. And in Michael Jackson's case an accurate portrayal is even more difficult than in most other people's. Also you have to condense his story in 2-2.5 hours - that's virtually impossible without being VERY superficial. So no, I hope it won't happen. I prefer documentaries like Spike which focus on one aspect of Michael's life and career at once.
i dont know why but i already see it happening...with the subtitle that includes words like eccentric & bizarre life, etc... you know, to attract more people, because that is just what they normally do.

i just hope it doesnt happen.
I don't want a movie about him. Thing is biopics are usually not accurate portrayals of someone's life. Things can be sugarcoated or sensationalized in a movie - and usually are. In case of a dead person script writers and directors rely on third parties who may have their own agendas - and usually do. And in Michael Jackson's case an accurate portrayal is even more difficult than in most other people's. Also you have to condense his story in 2-2.5 hours - that's virtually impossible without being VERY superficial. So no, I hope it won't happen. I prefer documentaries like Spike which focus on one aspect of Michael's life and career at once.

You've got a point in here. I've been wondering wouldn't it be a better idea to film a series of 10 or more 45-60 minutes parts, covering Michael's whole life with enough space to go into details and thus do him more justice? Shown on television at prime time it might get some huge exposure.