Who else procrastinates big time with homework by coming here?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have a massive project due tonight and I've been up almost all night the last few nights trying to finish it(and two other big assignments that were due last night). However, the ratio of actual time spent on homework versus Michael time is like 1:50. Why do I do this to myself?! I cannot focus on anything and now I'm desperately trying to do this project. I'm in graduate school and I'm supposed to be all responsible and stuff by now, but I can only concentrate for about 3 minutes before I can't control the urge to go back to something Michael-related. Argh, someone tell me I'm not the only one!
Lol, I have the same problem, but mine only differs in the fact that I own my own business, so I don't get much done between that & surfing the 'net not only in regards to Michael, but LMP, and my favorite sport & political boards. :)

But sometimes I just have to forcibly drag myself away from the internet & get work done!
Haha I'm very similar hehe.
Can't help myself at times! I find you gotta concentrate on one thing at a time. Don't multitask and have MSN open, MJJC open whilst trying to do homework. Exit everything and just focus on Mikey. I mean homework :p Play Michael in the background, that always helps me :)
I don't have homework to do, but there are probably a lot of productive things I should be doing instead...lol...It's just so much more fun to talk about Michael with you guys!!
I have the same problem!! I start of well and then I end up here and doing all Michael-related. lol!!
MJJC, Facebook and msn are my time wasters. It's bad in exam time!
We are in the same predicament...

I haven't slept yet... and I didn't even managed to finished my essay...

Woe me.. :(

I hate myself for procrastinating so much....
Same here, lol. I'm always here when I should be reading school stuff and doing homework. Yeah and same with facebook.
I have a massive project due tonight and I've been up almost all night the last few nights trying to finish it(and two other big assignments that were due last night). However, the ratio of actual time spent on homework versus Michael time is like 1:50. Why do I do this to myself?! I cannot focus on anything and now I'm desperately trying to do this project. I'm in graduate school and I'm supposed to be all responsible and stuff by now, but I can only concentrate for about 3 minutes before I can't control the urge to go back to something Michael-related. Argh, someone tell me I'm not the only one!

5 minutes on something else and HOURS ON MICHAEL.
Keep catching myself doing that, going back to some other stuff and 5 minutes later I am BACK IN MICHAEL'S WORLD.
so difficult to snap outta this and do my job!
I'm supposed to be reading a book on law & economics but instead I'm here. But it's like Ellen DeGeneres once said:

"Procrastinate people, while you still can." :D
I've solved the problem: this forum is actually part of my homework now!! As I do research on MJ fans, and as I am a huge MJ fan myself, its great!!!! :D :D :D although, I have to say, it is also very hard... I mean I dream about Michael so much, and then in the daytime I think about him all the time too... and then being on this forum... :'( but still it beats homework for math or anything.
ok, I'm a HUGE procrastionator..but only when it comes to school lol. I think it's cause I really don't like school at all- i'm ready to follow my dreams!!

But yeah, alot of the time I end up here..or anywhere to avoid school work! Speaking of- I have a quiz tomorrow that I haven't even started studying for :( SO glad I graduate in May!