Who do you think is the most over-rated in this poll

Who is the most over-rated band?

  • The Beatles

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • AC/DC

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • Led Zeppelin

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok the big 3 in term's of Over-rated Music is for me The Beatles,AC/DC & Led Zeppelin all bands completely suck If i had to chose one as the most Over-rated it would have to be Led Zeppelin there horrible.
Interesting thread.

I have tried getting into both Led and AC/DC recently, and I can't say either of them did anything for me.

I'm a big rock fan, but that kind of overblown stadium rock has aged terribly.
Interesting thread.

I have tried getting into both Led and AC/DC recently, and I can't say either of them did anything for me.

I'm a big rock fan, but that kind of overblown stadium rock has aged terribly.

I'm a huge Rock fan also but Can't understand the hype all 3 bands get, I have had all 3 bands Greatest Hit's CD's because I was curious about them but all 3 done nothing for me.
I'm a huge Rock fan also but Can't understand the hype all 3 bands get, I have had all 3 bands Greatest Hit's CD's because I was curious about them but all 3 done nothing for me.

I own Back In Black by AC/DC, as I heard it was supposed to be one of the all time great rock albums. I found it to be a bit too cheesy and Status Quo-esque for my liking.

I actually own about five Led Zep albums. I really like a few songs, particularly Black Dog and When The Levee Breaks, but as a whole, their albums left me cold. They didn't click with me the way I had hoped they would.

As for The Beatles, I appreciate them from a distance. I really love some of their later work. The early stuff is just juvenile pop nonsense, but then they were 18 when they first came out, so it's understandable.

I would say out of the three that AC/DC are the most overrated.
I'm gonna say AC/DC as I'm not familiar with their music, I used to like the Beatles but I think I'm bored of them now.
I would have added The Rolling Stones to the poll. Of those listed I'd say Led Zeppelin although I'd like to have more info.
The Beatles most definitly.

They have some nice songs but there more better rock bands I dont even consider them rock there more so "pop" than anything.
AC/DC. But i have to add to that Led Zeppelin, the greatest cover band ever.
I think such polls should be voted by people who lived at that time. Of course todays youth can't connect much to the music of this bands. Just like in ten years or like even now, some think MJ is over-rated. different era, different times and different people.
thats why "over-rated" is too overstated. Cause i'm sure most of you voted Beatles, because the whole 1 billion albums crap. And they are stated as "the Band" of popular music ever and their music is considered as classic/ever-green, without many of us to understand why.
i like some beatles songs, but can't get really into their music.