who believe the world will end in 2012


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey yall im lmojackson,
and i heard many rumors that the world will end in 2012,
i dont believe this rumor.
nobody knows when the world will end except

whatcha think oh this story.
well you can't stop illogic, so you gotta work with it: if it forces other people to get things done "knowing" that they'll no longer exist in three years time, then i'm all for it.

I believe that the world will end sooner than 2012.

Look at the way the world is these days and tell me if this is not a completle chaos.
Of course it can always became worst,but i would say that day-by-day,we are getting a bit near of a 3rd world war.
Maybe i am over reacting...i don't know...but it is what i often think when i read or see the news.
If I'm not mistaken, doesn't it say in the Bible that the world must go through 7 years of peace before the end of times comes? IMO no one knows when it's time, except God and Jesus Christ.

When it's time, it's time.
Actually the mayan calendar doesn't say the world will end in 2012, that's a complete misconception.
The thing with the mayan calendar is that it's divided into sections (three different ones to be exact) which complement each other, this makes it quite difficult to understand and leads to all kinds of confusion IMO.

OK, So the longest running one is called the 'long count', this 'long count' ends in 2012 and the mayans believed that when this time came it would be the end of an era or period; there would be a time of big changes and a consciousness shift in humanity... Then a new age would beggin.

I've read two books about this, and in no place the Mayans predicted anything like an armageddon, THAT was later added by different interpretations from different people.
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^^ Exactly. I've read that decendants of the Mayans are actually angry that people are interpreting the calendar as 'the end of the world.' They find it offensive.

Personally, I don't think the world will end, at least not in 2012. Look at the whole Y2K craze, where everyone thought the world would end at the turn of the millineum (spelling?) Well, nothing happened, and we're still here.

I think it's a big fuss over nothing.
the world ends tomorrow, I have insider sources who can confirm this
well, some people said the world would end in 2000 :p:p These prophets don't have a clue;) No, the world will not end in 2012;) It's always bullshit. Like the prophecy that Pope would die in 1995, and he died in 2005;) People try to famous making up stupid prophecies;)
They're not really 'Rumours' in the usual sense of the word.. :p
It's something to do with the Mayan Calendar predicting an apocalypse in 2012 that apparently a lot of people believe in.
I don't fully understand how it originates but http://abcnews.go.com/international/Story?id=5301284&page=1 article I found might help. :)[/QUOTE

so the mayan calendar predicting it.

who is those people?

and thanks for the 2 articles

I believe that the world will end sooner than 2012.

Look at the way the world is these days and tell me if this is not a completle chaos.
Of course it can always became worst,but i would say that day-by-day,we are getting a bit near of a 3rd world war.
Maybe i am over reacting...i don't know...but it is what i often think when i read or see the news.

omg u said sooner

well i need to have some kids now.............but im only 17 what the hell

u are scaying me

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't it say in the Bible that the world must go through 7 years of peace before the end of times comes? IMO no one knows when it's time, except God and Jesus Christ.

When it's time, it's time.

thats what i said at 1st

^^ Exactly. I've read that decendants of the Mayans are actually angry that people are interpreting the calendar as 'the end of the world.' They find it offensive.

Personally, I don't think the world will end, at least not in 2012. Look at the whole Y2K craze, where everyone thought the world would end at the turn of the millineum (spelling?) Well, nothing happened, and we're still here.

I think it's a big fuss over nothing.


Lol, the History Channel had this 100 hour documentary special on how we're all gonna die... and the thing was they had a way of making you believe what they said.
They were talking about a witch from pre-historic times casting a spell on "the 21st century generation" and I believed what they had to say.

By the end of that 100 hours, I was ready to go skydiving and climb the Eiffel Tower.
what makes u think that?

Because of all of the shows about armegeddon and the apocalypse. And I believe in what those people are saying is true. And then the one I really believe in is Nostradamus. Discovery Channel did this program about him a couple of years or so ago. And when he was a teenager he could see the future and stuff. So his predictions to me are true. And I also believe in the bible code and how the bible had predicted things that already came true.
I would love the be alive to witness the end of the world but realistically, the world is not going to end through any supernatural way like as described in the Bible. That's just silly. But if you think about the mega-powerful weapons controlled by the bumbling idiots who run the world governments, and then you think about how they also control the world trade and the most used currencies in the world, you start to think that the end of the world, brought on by humans, could very well come about in 2012.
Hmm well, let's see... I believe it was around the end of 1999 countless of people feared we wouldn't make it into the next century. But we're still walking the surface of this planet, last time I checked. And how often did we not hear on the news that people went living underground because they believed the planet would soon fade to exist?

Quite frankly I don't think it will do us any good to worry about the end of the earth. When it happens noone will be able to stop it, so why not just enjoy your life while you still can! :)
My world will not last this long anymore. The love of my life is dying.
I'm wondering if I'll be able to find a new world, if I'll be able to love my life again. It scares me... but I'm willing to try if it's meant for me.
My world will not last this long anymore. The love of my life is dying.
I'm wondering if I'll be able to find a new world, if I'll be able to love my life again. It scares me... but I'm willing to try if it's meant for me.


I can't imagine how you must be feeling...just the thought...omg no...please.
You are not alone.you have friends that are willing to do everything for you.
I'm here for you.i always was,i always will.
I pray that you can you have strengh,courage,faith,to be able to deal with this nightmare you are living.
Take care my sis.
God Bless you and bf

I can't imagine how you must be feeling...just the thought...omg no...please.
You are not alone.you have friends that are willing to do everything for you.
I'm here for you.i always was,i always will.
I pray that you can you have strengh,courage,faith,to be able to deal with this nightmare you are living.
Take care my sis.
God Bless you and bf
It's not a nightmare. It's very real.
Don't get me wrong.
It's the life I chose and want to live. Nobody is forcing me.
It's not a nightmare. It's very real.
Don't get me wrong.
It's the life I chose and want to live. Nobody is forcing me.

I know you are doing this because you chose so.still it is for sure very painfull and hard to deal with.You and your bf are in my prayers my sis.HUGS
I hope not I turn 21 that year.

I have big plans!

Oh and we just got a new house. If it gets damaged by balls of fire or whatever, my mum will be really annoyed and take my PS3 away from me. :\