who are Hoefflin and Klein? or is this taboo to speak about them?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi, guys. I have read about a program called "All Access - Skin Deep", and I was inspired by it. Some sources say it showed interview with Hoefflin, the other sources say that MJ related parts were cut. Where is the truth? Have anybody seen it? Or is it taboo here to talk about this TV program? Where can I read about Hoefflin and Klein more? (I mean really reliable and objective sources)? Or should I browse through tabloid trash?
I hope I didn't break any rule.
hoeflin is a plastic surgeon whos worked on just about everyone in hollywood. loads of stars have used him over the years hes pretty well known.. klien is mjs dermotoloigist who looks after his vitilgo and supposedly diagnosed that and another illness on mj in the 80's
wow i did a google search on Hoefflin and um...not good at all. lol klien is who deb used to work for and has been mj's dr for yrs.
wow i did a google search on Hoefflin and um...not good at all. lol klien is who deb used to work for and has been mj's dr for yrs.

there were public allegations made that Dr. Hoefflin had exposed, fondled and ridiculed some of his famous patients while they were on the operating table, charges which the doctor vehemently denied, and which he said was the work of a disgruntled, jealous former business partner. In July of 1998, he filed a lawsuit charging fraud and defamation against those four ex-employees accusing him. The accusations were not made by any of the doctor's celebrity patients, some of whom immediately rallied to his defense. A subsequent investigation by the California Medical Board cleared him of the charges.
there were public allegations made that Dr. Hoefflin had exposed, fondled and ridiculed some of his famous patients while they were on the operating table, charges which the doctor vehemently denied, and which he said was the work of a disgruntled, jealous former business partner. In July of 1998, he filed a lawsuit charging fraud and defamation against those four ex-employees accusing him. The accusations were not made by any of the doctor's celebrity patients, some of whom immediately rallied to his defense. A subsequent investigation by the California Medical Board cleared him of the charges.

Thanks for that info. I have probably seen the article about Michael with respect to these charges. It was a long time ago when I was first learning about Michael during the trial. It was very nasty and I chose to ignore it, although the idea that it even might be true made me sad and angry for Michael. I am glad to have it cleared up for me and know it wasn't true.

So that is one more nasty rumor that can go in the trash. Too bad that crap is still out there (as it sounds like it is from Soso's post.)
yea. i didn't know who he was. t hey even said he didn't want to admit he was mj's doctor. but if he was so bad to mike, i doubt liz and mj would have continued to employ him or at least not speak out about him.
Wasn't Dr. Hoefflin the Doctor that treated Michael at the Brothman burn center when his hair caught on fire filming the Pepsi commercial with his brothers back in the 80"s.
Alls I know is Hoefflin is the surgeon, and I assume alot of other ppls. ^^^and yeah, i think so
Dr. Hoefflin was MJ's plastic surgeon up until 1993...Apparently, he refused to do any more work on Mike :mello:

I didnt see any statement where he refused to do work on MJ -
He normally doesnt make any statements about his clients

Do you have a link or source for that date and statement you made ?
I didnt see any statement where he refused to do work on MJ -
He normally doesnt make any statements about his clients

Do you have a link or source for that date and statement you made ?

A UK produced documentary called "Michael Jackson's Face"...yes, it's very negative lol, but a lot of true facts are included...I believe it aired in 2002. I have it on VHS somewhere :)
I have the MJ's Face too.

Don't like it at all! Way too negative!
Dr. Hoefflin was MJ's plastic surgeon up until 1993...Apparently, he refused to do any more work on Mike :mello:
talk about pot and kettle lol who does he think did all the surgeries to get to the point where he wont do anymore
i guess the $ was more important back then. maybe mj found someone else and dropped him lol.because by him saying what hes saying it hardly makes him look good as a doctor.
Wow, I didn't know who Hoefflin was. You learn something new every day
hoefflin the one who screwed up MJs face. Klein the one who screwed up his skin

LOL just j/k aight??? good..
Steve hoefflin's pictures with MJ.
