Whitney Houston Tribute To MJ in Brisbane 2010


As some of you may already know, Whitney Houston has been paying tribute to MJ on her recent tour and she has done so again in a concert in Brisbane, Australia. Two of the This Is It dancers are on stage with her. Did'nt see this info posted anywhere else so if it has'nt here you go.


I so love her for doing this, she has done it in several shows now.:wub:

Oh, here she is again in Seoul, Korea Feb. 7th.....


and Moscow.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCMkzcO2Syw

and St. Petersberg, Dec. 12........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhbFo6NUdVQ

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Oh my goodness, I'm seeing her next month, wonder if she'll do it then.
i always felt she loved Michael. and when parting from Bobby Brown, it freed her up to express her true self..

now she doesn't feel she has to do 'my perogative' in concert or somn..
and now that MJ is gone..there's doubly no way Bobby Brown could protest such tributes...

..anyway...that's just IMO

certainly a nice tribute she's doing.
She started singing WBSS? Awesome. Lasy I checked, it was just the band performing. I laughed at her doing the hop/skip move. That was cute.
Oh yes, Whitney loves her some Michael! And Mike loved her too. They were good friends. I enjoy her tribute (s) to MJ. Very nice and heartfelt. Thank u for posting!
I've heard that her shows are really good...... but I'm dissapointed in the press here in Australia, they've been totally trashing her shows, saying people walked out and she was out of breath and singing really badly...... yet every person who i've seen on facebook that saw her in Sydney and Brisey said the show was really good. They tend to trash a lot of artists concerts here.... I have no idea why :unsure:
I love that she's doing the MJ tribute :wub:
When Whitney wants to she can sing brilliantly live, but when she doesn't want to, she can be awful. I have seen many of her live performances where she doesn't actually sing her songs but starts SPEAKING them. It's totally disappointing when you pay to see her live.
^ That's true, I wonder why she does that? She has such an incredible voice!
Oh how wonderful. I love Whitney. It's so great for her to do this. I already saw a videos and I love it. Thanks for posting.

Oh my goodness, I'm seeing her next month, wonder if she'll do it then.

I hope so! Let us know how it is. :)
The voice looks like, too.
This person is also wonderful.