Whitney Houston - Live in London - Loved it!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, England
Hey all :)

I went to see Whitney Houston last night at The O2 Arena and after hearing a lot of bad reviews I was really nervous about how the night was gonna turn out, after paying £100 a ticket I really didn't wanna be dissapointed!!!! I took my mum and boyfriend, it was a birthday present for me mum :)

Her opening song was amazing, in my opinion it was her best performance of the night. I've got a clip up on my youtube page...

For The Lovers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJlXqIEhQas

She sang old time favourites....My Love Is Your Love, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, It's Not Right But It's OK & How Will I Know. The crowd were reallu enjoying themselves, dancing and singing along It was a fantastic atmosphere!!

I think it took a lot of guts for her to come out and deliver how she did, after sooo many bad reviews and bad press, I think she did really well. OK, she couldn't hit her high notes like she use to but I really enjoyed myself and I realy don't think she was as terrible as people were making out she was :)

Of course she isn't the Whitney she was 20 years ago but she still has it and I still love her :)

Did anyone from here go to see her live? Or know of anyone that did?

If anyones interested I've got a couple more vids on youtube....

My Love Is Your Love - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgcekEHPAVs

A Medley that I put together - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydpEPyziwOc


Love Anna
She played over here in Ireland last week and the papers were full of reports over how bad she was and in fairness i seen some of the youtube videos and she was pretty awful. Her voice is gone and she kept fixing herself up and putting on makeup plus she was stoping in the middle of songs and talking but nobody seemed to be able to make out what she was saying. Word of how bad the tour was had spread here in the week before she arrived which left fans ringing up the radio show to complain that she was still going ahead with the tour, they wanted her to cancel so they could get a refund.
She's getting a lot of bad press lately, that's true. But I think it's different when you see it on tv (and those are usually the worst exerpts of any given show, moments where she buggered up spectacularly - doesn't mean the whole show was like that) and an entirely different thing when you're actually THERE. I'm not a huge Whitney fan, but I can't stand the bashing she's getting. Yes, her singing is bad, and she is deffinitely not what she used to be, but she is trying to give something back to those fans that have supported her through the hard times, and to be bashed like that... I feel very sorry for her.

To OP - glad you enjoyed yourself. :)
She's getting a lot of bad press lately, that's true. But I think it's different when you see it on tv (and those are usually the worst exerpts of any given show, moments where she buggered up spectacularly - doesn't mean the whole show was like that) and an entirely different thing when you're actually THERE. I'm not a huge Whitney fan, but I can't stand the bashing she's getting. Yes, her singing is bad, and she is deffinitely not what she used to be, but she is trying to give something back to those fans that have supported her through the hard times, and to be bashed like that... I feel very sorry for her.

To OP - glad you enjoyed yourself. :)

blue_eyed_belle's post of the week goes to...! :) I wholly agree with you, Whitney may have 'lost it' a bit in terms of her talent, but she's still quite a bit better than quite a few artists out there too!
Thanks ObsessedaboutMJ for the review! :flowers:
I will go to her concert in Belgium the 24th of May! I'm really looking forward to it! :wild:
But I have to admit I started to get a little nervous after reading all the bad reviews... :(
I don't know if she's good or bad (the reviews are conflicting) but I feel sorry for her and I'm also kind of worried for her. I hope she can get her act together - physically, mentally. I hate to see the media tearing her apart! I'm disgusted by it. So go Whitney!
Its good to know she is doing better, after what the press have been saying about her Manchester shows, I was thinking this was going to be humiliating for her. (I watched an amature video and I Will Always Love You sounded horibble, I hate to say it). It doesn't look good for her right now :worried:
She was apparently high on drugs on her X factor performance last year (after watching her performance I may have to agree :(), then she was amazing at the AMA's, then the Manchester shows and now she put on a good show in London, its a rollarcoaster. I hope it all turns out right for her
At first i felt sorry for her but then when i thought about it i lost all sympathy. it is obvious she isn't up for it and her voice isn't fit for it so the fair thing to do would be to cancel her tour and take a couple of years and sort herself out but instead she has continued and fans who have payed 100 euro are seeing by most reports an awful show. It just isn't right that they know before the show that she isn't capable and yet they have no way of getting a refund. I have watched a few more videos and read a few more reviews and i just can't believe how blind some fans are, most of the video's show her slaughter her own songs yet below then you will read comment from people saying how great it was. I hope as a Michael fan i have never been like this and will be honest about what i am seeing.
I saw her in Birmingham, Nottingham and London

Her head voice (high notes) were amazing in Birmingham....Her Show in Nottingham was best so far on her whole NBL tour - her voice was consistant throughtout and her chest belts were brilliant.
I saw her Monday night at the o2 and she was clearlly suffering a bit (lots of coughing) but she still gave her all! and she has the stage presence that only MJ also had, she can make a concert feel like shes singing just for you.

Her tribute to MJ was nice as always! she has mad love for him!
Thanks ObsessedaboutMJ for the review! :flowers:
I will go to her concert in Belgium the 24th of May! I'm really looking forward to it! :wild:
But I have to admit I started to get a little nervous after reading all the bad reviews... :(
Your welcome :) I hope you have a lovely time in Belgium :) I'd love to read a review from you too! I was nervous about going after reading all the reviews too but I really enjoyed myself.

I don't know if she's good or bad (the reviews are conflicting) but I feel sorry for her and I'm also kind of worried for her. I hope she can get her act together - physically, mentally. I hate to see the media tearing her apart! I'm disgusted by it. So go Whitney!

Yeah I hate to see the media tearing her apart too, she wasn't terrible. There were parts where you can hear the "old whitney" singing, it's just she couldnt hit the high notes. It's sad cos I think shes amazing!!!

I saw her in Birmingham, Nottingham and London

Her head voice (high notes) were amazing in Birmingham....Her Show in Nottingham was best so far on her whole NBL tour - her voice was consistant throughtout and her chest belts were brilliant.
I saw her Monday night at the o2 and she was clearlly suffering a bit (lots of coughing) but she still gave her all! and she has the stage presence that only MJ also had, she can make a concert feel like shes singing just for you.

Her tribute to MJ was nice as always! she has mad love for him!

She can definately make a concert feel like shes singing just for you, her stage presence at the o2 was amazing. There were 2 guys sitting in the front row that weren't getting up to dance or anything, they looked bored and she bent down and goes "You two are just the coolest guys....sitting in the front row, trying to be cool.....get up and dance. Are you guys even having a good time?" and the whole audience were just laughing, it was so funny. Then when she sang "I Wanna Dance With Somebdoy" they finally got up and they were singing and dancing and at the end of the song she goes "Yay, they're finally up and dancing!!!!" :)
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Hey all :)

I went to see Whitney Houston last night at The O2 Arena and after hearing a lot of bad reviews I was really nervous about how the night was gonna turn out, after paying £100 a ticket I really didn't wanna be dissapointed!!!! I took my mum and boyfriend, it was a birthday present for me mum :)

Her opening song was amazing, in my opinion it was her best performance of the night. I've got a clip up on my youtube page...

For The Lovers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJlXqIEhQas

She sang old time favourites....My Love Is Your Love, I Wanna Dance With Somebody, It's Not Right But It's OK & How Will I Know. The crowd were reallu enjoying themselves, dancing and singing along It was a fantastic atmosphere!!

I think it took a lot of guts for her to come out and deliver how she did, after sooo many bad reviews and bad press, I think she did really well. OK, she couldn't hit her high notes like she use to but I really enjoyed myself and I realy don't think she was as terrible as people were making out she was :)

Of course she isn't the Whitney she was 20 years ago but she still has it and I still love her :)

Did anyone from here go to see her live? Or know of anyone that did?

If anyones interested I've got a couple more vids on youtube....

My Love Is Your Love - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgcekEHPAVs

A Medley that I put together - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydpEPyziwOc


Love Anna

Thank you Anna for the review. I'm glad to hear her performances was good and that they are getting better. I told a co-worker that if she tours the U.S. we've got to go see her, but I was really worried after hearing the horrible reviews.

By the way, how are people getting video of these concerts? I thought you couldn't bring a camera to a concert. Unless its cell phone videos...:scratch:

hows she looking? healthy? not skinny

I saw some pretty recent pics of her and she is not skinny. She actually looks like she has gained weight. I'll look for them and post them.

I don't know if she's good or bad (the reviews are conflicting) but I feel sorry for her and I'm also kind of worried for her. I hope she can get her act together - physically, mentally. I hate to see the media tearing her apart! I'm disgusted by it. So go Whitney!

Agreed. The media is delighting in trying to tear her apart.

I saw her in Birmingham, Nottingham and London

Her head voice (high notes) were amazing in Birmingham....Her Show in Nottingham was best so far on her whole NBL tour - her voice was consistant throughtout and her chest belts were brilliant.
I saw her Monday night at the o2 and she was clearlly suffering a bit (lots of coughing) but she still gave her all! and she has the stage presence that only MJ also had, she can make a concert feel like shes singing just for you.

Her tribute to MJ was nice as always! she has mad love for him!

Thanks as well for your review.

She can definately make a concert feel like shes singing just for you, her stage presence at the o2 was amazing. There were 2 guys sitting in the front row that weren't getting up to dance or anything, they looked bored and she bent down and goes "You two are just the coolest guys....sitting in the front row, trying to be cool.....get up and dance. Are you guys even having a good time?" and the whole audience were just laughing, it was so funny. Then when she sang "I Wanna Dance With Somebdoy" they finally got up and they were singing and dancing and at the end of the song she goes "Yay, they're finally up and dancing!!!!" :)

:lol: How cute! Thanks for sharing that too.
i have tickets for the concert in germany, oberhausen, on may 26th. i bought the tickets as a gift for my bf, we both like whitney a lot.

but after seeing a lot of clips on youtube, i feel a bit betrayed. the tickets were soo expensive and look what you get?

but i must say that i saw a clip of I will always love you on youtube from dublin and it was nice. much better than the previous shows. so i hope she will make the concert somehow...
She takes a 2min break before hitting the big note (which is still several octaves lower than originally) for "I Will Always Love You".
My workmate went to the O2 concert on Monday and said that there were some moments when she clearly struggled, took long time-outs or didn't sing the whole song, but that there were some other moments of brilliance. Overall she said she felt kind of sad for Whitney... I watched a couple of youtube videos from the 25th and I didn't think they sounded at all as bad as the reviews made out. Plus, got to give her credit for singing live.

I really hope she manages to turn things around, I have so much admiration for her voice and it would be horrible if this tour ended up killing her career...
I will be going to see her in Manchester June 16th, my show orginally for April 8th was postponed on the day of the concert so was kinda disapointed. I hope she makes it up to us :)
Thank you Anna for the review. I'm glad to hear her performances was good and that they are getting better. I told a co-worker that if she tours the U.S. we've got to go see her, but I was really worried after hearing the horrible reviews.

By the way, how are people getting video of these concerts? I thought you couldn't bring a camera to a concert. Unless its cell phone videos...:scratch:

I saw some pretty recent pics of her and she is not skinny. She actually looks like she has gained weight. I'll look for them and post them.

:lol: How cute! Thanks for sharing that too.

Your welcome :) Yeah I would recommend it, it was a good concert, not the best in the world but it was really nice to be there and be part of a Whitney concert :)

Your right, your not allowed to film the concert but my camera has a video function as well, I just switched it to video mode and recorded as many clips as I could. Security kept telling me off but I didn't care :lol:

Yep she has gained weight, she looks healthy though.

My workmate went to the O2 concert on Monday and said that there were some moments when she clearly struggled, took long time-outs or didn't sing the whole song, but that there were some other moments of brilliance. Overall she said she felt kind of sad for Whitney... I watched a couple of youtube videos from the 25th and I didn't think they sounded at all as bad as the reviews made out. Plus, got to give her credit for singing live.

I really hope she manages to turn things around, I have so much admiration for her voice
and it would be horrible if this tour ended up killing her career...

Yeah gotta definately give her credit for singing live. After all the bad reviews, she could have just mimmed the rest of the concerts but shes still singing live and shes not doing a terrible job, she just struggles with the high notes but shes still doing well :)

I will be going to see her in Manchester June 16th, my show orginally for April 8th was postponed on the day of the concert so was kinda disapointed. I hope she makes it up to us :)

Enjoy the show!!! Sing along and get up and dance, you'll have a great time :)
I saw a video on YT yesterday from the Victory Tour in which Michael talked to a man in the audience telling him he wanted the man to show the people around him that he can dance. You're comment about 2 guys at Whitney's concert sounds like a similar incident :)

Your welcome :) I hope you have a lovely time in Belgium :) I'd love to read a review from you too! I was nervous about going after reading all the reviews too but I really enjoyed myself.

Yeah I hate to see the media tearing her apart too, she was terrible. There were parts where you can hear the "old whitney" singing, it's just she couldnt hit the high notes. It's sad cos I think shes amazing!!!

She can definately make a concert feel like shes singing just for you, her stage presence at the o2 was amazing. There were 2 guys sitting in the front row that weren't getting up to dance or anything, they looked bored and she bent down and goes "You two are just the coolest guys....sitting in the front row, trying to be cool.....get up and dance. Are you guys even having a good time?" and the whole audience were just laughing, it was so funny. Then when she sang "I Wanna Dance With Somebdoy" they finally got up and they were singing and dancing and at the end of the song she goes "Yay, they're finally up and dancing!!!!" :)
I saw a video on YT yesterday from the Victory Tour in which Michael talked to a man in the audience telling him he wanted the man to show the people around him that he can dance. You're comment about 2 guys at Whitney's concert sounds like a similar incident :)

Aww yeah sounds very similar :) :)