While i was at the mall =(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello guys

Just wanna say somthing i went throw tonight at the mall ..

While i was shopping with my mom at the mall's supermarket, I've heard a loud noise coming from somewhere, it was very familiar to me, when i went there, exactly at the electronic store, where there you see lot of TV's different sizes and brands, they were showing in all the screens Michael Jackson's Bucharest concert =( that was a big shock, lot of people in all ages where standing there looking at him, i swear god, its like a big shock, Here in kuwait there are no fans, they don't like michael at all, i am serious, "NO FANS" they just don't like English music, we speak arabic" i was shocked, but the most importantly, i was like having pain in my heart, can you feel it ? reall pain in my heart, while hearing the loud jam music, please guys i can't live without michael, I've always believed that i should get over it, and i have dealt with most of stuff, but for me with michael can't, i don't know what to say but my heart is hurting me, im not expressing a feeling, its a physical thing, im really hurting =(
Aww MusaedJackson it is going to be alright, we are all here for you! :) I know its really hard to take in but Michael would want us to keep him alive through his wonderful music. Stick with it and you will feel better in no time! Feel free to talk in this thread about what you are feeling. Itl be alright :)
I'm sorry you feel this way... Sometimes emotional pain can manifest physical symptoms as well. It's still too early for you in the grieving process...
Take some pleasure from the fact that there are more fans now generated in your country. :) And please believe that Michael is doing ok on the other side! We have to be patient now until our day comes.
:better: I'm glad you came here and shared your experience with us. We can't make the pain go away but we can support you through it!!
I am not sad that there are no fans, I really don't care, but am really hurting, i can't accept the fact that MJ passed away, whenever i remmber him, i really get so much pain, MJ's stuff is everywhere, i just can't :((((
:better: I'm glad you came here and shared your experience with us. We can't make the pain go away but we can support you through it!!

I really love you guys, your just like my brothers and sisters, i really do
I really love you guys, your just like my brothers and sisters, i really do

Thank you for saying that :) My best advice at the moment would be to think of what Michael would want. Dont do anything unnecessary and try to stay positive. We are always here if you need us ;)
where there you see lot of TV's different sizes and brands, they were showing in all the screens Michael Jackson's Bucharest concert

You know, I had the exact same thing happen to me on Sunday. There was a new electronic store in Macarthur Square we just had to go take a look in...and I had been doing just fine that day, and I came around to where those big HDTVs were and he was on every damned screen, dancing his ass off, music going....

I gasped, and then almost cried right there. I had to ball my fists up and clamp my mouth shut to keep from sobbing. I know exactly what you mean, the hurt is like....really really strong when it hits you that way. It's literally physically painful and I just hate it so much.

If I could give you a huge hug right now I would. I'm so thankful, that all of us, have this wonderful board to come to - and feel just a little less alone in dealing with all this.

I understand I think. I was in HMV and there was Michael stuff everywhere! Displays with little tvs that had videos playing, books, t-shirts, posters, calendars, cds, dvds. Seeing it all there I just went all hot and dizzy. I didn't like seeing it all there, I don't know why but it made me feel ill! I just couldn't bare it and had to leave - my friends didn't know what was wrong, i didn't tell them. I thought I was over the pain.. i dont know what happened.